What Are The Best Contraceptives For Newly Married Couples?

Working On the Marriage | | , Writer
Updated On: December 28, 2023
best contraceptives for newly married couples
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What are the best contraceptives for newly married couples? This should be the first question on your mind when you decide to tie the knot and are in a physically intimate relationship.

As you enter the world of matrimony, a lot of relationship dynamics undergo a paradigm shift. Laxity in practising safe sex is definitely at the top of the list. Even as you are in the thick of preparations for the wedding and the ensuing honeymoon, spare a moment to think about what the best contraceptives available to you. This is absolutely necessary if you are planning to get the best protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Even though your relationship now has social approval, it doesn’t mean that you will throwing all caution to the wind. Dealing with an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy can be extremely daunting. Starting a family when either or both the partners are not ready for the transition can place an immense strain on your marriage.

Since you’re just settling into a rhythm of life together, it’s only wise to not let avoidable stressors take a toll on your relationship. So the most important thing that you should be doing is using the best contraceptives for newly married couples.

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Deciding On Best Contraceptives For Newly Married Couples

A study indicates that a whopping 68% of married couples in India do not use any form of contraception. Yes, marriage legitimises sexual intimacy between partners. Now that you’re in a monogamous relationship and aware of each other’s sexual history, the risk of contracting STDs may be the last thing on your mind.

That said, family planning is an important discussion that every couple must engage in sooner rather than later to ascertain at what point they want to have children.

If you have no immediate plans of entering parenthood, protected sex is your best bet at enjoying sexual intimacy without being worried about the consequences. To help you make that choice here is a detailed rundown on contraceptive choices available to newly married couples.  Precautions for a newly married couple are a must.

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Reversible Contraceptives For Newly Married Couples

These are the best contraceptives for couples who want to have children at some point but aren’t quite ready for the responsibility yet. When used correctly and regularly, all of these have a good success rate in preventing pregnancies and keeping your family planning on track.

1. Contraceptive injection

A single shot is effective for up to 3 months. The injections contain manmade hormones that mimic progesterone or a combination of estrogen and progesterone, that stop ovulation as well as thicken the mucus cover around the cervix, making it difficult for the sperm to get to the uterus.

Depo-Provera, one of the most popular contraceptive injections, for instance, comprises an artificially created hormone named medroxyprogesterone that served this dual purpose of stopping ovulation as well as sperm from entering the uterus to prevent conception.

These injections are highly effective with a success rate of 99%. These are a reliable method and are regarded as the best contraceptives for newly married couples to enjoy stress-free sex.

One of the best contraceptives for newly married couples is contraceptive injection
Contraceptive injection

2. The implant

Much like contraceptive injections, the implant also releases progesterone into the bloodstream, stops the ovulation and thickens the mucus around the cervix. The contraceptive implant is a 4-inch flexible rod that is implanted in the upper arm by a medical practitioner. This is an ideal contraception.

The difference between a contraceptive injection and implant is that the latter is a more long-term solution. These can work effectively for up to five years. The success rate of an implant is 99%. Only 1 out of 2,000 users may get pregnant despite a fully functional implant.

If the 5-year time frame is in line with your plans to start a family and you don’t have the best track record in taking pills regularly or hate getting shots, this can be a viable solution.

Even if you want to have children sooner, you can simply have the implant removed at any point to regain your fertility. The implant offers much better protection as compared to some of the more traditional methods of contraception, and may well be the best contraceptive method for newly married couples.

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3. IUD (Intrauterine Device)

IUDs or Intrauterine Devices, as the name suggests, are contraceptives that are inserted inside the uterus to prevent the sperm and egg from fusing. These also offer long-term protection. IUDs can remain effective anywhere between 3 and 10 years, depending on the type of device used. When you want to get pregnant, simply have the device removed.

IUD is a blanket term that covers the following type of contraceptive devices:

  • Copper-T: It’s a small T-shaped copper device that is placed in the uterus through the cervix. The procedure needs to be performed in a clinic or medical facility and takes only a few minutes. Copper-Ts can last for up to 10 years and are a hormone-free method of contraception. If you grapple with hormonal imbalances or don’t want to pump your body with artificial hormones, this is one of the best contraceptive methods.
  • Hormonal IUD: These IUDs are very similar to a copper-T in terms of their placement, effectiveness and method of contraception. The differentiating factor is that hormonal IUDs such as Mirena, Skyla, Kyleena and Liletta are also infused with the hormone progestin. In addition to working as contraceptives, these are also used to manage heavy bleeding during periods due to conditions such as endometriosis, PCOD/PCOS and uterine fibroids.

These birth control methods provide protection against unwanted pregnancy and are one of the best contraceptives for newly married couples who are keen on family planning.

