Figuring out how to ask a girl out on a date can be super unnerving. When is the right time to ask a girl out? How do I know if she really likes me? Does she even think I’m cute? How to ask a girl for a coffee? We know you boys worry about this way too much before popping that question. Saying, “Hey, I’d love to take you to dinner sometime”, is harder than we think.
Remember when Ashton Kutcher adorably brought carrots to a date in the movie No Strings Attached when the girl strictly said “No flowers”? That’s exactly the level of charm you also need when it comes to how to ask a girl out on a date. Don’t be so scared. Be yourself and add a little pep in your step. Plain sweet innocence wins, but persistence is just as important.
How To Ask A Girl Out On A Date – 18 Tips To Make Her Say Yes
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There are the good old cliche lines to ask a girl out on a date and also lots of other cute ways to ask a girl out in person. The real key lies in sweeping her off her feet smoothly but also not overdoing it to the point of her making her cringe. There is a fine line between the two and you do not want to cross it. You need the perfect set of funny asking-out texts, a good rapport, and charm that she will not be able to refuse.
From grand romantic gestures to gifting her a book with your number written inside, there is a myriad of ways to ask your crush for a date. If she is a huge Knicks fan, you could do this daring task on the big screen of the stadium. Or, maybe you drop by her house and do it Love Actually style – you know putting your message down on a series of paperboards and creating the whole dramatic scene without saying much.
One thing that matters most is what she would really appreciate. You may be thinking, “How can any woman say no after the adorable big screen act?” But little did you know that shy, introverted girl was looking for a place to hide under her chair in the middle of thousands of people. So, how about you get to know her a little before you plan to ask a girl out on a date without getting rejected?
A coffee date or chilled-out things to do with her at home, there are a lot of ways to make your time special. How to ask a girl out on a date, however, is an important stepping stone to making any of it happen. The way you do it is as important as actually doing it. But don’t you worry anymore. From this point forward, we’ve got your back with these 18 tips to make her say yes:
1. Small talk is important
How to ask a girl out on a date over text calls for some riveting conversation before you actually ask her. Since your personality is not there to actually speak for you, your words on text need to really make a difference. Show her what you’ve got by saying goodbye to all your texting anxiety.
Even when asking her out in person, indulge in some good small talk but not the forceful kind. In fact, you could even consider asking a girl for a date indirectly if you are nervous. Make it peppy, lighthearted, and fun. Then try to give out witty responses to show her that you’re putting in the effort to convince her.
2. How to ask a girl out on a date? Dress well!
Dressing to impress is always a key factor when you want to woo a girl, no matter what way. She needs to know that you take yourself seriously before she can consider anything at all. To tempt her in all the right ways, put on your smartest clothes when you want to ask her on a date.
This is one of the valuable tips for a first date too. Optics matter. You can’t expect to land a date with a pretty girl when you are casually hanging around in a sloppy shirt and an old pair of distressed jeans. Bring out your A-game, man! Put some real effort into it. She should be able to see that you are someone who gives importance to grooming and decent clothing. Keep it place-appropriate though, don’t show up in a tie at a coffee shop.
3. How to ask a girl out on Instagram? Respond to her stories
If you’re wondering how to ask a girl out on Facebook or Instagram, you can do that by slipping right into her DMs. When she posts a story, you can slyly respond to it and say something like, “Your smile is beautiful, I’d love to see it in person. Can I take you out Friday night?”
Shoot your shot in this way, and trust us, she will be impressed with you. She probably has ten other unopened DMs from guys asking her out anyway so try to make yours stand out a little bit. When you ask a girl to meet up over text on Insta, get creative and do something to get her attention.
4. Pop the question in a meme
Looking for funny ways to ask a girl out over text? Memes can definitely make you laugh but also a lot of times they can also do all the talking for you. If you can’t think of the right thing to say, then try this new-school method instead. There are a lot of cute memes out there that can suggest taking a girl out on a date without directly implying it. Use the power of global creativity at your disposal and send a funny meme to make her smile with glee. Memes are happy to come to your rescue if you want to ask a girl out on a date online.
