Yoga to elevate your sex life
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Yoga brings strength in our minds, tones the body, helps release stress, mental and emotional, and helps in the flexibility of the muscles. And if that doesn’t let you be dedicated to going to yoga once a week, here’s a fun fact: Yoga elevates your sex life as well. It creates a passageway to interconnect your mind with your body. With time, flexibility in muscles is seen that is sure to boost your sex life.
These poses strengthen your pelvic region, improves the circulation, and chills your mind to have orgasmic relations under the sheets.
1. Pigeon pose
Also known as Kapothasana in strict Yoga terms, this pose is often termed as the King of Hip Openers. This pose strengthens the pelvic region. It is a way to work in the pelvic region, all the while opening the hip. It is easy to execute.
Start on all fours. Slowly, move your left knee forward, to the right. Stretch the right leg backwards. This causes a stretch in the right hip. You can stretch out more by moving the left knee more to the right while stretching the right leg even further. Hold for ten breaths. This position relieves the tension in the hip. This is also helpful to lessen menstrual cramps.
2. Bridge pose
Known as Sethubanthasana. This pose helps in strengthening the pelvic region. The pelvic muscles are squeezed which helps in better orgasms.
Start with lying on your back, feet on the floor and knees should be bent. Palms should be placed flat on the floor. Exhale while you raise your hips slowly by engaging your legs and buttocks. Hold the posture for five breaths and then lie back slowly on the floor, exhaling.
3. Happy Baby Pose
The Ananda Balasana pose. This can be executed pretty easily. It is beneficial for the spine. It regulates a deeper release in the groins, increases the circulation in the pelvic region and like the pigeon pose, it is a hip opener. This pose releases all kinds of tension in the pelvic region for a more enjoyable, flexible sex life.
Lie comfortably on your back. Then bring your knees up to your chest. Separate the knees and the toes of each feet. Hold on the sides of your toes or your pinky finger. Hold for fifteen breaths. To come out, release your grip, bring your knees closer, wrap your arms around your legs and slowly bring your feet down to the floor.
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4. Cat and cow pose
Also known as the Marjaryasana. A wonderful yoga pose that works with the Kegel muscles- the muscles responsible for orgasms.
Start with the tabletop position. Wrists and knees are parallel to shoulders and hips. Inhale and arch back, head facing upwards putting the chest away from the belly. This is the cow position. As you exhale, bring your head closer to your chest, chest drew to your belly, and lift your back slightly to the ceiling. This is the cat pose. This is similar to a cat stretching its back. The inhalation and the exhalation are important to remember for this pose. Inhale for the cow pose, exhale for the cat pose.
5. Wide legged forward fold
Known as the Prasarita Padottasana. This pose helps in opening the hips, increasing the flexibility of the lower part of the body and increases the blood flow in the pelvic region. This helps in boosting low libido by circulating the blood flow.
Start with the mountain pose. Pull your feel apart 3-4 feet apart. Using your hand, bring your head down to the floor till your head touches it. Put pressure into your feet and pull your legs slowly apart and pushing your hips towards the ceiling. Hold for 3-4 breaths. To come back up, put your arms to the side and inhale while you come back to the starting position.
All in all, Yoga is like Santa Claus. It brings all sorts of wonderful gifts in our lives. Like Santa Claus, you might believe in it, or you may not, but we are all happy when we reap the benefits right?
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