Aries Woman In Love – Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs

Zodiac | | , Feature Writer & Editor
Updated On: July 31, 2024
Aries woman in love
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She is fiery, independent, energetic, and enigmatic. Between March 21 and April 19, the Aries woman is very special indeed. She can be a creative powerhouse who stops for nothing but the best. And the same principles can be seen in her attitude toward love. An Aries woman in love demands a strong, ambitious, and successful partner who isn’t intimidated by her.

It’s because of their demands and traits that this intense zodiac sign calls for an equally intense partner. Or, at the very least, someone who balances them out well. Thus, taking a look at some facts about an Aries woman may help in trying to decipher the perfect zodiac match for her. To that end, let’s give you the list that every Aries woman in love needs to see and everyone else who’s trying to figure out how they’ll match with her.

Signs An Aries Woman Is In Love

For all the hopeless romantics who came here trying to understand if you’re compatible with this person, perhaps it’s best if we first establish that the Aries woman actually has a thing for you. Their fiery and extroverted nature may lead you to believe that this person is trying to woo you. When, instead, all they’re doing is making conversation. Luckily for you, the signs an Aries woman is in love are pretty noticeable — especially when you know what to look out for:

1. A bit of playful banter is their idea of flirting

If you’re expecting this person to straight up compliment your looks or talk dirty to you, you haven’t quite understood the Aries personality female. She is going to make just a little bit of fun of your hairdo, poke you a bit about not hitting the gym lately, and tease you about the fact that you need a new perfume. Now, be careful with this one, the Aries woman personality usually has this trait in abundance, which means she does it with friends as well. However, if she’s into you, you’ll notice that she is a little bit more eager to engage with you than others.

2. She lights up when you enter the room

You may have known her to be a “no-frills, no-nonsense” person all along. But if an Aries woman has a crush on you, despite this defining personality trait, there will be a palpable shift in her demeanor. Common friends or colleagues may tell you that she has a twinkle in their eye whenever you walk into the room, and you, too, may notice that she drops everything to engage in conversation with you right away. This is one of the indicators of mutual attraction between you and the Aries woman you’re crushing on.

3. She makes plans with you

Always on the move, adventurous, and competitive, the Aries woman personality is a powerhouse of bustling energy. If she starts revealing the various facets of her personality to you by including you in her adventurous plans, where somehow she is super competitive all of a sudden, consider it a good sign – she’s letting you in. So the next time, don’t take that impromptu plan to play tennis on a Sunday morning lightly.

4. She goofs around with you

While fire signs are usually very committed to achieving their goals, they also like to let loose. They have a certain goofy energy that they don’t really let out with most people. So if you’re the person an Aries woman picks to take funny selfies with, consider it a stepping stone. Of course, this sign alone doesn’t mean that an Aries female is head over heels for you, but at least it’s a starting point.

5. She is honest and upfront with you

When you’re in love with an Aries woman, expect brutal honesty and banter in your relationship. This applies to the stage when you’re crushing on each other and testing the waters. An Aries woman is not afraid to speak her mind, even more so when you matter to her. If she doesn’t like something about you, she’ll let you know. But if you make an effort to better yourself, she will be generous with her compliments as well.

Whether you’re in a relationship with one or are just trying to assess if she fancies you, when Aries women feel vulnerable and emotionally connected to someone, they tend to drop the above-mentioned clues sooner rather than later. With that in mind, let’s now jump into the question you came here with: just how well are things going to be between the two of you? Is the “Taurus man Aries woman” the perfect combination, or is it the Leo man Aries woman who have everything going well for them? Let’s find out.

Aries woman In Love — Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs

Women born under this zodiac sign may seem very worldly wise and strong but scratch the surface and you will see a persona that is naïve, trusting, and eager to be in love. Often, this stirs in them a desire to find someone who matches them in every way, resulting in unrealistically high expectations in relationships and consequent disappointments. However, the good thing about them is that they have a tremendous ability to bounce back. You can’t keep an Aries woman in love down for too long. The question is, can she find a partner who is good enough for her and can put up with her unpredictability? Read on.