Related Reading: Social Media And Relationships: Have We Isolated Ourselves To Find Company?
5. Don’t move your hands too much
Figuring out how to ask a girl out on a date is crucial when you do it in person. You want to appear right for her, charm her, and make her interested all at the same time without coming off as too enthusiastic. There are many body language mistakes men make and you do not want to make any of them. If you try a little too hard, it may turn her off and make her bolt in the other direction.
Be direct and to the point and don’t use your hands a lot. It’s a dead giveaway that you’re a nervous wreck and doesn’t make you look too good. Be poised and confident in the way you carry yourself. Too much gesticulation can make you seem way too eager when asking her out on a harmless and potential coffee date.

6. Confidence is key
Whether in person or online, you should be oozing confidence when asking her out. How to ask a girl for a date over text is all about making yourself seem desirable so she just cannot refuse. However, this needs to be done carefully so that you don’t come across as smug.
Appear confident in your ability to charm her but don’t make it seem like you don’t even need to try hard. You should know how to make a girl laugh but also not make it too obvious. You want to uphold your dignity but you don’t want to make her feel like she is too easy for you. Let her feel chased.
7. A winsome smile
If you’re approaching a girl at a bar or in a cafe, there’s really not much preparation in the works that can help you out. In such a situation, you really just have to wing it. No matter how much you prepare or overthink it beforehand, you will do something out of the blue when you actually speak to her.
So, if you are wondering, “How to ask a girl out on a date without getting rejected?”, you can only rely on a little bit of luck and try to smile your way into a date. Have an approachable and kind expression to make her say yes. Be as charming and agreeable as you can with a stream of playful words and compliments and you will seize a date with her for sure.
8. Careful with the punchlines
What to say when asking a girl out on a date requires careful deliberation. Don’t take it too easy because there is a really thin line between cute and too cheesy. You might be looking for a smooth way to ask a girl out over text but you could just end up using the worst pick-up lines on her. You really do not want to come off as a creep, especially when you’re approaching her in person.
To ask your crush for a date, be the decent man that any woman could depend on very easily. Don’t suggest taking her home the first very time you speak to her. Chances are, she will throw her drink at you. Weigh your words before you use them and read her body language well to see if she’s actually interested in you in the first place.
Related Reading: Addictive Flirty Texting: 25 Texts That Will Make Him Want You More
9. Use a funny YouTube video
What are some cute ways to ask a girl out in person, you ask? Pay heed to this one. Nowadays, there are a lot of quirky YouTube videos that are titled ‘Send this to your crush’ and have a funny person usually dancing and is edited to say something like “Go out with me” in the middle of the video. Try out these really funny ways to ask a girl out over text, to impress her, and say yes to you.
10. Send her a song to ask a girl for a date indirectly
Just like silly YouTube videos, sometimes a sweet song can do the trick and make figuring out how to ask a girl out on a date easier for you. Send her the link to a song you like or a song you think she may enjoy. Music truly can connect people and she will definitely appreciate this gesture. Even better if it’s a love song capturing your exact feelings for her.
You are pretty much giving her a strong hint through the beautiful lyrics which makes it a thoughtful way to ask a girl for a date indirectly. Then you can easily pop the question and ask a girl for a date through text because the ice is already broken. Fingers crossed that she enjoys the song and your company too.
11. Take cues from her pictures
The other day my friend was confused and asked me, how to get dates on Tinder? I told him it was simple: On Tinder, you have to use the limited information on her profile to make things work in your favor. If she has a lot of pictures, it can be a good starting point.
Every girl secretly loves a few flattering comments on her pictures. You could tell her how her gorgeous smile reminds you of a bunch of daffodils dangling in delight. Or maybe compliment an outfit or a location in her photo and say, “This bar looks so cool. When are you taking me here?” Voila, done. Give this cute way to ask a woman out on a date over text a shot and you might just succeed.
