5 Myths Associated With The Vagina That Need To Be Cleared

Great Sex | |
Updated On: February 13, 2024
vagina myths that need to be debunked
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Let’s face it, ladies, we know what we all have got down there but there is still so much we don’t know about our vagina. It’s still considered mysterious and there is so much misconception out there regarding the vagina that it’s just baffling. There are endless vagina myths that we need to debunk. We know most of us are not comfortable to talk about our lady parts, but it’s time to break the taboo. Let’s debunk the biggest myths about vaginas right here, right now.

5 Vagina Myths Debunked

When this girlfriend said that her boyfriend knew more about her vagina than she knew herself it is indeed a statement that makes all of us wide-eyed. Because when it comes to the vagina both men and women have very little knowledge about it. Whatever little they know are often convoluted vagina myths which really needs to be debunked. We pick up 5 myths and debunk those.

1. Vaginas naturally smell bad

This is the most common misconception women have about their lady part. But we have news for you. Your vagina DOES NOT smell bad. That is unless you have an infection or you’re menstruating. The vagina has a distinctive taste and odour, and it varies from woman to woman. Your diet, pH level, hormonal changes, etc. decide the smell of your vagina. So no, vaginas naturally don’t have a foul smell and it’s time you should stop freaking out about it.

Smell bad
Smell bad

Another ridiculous myth is yeast infection is an STD. Yeast infection is incredibly common even if you are NOT sexually active. The infection is unpleasant to have, but it’s no big deal and it can be easily treated and avoided by maintaining a proper hygiene routine. Using condoms can save you from STDs and unwanted pregnancy, but it’s no protection against yeast infection.

Related Reading: 6 Things Every Girl Should Do For Maintaining Hygiene Down There

2. The more sex you have the less ‘tight’ you become down there

This myth is utterly sexist, insulting and incorrect on so many levels. Vaginas are designed to be incredibly elastic and no matter the number of times you have had sex, your vagina naturally contracts after sex. Intercourse DOES NOT make your vagina less ‘tight’ permanently. There is nothing called a “loose” vagina. It is the biggest vaginal myth and is often used to shame women implying that they have been having sex with multiple men, hence resulting in a loose vagina.

For your information, a vagina never loses its elasticity. It has the capacity to allow things in (like the penis) or allow things out (like a baby) and always contracts back into its old state after sex or childbirth.

In fact, the more sex you have the better because it keeps the elasticity of your vagina intact. You will see if you have sex after a long gap the few initial times it may hurt a bit.

In fact, having too tight vaginal muscles could make sex uncomfortable and could mean that you are having some medical issues that need to be addressed. Losing or gaining weight has no relationship either with the vagina becoming loose or tight.

3. The vagina becomes loose after having a baby

There is another question women ask: “Will my vagina become loose after having a baby?” Not at all. The vagina goes back to its original form despite a baby passing through it. But just after birth women are often prescribed Kegels exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, the rectum and urinary bladder which take a lot of stress because you carry the baby around for 9 months. Kegels also helps contract the muscles of the vagina after childbirth helping you get better orgasms. I

It is a vagina myth that the vagina becomes loose after having a baby. As we said the pelvic muscle needs working on and all the organs around it to ensure that when you pee, poo or fart it does not leak and embarrass you. It is true the vagina does change with age in the sense when your hormone levels drop it might become a bit dry.  But the vagina does not become loose after a baby, that’s a vaginal myth.

4. Eating yogurt cures yeast infection

Yogurt helps to fight infection
Yogurt cures yeast infection

Eating yoghurt can help your immunity, skin and hair texture, but sadly it’s NOT a cure for yeast infection. Only anti-fungal medicine and a proper hygiene routine can help you get rid of yeast infection.

Yoghurt is very good for developing immunity but it does not ensure that it would deal with vaginal yeast infections. And by the way, yeast infection in the vagina is the most common thing and most women get it sometime or other in their life or some even are prone to repeated infections. Then apart from anti-fungal topical creams, one does need to do a course in antibiotics to get rid of a yeast infection. Changing your pantie frequently, washing with a pH balanced vaginal solution and drying properly are ways to avoid yeast infections. Yoghurt might help to give you the immunity to ensure you don’t have repeated infections but if you have one, yoghurt is not the cure. That’s a vagina myth we need to debunk.

Related reading: 5 things men should know about a woman’s vagina

5. All women have vaginal orgasm

Despite what your man tells you, this is NOT true. His penis can win the world, but female orgasm is tad more complicated than that. Most women don’t experience vaginal orgasm at all. But that’s fine. For most women clitoral stimulation is more natural and pleasing. Try it!

Women’s orgasm is the most complicated thing and the presumption that women always have vaginal orgasm is the biggest vaginal myth. Some women have a clitoral orgasm and some have it through G-spot stimulation, some also have a cervical orgasm through vaginal penetration.

It’s time to free your vagina from all the lies, ladies. If you hold on to the vaginal myths then it could be detrimental for the understanding of your own body and experiencing a wonderful sex life. Do away with the myths and have a real understanding after you read this article.

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