Joie Bose

Joie Bose is considered as one of the leading English poets of the city and writes Confessions with Joie Bose for Bonobology (when she is not working for a multinational company). She co-founded Poetry Paradigm and is an executive body member of Indian Performance and Poetry Library. She is also the joint-convenor of the National Poetry Festival. She has authored \'Corazon Roto and Sixty Nine Other Treasons\'(2015), has co-edited two poetry anthologies, \'Dawn Beyond the Waste\'(2016) and \'Cologne of Heritage\'(2017), and has been published widely in journals both nationally and internationally. Her poems have been translated into Albanian, Bengali and Hindi. Internationally, she has performed her poetry in Japan and China, and in many Indian cities. Her works look deeply into interpersonal relationships, intra-personal relationships and the human psyche.