The Best Online Dating Advice For Men & Women

Be Honest and Authentic

Online Dating | | , Writer & Editor
Updated On: October 28, 2024
The Best Online Dating Advice For Men & Women
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You can use online dating advice to your advantage, you first need to understand how the dating scenario has changed. Dating is not a cute-meet at a café where you both shared a table because of space crunch, and sparks flew, and the story began.

Dating, or more importantly finding a date, is a trickier affair in the days of hunched-back strangers. Hunched over their phones, human beings do not have time for the friend sitting across the table, forget meeting someone new in real life. Online dating sounds all easy-peasy, right?

How difficult can it be to swipe right or DM that perfect profile? For the many online seekers out there, you know what I mean. It is a great validation to find men and women directly showing interest, and the layers of feeling awkward and iffy stripped off. This should have been smooth.

But like any other human interaction, guided or not by binary cells and technology, this is difficult. So here are some online dating tips. Listen up, please.

10 Best Online Dating Tips And Advice

Chase your dreams and never give up
Chase your dreams and never give up

There is a guide to online dating that you need to follow. In online dating, you cannot say whatever you want or act as you please. No, your dating etiquettes have to be on point and there are some dos and don’ts you need to follow.

Our online dating tips for men include not being too pushy, and not stalking your date on social media and not treating online dating as a precursor to hooking up. Online dating is serious business for some, especially those looking for love or long-term partnerships. Be mindful of that.

Our online dating advice for ladies: beware of fake profiles, and don’t be too gushy and hand over all your coordinates to your date. Hold yourself back till you are totally sure and don’t think that every guy online is a potential groom. Women also end up stalking men on social media, and that must be avoided at all costs.

Here is some other online dating advice you need to swear by follow to the T:

1. Keep your expectations grounded

One of the first online dating tips for women as well as men is to keep your expectations grounded and don’t take an online profile at face value. Remember that their online profile is their curated version of themselves.

It has the best picture, best tagline, best everything because the online or virtual personality is a fiction of sorts, written with a deep desire to be seen in a certain way that cannot happen in reality. There are hundreds of articles advising you to keep it real, but how many do you think are paying heed when you have an option to look larger than life?

So remember that everybody is trying to put their best foot forward, which means you need to keep your hopes and expectations grounded when you try to test your online dating story in reality (like meeting them in person).

Related Reading: The Ultimate Funny Online Dating Questions

2. Don’t keep your profile photo less

Okay, I understand that you believe you do not choose people to hang out with at face value, so you refuse to put a face on that dating app. But believe me, your noble ideals will be misread, and your profile considered that of a probable creep or axe murderer.

There is nothing as scary as the possibility of meeting someone who is not ready to show their face on a social or dating platform. And by picture, I do not mean a single peek at your beautiful self, but enough to make the seeker believe that you are not a bot!

“Choose photos that accurately represent you.”

Yes, the new scary monster in the hood is the bot or virtually generated profiles that do not have a human face behind them. So, put up a couple of pictures to help potential dates find you. Our online relationship advice is to have a nice photo but not a Photoshopped one.

What's the biggest challenge you've faced when using online dating apps?

3. In LDR, keep a schedule

It is important for couples in a long-distance relationship to follow this online dating advice. Often, long-distance relationships turn into an online dating fiasco as the only way to keep up is through virtual communication. How does one keep it real? Try to remember that both of you run on different schedules.

Be empathetic toward each other’s time and value your workspace. Every time you have a chance to speak, try to decide on your next Facetime chat or Skype call so that you can keep your schedule clear.

It is good to drop a text whenever you have breathing space, but do not – I repeat do not – crib over a late or missed reply. Our online dating advice to guys and girls is to remember that there are often gaps in virtual communication.

The phone is not a natural organ we are born with, remember that and cut yourself and your partner a generous amount of slack.

4. Do not send intimate photos

Women, unfortunately, will relate to this more than men, but the only one to be blamed for that is the heteronormative society. A happy ‘hi hello’ and a nice shuttling of good vibes do not validate a picture of your junk, my boy. Stop doing it!

Unless it is a mutually agreed-upon move, do not surprise her with your genital photography, it is uncalled for, and you must recognize the abusive mentality.