12. Offer to buy her a drink
That’s a semi-first date right there. If you want to pick up your girl at a bar, offer her a drink then and there. It does not have to be a long proper date, but it can certainly set a good tone for any actual future dates. Chat her up and have some fun, lively conversation over a drink. Then, nicely ask her out on a proper date. If she liked her time with you, she will not be able to refuse this one. Call it a shortcut to how to ask a girl for a coffee, if you want, but this trick would hardly fail you.
13. Slip her your number
Take the lead but also make her come halfway with this trick. If you’re gazing at her in a restaurant or saw her grocery shopping, it may not be easy to have a proper conversation with her then and there. You know you have roped her in halfway through by the irresistible attraction of eye contact. There is a strong feeling that she took the same amount of interest in you too. In that case, make the best of the serendipity life is offering you, and don’t let her get lost in the crowd. Slip her a note with your number on it and charm her away.
14. Asking a girl out on a date? Flowers can do wonders
How to ask a girl out on a date so that she says yes? Well, aim to sweep her off her feet and make her blush even before the actual date. If you know her address, send a bouquet of flowers to her place. This old-school charm can definitely work in your favor. This is one of the perfect romantic gestures to try. Write a note with a date, time, and place to make it extra romantic and ask her to meet you there. Women like it when men make the effort and take the lead. She is going to love this one!
15. Invite her to a double date when you ask a girl for a date through text
To some, this may seem too forward, but nowadays, it is perfectly okay. If you have couple friends that you are really close to, you can invite her to a double date with them. “I’m tired of third-wheeling Robert and Maya every time we go out. Do you want to join us and save me this time?”
This is a great line and an even greater way to ask a woman out on a date over text. It doesn’t make you look too eager but also conveys that you love her company. If this goes well, you could slowly put your idea of taking her on a proper date out on the table and see how she reacts to it!
Related Reading: 50 Double Date Ideas That Are Fun
16. Recommend a cool place before you ask a girl to meet up over text
This is an old trick in the book but sort of an unused one. Mention a cool place in the city that you’ve been meaning to go to and start there. “There’s an old pottery museum near my house that I just discovered but I don’t know who would be interested in that. Would you like to accompany me tomorrow evening?” Say something along these lines to ask a girl for a date indirectly, and she most likely won’t say no. Plus, you appear way more cultured this way.
17. Compliment her well
“I just need a reason to keep talking to you, you’re so cute. Can we take this conversation to a coffee date?” is a perfectly charming way if you’re wondering how to ask a girl for a coffee date. She will be completely smitten. This is also the perfect way to make a girl think about you.
She will also be impressed that you’re a good listener to her. You have your chance to prove that to her on the date and maybe throw in a few things that you remember from your previous conversations to show you really paid attention. It will simply blow her mind!
18. The right place and time
In the middle of a run or when she is with her friends – these are terrible moments to ask someone out. When navigating the maze of how to ask a girl out on a date, make sure you time it well. Don’t send her funny asking-out texts in the most random situations where she does not get the time to process or think about what she wants.
When is the right time to ask a girl out? When you’re both sharing a happy conversation, she is laughing or she is clearly interested in what you have to say. Don’t be too random or do it before you’ve made a solid impression.
So you get it now. Asking a girl out on a date and making her say yes is simple and easy. Be confident, passionate, and honest in the way you conduct yourself and she will not be able to say no to you.
Keep it short and simple and do not turn it into a monologue of your feelings. She wants to know you’re interested and not desperate. ‘I’d love to take you out to dinner tomorrow night, I just can’t get enough of you’ can be a simple thing to say.
When she is visibly impressed with you and enjoys your company. If she likes hanging out with you, laughs at what you say, and makes an effort to see and talk to you – it could be the right time to ask her out on a date
Smile, be confident, and do not fumble. Be passionate but not too determined. Be emphatic but not forceful.
Guys have a way of letting it show when they like women. So yes, a girl often knows you like her because she can pick up on your little hints that you subconsciously give away.
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