Having a male friend is fun, but have you ever wondered what exactly he feels about you? Signs he cares more than you think are always right there in front of you but sometimes even the most careful person isn’t able to identify them. It may be because you never expected your relationship to be something more than friendship or maybe even when you wanted it, you never thought they would reciprocate your feelings.
My friend’s confession that he had feelings for me came as a shocker. I always thought of him as my buddy – a confidant, who was always there by my side no matter what. But the fact that he wanted to be something more than a friend left me speechless.
Signs someone cares about you as something more than a friend are not always easy to identify. I am sure many of you might have had a similar experience. And one of the reasons why we overlook the feelings others have for us might be because we never notice the subtle signs that tell how much they care about us.
15 Signs He Cares More Than You Think
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Sometimes even if you have a hint about how they feel, you might feel awkward taking things forward before being sure of what they exactly think of you. If you are wondering ‘what are signs a guy cares about you?” then I suggest you keep reading. To help you get over that awkwardness and to know what exactly you mean to him, here is a list of top 15 signs he cares more than you think to look out for.
1. He doesn’t mind making sacrifices
Everyone has a different love language. And sacrificing your wishes and wants just to see someone smile can be one of the most obvious ones. Men might not always be the best communicators and this might confuse women sometimes. They say one thing and do the exact opposite of it.
Signs he cares more than he says are hidden in his actions and often women keep searching them in their words. If you see your guy skipping his weekly dinner with friends just to spend some time with you, then maybe it is one of the first 15 signs he cares more than you think.
2. He appreciates – even the little things
One of the signs he cares deeply about you more than a friend, might be his way of conveying how much he appreciates you in his life. If your guy notices even the slightest of change in you or in the way you look or dress, then that shows how attentive he is to you and your needs.
If he takes out time to let you know the details of how much you have grown as a person since he first met you, or randomly mentions how beautiful you looked in your little black dress the other day, then maybe they are signs he cares about you more than you think.
3. He never lies to you
How honest my best friend was to me is something that I always admired. If your guy never lies to you,even when sometimes he knows that the truth can create problems, then trust me it is one of the most obvious signs he cares more than he says. No matter what stupid fights you both have had, if he still comes clean and tells you the truth that may even upset you, then it clearly is one of the elements of respect and means that he values your presence.
His honesty in your relationship is a clear indication that he wants his relationship with you to be strong and trustworthy. Out of all the 15 signs he cares more than you think, this one is kind of the most silent sign of his love.
Related Reading: 29 Signs He Cares Deeply About You
4. He respects your boundaries
If a man cares about you, then it is obvious that he’ll care about your freedom and happiness. Signs he cares more than you think are visible in the way he reacts to your choices and decisions in life. The way he reacts to your personal boundaries reflects how much he respects you.
If he constantly tries to manipulate you into redefining your meaning of healthy boundaries in a relationship or tries to micromanage your life, then maybe he is someone you should stay away from. If a guy truly cares for you and understands you, he will know what your personal boundaries are and when exactly he is transgressing them. He will never second guess you and make sure you feel comfortable with your choices in life.
5. He plans surprises
One of my friends, Rita, called me up to tell how his best friend arranged the perfect birthday surprise for her. Planning a surprise party for friends on their birthday is nothing new. But if you feel that your guy puts in great effort to make you feel special on a regular basis, then this might be one of the signs he cares more than you think.
If you notice your guy taking out time to plan surprises, holidays, weekend getaways, or a get-together with the people you love, then it shows how much he cares about you. The detailed planning that goes into surprises like these reflect his knowledge about your likes and dislikes. Similarly, if he loves to shower you with gifts, especially with things that you like or always wanted to have, then this might be one of the 15 signs he cares more than you think.
6. He takes an initiative to end the conflict
Knowing what are signs that a guy cares about you is as important as knowing the signs that he doesn’t care about you anymore. If a guy takes up the initiative to end a conflict then it means that he values your presence in his life. Because at the end of the day, communication problems can ruin any relationship.