Related Reading: 7 Zodiac Signs That Are Known To Make The Best Partners

1. Aries Woman with Aries Man (March 21 – April 19)

Usually, people of the same zodiac sign will match very well and the same is the case with an Aries woman in love with an Aries man. Their compatibility levels are off the charts. They’re both independent, energetic, enthusiastic, and ambitious. Hence, they understand each other well and are likely to have the same goals and approach toward life.

The problem, however, may arise when both try to assert their supremacy over the other. The Aries man may think that the Aries woman in love will be enamored enough by him to do whatever he says but he would be in for a shock. They may find themselves locking horns over every issue even if their sexual and mental compatibility is great. So, for all the Aries men out there, if you’re in love with an Aries woman, we’d suggest you let go of the power play and see where things naturally take you. Not every situation requires you to take charge and lead from the front.

Compatibility score: 9/10

2. Aries Woman with Taurus Man (April 20 – May 20)

Perhaps it’s the case of opposites attracting, an Aries woman Taurus man relationship will be happy and stable. Her fieriness and aggression will find a calming anchor in the quiet, shy Taurus. She will help him get himself out of his self-imposed shell, while he will provide the much-needed tenderness and calming influence on her, and together they work toward building a healthy relationship.

In the bedroom though, things can be a bit different. It may take some time for the Taurus Man and Aries woman to find their rhythm. The woman will need to take a lead and should show that for her, love is more important than sex to get a good response from her Taurus lover. Even so, they will have enough love and mutual understanding to grow and seek success. All in all, the Taurus Man Aries woman relationship is worth investing in and even adjusting for one another.

Aries Woman in love with Taurus man
Taurus man Aries woman

Compatibility score: 7/10

3. Aries Woman with Gemini Man (May 21- June 21)

This connection has the ability to shoot for the stars because it has the two key ingredients needed for take-off – air (Gemini) and fire (Aries). They are similar in the sense that both are creative, love their freedom and space in their relationships, and are also adventurous at the same time, which makes them a good pair.

Related Reading: Are Aries And Gemini Compatible In A Relationship And Marriage?

Sexually, too, they’re a good match. An Aries woman is adventurous while the Gemini leads the charge on the creativity front. This basically means they can have a lot of fun in the sack. The Gemini man is also known to be sensitive and caring so the Aries woman in love can find the yin to her yang if she does hook up with a man born under this sign. Besides, if a Gemini man meets and dates an Aries woman, he will likely make her more dependent on him. This works well for the Aries, who love a bit of stability mixed in with hopeless romanticism.

Compatibility score: 7/10

4. Aries Woman with Cancer Man (June 22- July 22)

To put it bluntly, not a great match. To make this relationship work, both partners will have to put in a lot of effort. The reason being they are way too different from each other. Unlike the Aries woman Taurus man dynamic, where two seemingly different personalities mix well together, in this case, it doesn’t work out so well.

Cancer is super sensitive and empathetic, and the Aries woman likes to be assertive and dominant. Can they adjust and accept their partner’s personality? These are the things an Aries woman needs to know about a Cancer man when they are dating. If yes, then this relationship has a chance of succeeding.

The commonality among them is that both are emotional, however, Aries tend to hide their sensitive side from the world as they believe they have to put their boundaries up. Cancer, on the other hand, believes in wearing their emotions on their sleeves. Another reason why this match exactly may not be made in heaven.

Compatibility score: 4/10

5. Aries Woman with Leo Man (July 23- August 22)

The Aries woman in love with a Leo man can expect a lot of fun and challenge in her life. Fun, because Leo, the king of Zodiacs will tease her and attract her like none other. He will appeal to her intelligent, dynamic side with his own strong-willed, masculine energy.

But hang on, this same energy can lead the Aries woman to be a bit jealous and possessive, so god save the woman who has eyes on her man! They would pretty much be a high-energy couple but the only downside is that they’re both brave and inclined to assume the role of the leader of the pack. There is no telling which partner will take the dominant role in a Leo man Aries woman relationship. They are both up for a good fight. Perhaps take a chill pill and watch sports together?

Compatibility score: 6/10

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6. Aries Woman with Virgo Man (August 23- September 22)

Aries woman and Virgo man can be a good match. But only to some extent! They have some shared qualities, which may help them forge a bond but their inherent differences won’t allow them to go far. For instance, the Virgo man and Aries woman may find it hard to connect sexually. A Virgo loves to build up excitement and suspense while Aries prefers to go straight for the action.