4. Diaphragm

The diaphragm is one of the oldest known forms of contraception used by women and is making a comeback. This is a barrier method where you place a shallow dome-shaped cup inside your vagina. The device is placed right at the mouth of the cervix, to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg. If you’re looking for ways to not get pregnant without using condoms or invasive contraception methods, this is it.

This can be put in place right before sex and removed afterwards. The process of inserting a diaphragm isn’t very different from placing a tampon or menstrual cup inside your vaginal cavity.

You get in a comfortable position, pinch the device to fold it together and just push it in. It is also common to lace the diaphragm with spermicide to be doubly sure that the sperm doesn’t get past your cervix. If you chose to do that, make sure the gap between wearing the diaphragm and the act isn’t more than 2 hours. This provides ideal precaution for newly married couples.

More on safe sex

5. Birth control pills

Birth control pills are another time-tested method of contraception. These schedule of taking pills has to be synced with your menstrual cycle. Depending on the type of pill you’re using, you’d be required to take one every day for a certain amount time, followed by a brief gap, and then repeat, until you want to get pregnant.

This also a hormonal means of contraception and works on similar lines as a contraceptive injection, implant or the hormonal IUD.  The only drawback of this contraception method is that even a couple of missed pills can throw your family planing ideas off track. But if you are careful about taking the pill on time this could be one of the best contraceptives for newly married couples.

best contraceptives for newly married couples - emergency pill should be used for that purpose only
Emergency contraceptive pills

When talking of pills, the ominous emergency contraceptive pill, also known as the morning-after pill, cannot be overlooked. A lot of couples tends to rely on these pills as the regular recourse after careless, unprotected sex. Yes, the idea of getting carried away in raging passions and just popping a pill the next day seems convenient. Please remember that these are called ’emergency contraceptives’ for a reason.

These pills are designed to manipulate the hormones to block put emergency brakes on the release of eggs. Subjecting your body such drastic fluctuations routinely can wreak havoc on your natural hormonal balance.

Besides common side-effects such as extreme mood swings, heavy bleeding, disrupted cycles, nausea and backache, regular use of these pills can also put you at risk of long-term consequences. These don’t qualify as the best contraceptive for regular use. So, use them as sparingly as possible.

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6. Condoms

And lastly, condoms – the most common contraceptive method at a majority to couples turn to for practising safe and healthy sex. It not only offers protection from unwanted pregnancies but also STDs and STIs. Even though you may be sure that neither of you is a carrier, it doesn’t hurt to err on the side of caution.

If stopping mid-way to wear a condom seems like a put-off, consider wearing one right from the beginning. This way you stay safe even during oral sex. Alternatively, consider using female condoms, as these can be worn well before things get hot and steamy.

The condom is ideal for having healthy sex and also is one of the best contraceptives for newly married couples.

Irreversible Contraceptives For Newly Married Couples

Once administered, these procedures are irreversible. This means you cannot go back to being fertile again. These methods of contraception are only for couples who are absolutely certain that they want a childfree marriage. Alternatively, you can consider these after you’ve had children. The two most popular forms of permanent sterilisation are:

1. Tube Ligation

This is a sterilisation procedure performed on women. With a minor surgery, the fallopian tubes that carry the egg from the ovaries to the uterus are sealed. This blocks any fusion of eggs with sperms, so the risk of pregnancy is eliminated.

The biggest advantage of this form of permanent contraception is that the body is neither subjected to artificial hormones nor does it impede your libido and ability to enjoy sex.

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2. Vasectomy

Vasectomy is the process of male sterilization. With a simple procedure, the vas deferens (sperm carrying tubes) are sealed. This means the sperm cannot enter the fluid ejaculated during orgasm. The testicles still produce sperms, which is simply absorbed by the body.

How Soon Before Your Wedding Should You Start Birth Control?

Now that we have discussed about the best contraceptives for newly married couples the question now is how soon before the marriage should you start contraception?

Except for condoms and diaphragm, all other  methods need a little bit of time to become effective so it’s better to start at least 15 days before you decide to get intimate.

This aspect of intimacy is once again relative because many couples are intimate before marriage and are already into the ideal contraception techniques. But people who opt for arranged marriages usually have their first intimate moment after marriage so it is best to start contraception at least 15 days beforehand.

In case of pills it is said that after you have the pill for 7 days if you start having sex it’s going to keep unwanted pregnancy away. For other methods like implants, injection, IUDs 7 to 15 days is a good time frame.

As mentioned earlier the diaphragm, like the condom can be used as instant contraception method. But with the diaphragm you need to have intercourse not later than two hours from the time of insertion.

Our advice is to see your gynaecologist and take their advice on what is ideal for you to embark on the path of family planing. We have laid out the best contraceptives for newly married couples for you, now you have to decide which one is ideal for you and start off on it before getting intimate.

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