On the other hand if he continuously talks about ending his relationship with you after a fight or even the slightest inconvenience, then maybe he is not that into you after all. If he cares enough to accept his mistake or communicate what you did wrong to save the relationship, then it is a good sign. Because if he is willing to work through any problem without giving up on you, then it is one of the sweetest signs he secretly cares about you.
7. He takes pride in introducing you and your achievements
Signs he cares more than you think are sometimes visible in the way he sees you as a person. If your guy is proud of you and your achievements, then it clearly shows how much he respects you and your efforts. The fact that he feels happy, instead of jealous or competitive is one of the signs he secretly cares about you even though sometimes he doesn’t show it.
Related Reading: 27 Ways To Know If A Guy Secretly Loves You, But Is Too Shy To Admit It
8. He values your opinions
Signs he cares deeply about you, more than a friend, are visible in the communications you two have. If your guy asks you for your opinion before making any big decisions, then it is a clear sign he cares about you. The fact that he took out the time to make sure you and he are on the same page or at least takes the effort to explain the reason behind why his choice is different than you speaks a lot about your place in his life.
Even if sometimes, the said decision does not affect you and he still makes sure you know about it clearly shows how much he values your opinion in his life. Also, this is an amazing sign that shows he knows how to respect a woman in a relationship.
9. You both are affectionate together
If your guy makes sure to hold your hands or even put his arm around you in public then it is definitely one of the 15 signs he cares more than you think. Simple physical touches like these releases oxytocin hormones that help two people to bond better. These actions simply show how much he cares about you and your bond with him.
10. Communication
Signs he secretly cares about you are sometimes hidden in the way your guy communicates with you. If he asks you a lot of questions, especially deep questions that might help him to get to know you better, then it is clear that he is not afraid of seeing every side of you.
If he makes sure to check in with you regularly and does not mind voicing what exactly about you is bothering him, then it clearly shows that he is comfortable communicating openly with you in this relationship.
11. He likes to see you happy
If you see your guy go to a great extent to get things done for you, then it might be considered as one of the 15 signs he cares more than you think. Taking up the initiative to help you get something you love or desire simply means he likes to see you smile. This is one of the purest forms of love and simplest signs he cares more than he says.
12. Talks about your future together
One of the prominent signs he cares more than he says is that he takes you into account while making decisions about his future. If not only your opinion, but the effect of the decision on your relationship with him becomes a major factor in his decision making process,then it is clear that he isn’t future faking and you are going to be an important part in his life even in the future.
13. He never takes you for granted
Just sitting by, wondering ‘what are signs that a guy cares about you’ is not enough. You have to observe the way he treats you. If your guy is ready to change or drop plans, then it may be one of the signs he cares more than you think. It simply means that he never feels like he does not have to put in any effort anymore.
No matter how long you both have known each other, he still feels that you are his priority. He feels it necessary to accommodate you, even in a busy schedule and prioritize your needs before anything else. Signs he is taking you for granted are important to analyse. If you are his priority, then it may mean that he is way more serious about you than you think.
Related Reading: 5 Odd Signs That He Loves You
14. Allows you to cry in front of him
Signs someone cares about you are often visible in the spectrum of emotions you have experienced with them. If your guy makes you feel comfortable opening up to him about your emotions, then it is clear that he believes that your relationship is a safe space.The fact that he can be emotionally available for you and is not afraid of exploring even the bad days together indicates that he wants to be there with you for the long run.
15. He knows your likes and dislikes and always try to take them into consideration
Signs he cares more than you think are hidden in the little things he does for you. If your guy takes effort to know your likes and dislikes and makes it imperative to take them into consideration every time, then it is clear he cares a lot about you.
While planning your birthday party, or a picnic, or a weekend dinner, if he makes sure your likes and dislikes are accommodated in the plan just like his, then it is clear that he cares deeply about you.
I hope these 15 signs help you in identifying if he cares more than you think. Identifying these signs might be the first step in acknowledging and building a new relationship that might be a step forward in your life. For more such interesting information and relationship advice, keep visiting us at bonobology.com.
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