Related Reading: 8 Signs With The Most EXPLOSIVE Zodiac Sexual Compatibility!

Besides, having an Aries partner means living with someone who is impulsive and ready for a fight. The Virgo man is driven by his intellect while the Aries woman is prone to giving in to her emotions. This laundry list of opposing personality traits results in an incompatible relationship, more often than not.

Compatibility score: 4/10

7. Aries Woman with Libra Man (September 23- October 22)

The Aries personality female usually features a lot of impulsive decision-making. If she is looking for some balance and stability, a Libra man is a good choice. Technically, Aries and Libra are a couple of the zodiac, two strong signs who have opposing traits but nevertheless are a good match.

If these two are madly attracted to each other, nothing can separate them and they may not even need the much-talked-about middle ground to make their relationship work. In fact, the approach to life that a Libra takes is rather different from an Aries, but the good thing is that a Libra man will help an Aries woman achieve her goals, providing her with the much-needed calm perspective and encouraging her to stay on her path.

Compatibility score: 7/10

8. Aries Woman with Scorpio Man (October 23- November 22)

This is an explosive combination – of fire and water. They can bring out the worst or the best in each other. Unlike the Virgo man and Aries woman situation, where a difference in opinions ends up being the couple’s undoing, this dynamic can go either way. Pure bliss or a tumultuous ride. Sexually, both are two sides of the same coin and can get rather aggressive in bed, though Scorpios have a need to be emotionally involved as well.

The one area where this couple really shines through is the amount of trust they have in each other. Both Scorpio and Aries place high importance on qualities like loyalty and truthfulness and are jealous and possessive by nature. So if an Aries woman in love with a Scorpio man does get engaged or married to him, she can be assured of a faithful, strong partner.

Aries Woman with Scorpio Man
Aries Woman with Scorpio Man

Compatibility score: 8/10

9. Aries Woman with Sagittarius Man (November 24- December 23)

Out of all the facts about Aries women that we could list out, the most obvious, non-contested one is that this person is a fire sign. Meaning, impulsive, adventurous, and brave. That’s what makes these two signs a wonderful match, but there is a flip side. They’re both fire signs and when fire meets fire, there is a bigger explosion than expected. With other signs, it may feel like the trajectory of the relationship is pretty much straightforward. But with two fire signs, it can swing to extremes, very quickly.

Aries women in love with Sagittarius men can expect their partner to stay strong when the going gets hard. They also make a good team if they decide to work together. Overall, this duo has the potential to share a warm, good relationship, especially if they can put aside their minor differences.

Compatibility score: 7/10

10. Aries Woman with Capricorn Man (December 24- January 19)

The Aries and Capricorn combination can be tricky. They are so steadfast in their respective approach to life and attitudes that they almost seem hell-bent on ruining the relationship. The relationship between the two is riddled with arguments and head-banging. Not that their arguments can’t be resolved but it just won’t be a smooth match.

Related Reading: The 8 Most Unfaithful Female Zodiac Signs You Need To Know About

They both value independence, clarity, and honesty. That, in itself, is a good thing when it comes to shared values, but the problem arises when they both have similarly high expectations from each other, which admittedly can get unrealistic. This relationship can succeed only if they have unconditional mutual respect for one another.

Compatibility score: 3/10

11. Aries Woman with Aquarius Man (January 20 – February 18)

A good match. An Aries woman in love with an Aquarius man will have no dearth of support. Both exude masculine energy so the relationship is likely to be a turbulent one but it won’t be short of excitement. The conversations between the duo tend to be very interesting and the fire sign could potentially idolize her Aquarius partner who is known for his intelligence and level-headedness.

Meanwhile, the Aquarius man would love to take on the role of a mentor, sharing knowledge and acting as a guide. The result is an energetic relationship full of zest. There might not be too much tenderness or compassion in the relationship but if the expectations are low, there can be a good symmetry between the two signs.

Compatibility score: 5/10

12. Aries Woman with Pisces Man (February 19 – March 20)

Aries Woman in love with Pisces Man
Aries Women with Pisces Man

Aries and Pisces are neighboring signs but they might as well belong to two different planets, literally and metaphorically. They have little in common and theirs is likely to be a relationship marred by a lack of trust and their inability to open up to their partner.

Related Reading: Decoding The Best Match For Pisces Man

The Aries has some solid qualities – they are strong, defined, well-protected, and passionate. On the other hand, Pisces is windy, free, and loves to float around without any restrictions. It is futile to try and tie them down. This leaves little common ground for them to connect and bond over. Besides, Pisces is a lot more sensitive than Aries, which can also become a bone of contention too between them.

Compatibility score: 6/10

How To Make An Aries Woman Fall For You

If you’ve read all the facts about Aries women and have fortunately found that the pairing of your zodiacs stands a chance, you’re probably eager to give it a go. To make sure you don’t end up in a one-sided relationship, you might need a crash course on dating an Aries woman. Here are a bunch of things you need to keep in mind:

  • Accept them for who they are: An Arian woman probably displays a few masculine traits. They might be a little loud, domineering, and direct. They may be clear about what they want and might even display a temper every now and then. Understand that there’s no way that they’re going to change just because you want them to, and acceptance is the only way to have a respectful relationship. Though it’s not directly going to affect your dynamic with this person, the Aries will notice the fact that you accept them for who they are. That, in itself, will set a favorable foundation for you. You’ll gain the upper hand without even realizing it
  • Poke the competitive bear: “Wanna play tennis this weekend? I’m sure I’ll smoke you” is literally all you need to ignite the competitiveness of the Aries women. Point is, you can’t truly connect and bond with an Aries woman without bringing out their competitive side. So, go mini golfing, or for a jog (that’ll eventually turn into a race), to draw the Aries out and connect with you as authentically as possible
  • Be impulsive and spontaneous: Dating an Aries woman requires you to be impulsive and spontaneous, or at least, match their energy. If they make a plan for an after-after party, know that you probably won’t be invited to the next night out if you say no to this one. Forget the eight hours, look at the big picture, man!
  • Don’t complicate things: Aries like to keep things simple, straightforward, direct, and seek a partner who wouldn’t unnecessarily complicate things for them. If you want to have a shot with an Aries woman, keep it simple
  • Engage in banter and don’t let them bum you out: You’ll notice a lot of playful banter headed your way, don’t just assume that it’s the result of this person hating on you. It’s how they show affection. Refer to the first point in this list for clarification
  • Be courteous, respectful, and bring your A-game: Just as you would with anyone else, wooing an Aries woman requires you to be respectful, know when to flirt, read the room, and pick a pace

Key Pointers

  • If an Aries woman is interested in you, she’ll show it by engaging in a bit of harmless banter, goofing around, and taking an initiative to make plans and an impulsive and straightforward persona
  • Aries is usually highly compatibility with Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius 
  • Aries females are moderately compatible with Leo, Aquarius, and Pisces men
  • Aries females are least compatible with Cancer, Virgo, and Capricorn men

All in all, an Aries woman needs someone who can understand her and not get intimidated by her confidence. If she finds the right match, who can be on a similar wavelength as her, the relationship between the two can truly blossom into the best it can be. And we hope you didn’t read this entire article thinking of Aries women like Emma Watson or Mariah Carey the whole time. Stick with Jenna from marketing for now.

This article was updated in March 2023.


1. What kind of lover is an Aries woman?

Aries women are adventurous and ambitious, she doesn’t hesitate to take risks and knows where she is headed in life. In matters of love too, she will not hesitate to make the first move if she fancies a man.

2. Do Aries fall in love easily?

Aries women love to be in love. Aries is one of the quickest to fall in love as she is quite bold and doesn’t hesitate to voice her opinions. They believe in the principle of living in the moment so they won’t waste much time before giving into temptation.

3. Do Aries women hide their feelings?

Aries women do not hide their feelings for too long. They may keep some emotions hidden but when it comes to making a point, they would rather be upfront and candid about it. They love adventure and living in the moment so they don’t believe in complicating matters too much by playing games.

4. What sign does Aries fall in love with usually?

Aries can fall in love with any sign that matches their love for life, adventure, and dynamism. They get along well with Scorpios, Geminis as well as Aries.

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