For women out there, the same advice. If you both have not spoken about it, do not do it. These photos can be misused if things don’t work out, and revenge porn can have devastating effects on your life. Or the person you’re sharing them with maybe a catfisher, who can use them to extort you.

5. Learn to accept rejection gracefully

Be it a rejection, breakup, or a cold shoulder; it is easier served in real life than the unfavorable online environment of easy access. But it’s also a fact that with a forever expanding pool of options on free dating sites as well as premium ones, your odds of rejection also go up. Maybe you went out on a date with him, perhaps you spoke to her for a while but realized that things are not as much in sync as you were expecting them to be and you said no.

“It takes time to find the right person.”

All of you out there who cannot take rejection, please understand that just because you have access to a dozen other platforms to reach out to your fixation does not mean you will avail them. Of course, blocking is a simple erasing method, but when put on repeat mode can be very unnecessary and tiring.

So please understand when someone says ‘thank you, but no thank you’, all you do is bow out. What are your thoughts on the matter?

Related Reading: 8 sensible ways to deal with rejection in love

6. Don’t keep harping on the ex

One of our most important online dating tips is don’t keep pestering your date to find out about their past relationships. This is the biggest turn-off in any relationship that is taking off. We live in the modern era where new-age relationships rule, your online date could have had any kind of past relationship but that’s not really your concern unless it’s affecting your present. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

  • Focus on the present and future: Instead of dwelling on the past, focus on building a new and exciting life for yourself.
  • Avoid negative comparisons: Don’t compare your current partner to your ex. Everyone is unique, and it’s unfair to judge them against someone else.
  • Communicate your feelings: If you’re struggling to move on, talk to your therapist or a trusted friend. They can offer support and guidance.
  • Practice self-care: Take care of your physical and emotional health. Engage in activities that you enjoy and that help you relax.
  • Find closure: If you’re still holding onto feelings of resentment or anger, try to find closure. This may involve talking to your ex or seeking professional help.

7. Don’t contact too much

You met your date online. Fine. You liked them. Fine. You exchanged numbers. Fine. Now don’t start texting 10 times a day and don’t start tagging them to your every tweet. No, you might not have anything witty to say to their Instagram post so don’t force yourself.

If you want successful online relationship advice from us, then we’d say show interest but don’t cross the line that makes you come across as needy. You don’t send out clingy girlfriend/ boyfriend vibes because that is sure to kill any chances you may have with a potential interest. That really sucks.

8. Don’t force yourself into online dating

Let’s face it. Not everyone enjoys the online dating experience. Many often feel stuck in a situation where they keep looking at profiles online and meeting people online but they are just not interested to take it any further.

The moment you feel this way, just quit. This would be our most valuable online dating advice. The truth is online dating is not for everyone, and sometimes people don’t feel motivated when the relationship is born online.

Related Reading: How To Respond To Ghosting Without Losing your Sanity?

9. Don’t jump at every profile

Don't let anyone dim your shine
Don’t let anyone dim your shine

You may find many profiles attractive but don’t jump at each one thinking this person is the one. This will leave you jumpy, anxious and overwhelmed. Browse carefully and make your choice well. If five people ask you out, you don’t have to go out with them all to understand who’s the best.

This paves the way for patterns of benching dating and fishing dating, which are just manifestations of your inability to decide on one person. The need to constantly keep your options open isn’t necessarily a good thing. Just avoid a scenario like that.

Related Reading: 10 Tips To Stop Loving Someone But Stay Friends

10. Be prepared to face ghosting

More on Ghosting

You could meet someone online and really hit it off. You may even meet them in person and have the best time of your life. After two dates, just when you could be looking forward to meeting them more often, they could just vanish into thin air. News flash: you’ve been ghosted!

Ghosting is a downside of online dating, a reality, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to avoid it. So don’t ever put the blame on yourself and sink in self-pity. Ghosting is part of online dating, accept and move on.

Online dating is tricky, but it has become an integral part of the dating scene in the world today. We have reached an era where people don’t know how to find someone new without the help of a dating app. That has its downsides, yes, but can also be quite advantageous.

What are your thoughts on the matter and what do you think about these online dating tips for men and women? Let us know in the comments section below.


1. How should I date online successfully?

Beware of fake profiles, and choose the person not only depending on their looks but also their personality and other traits they possess.

2. How do you know is an online relationship is real?

If they know all the details about your day, you look forward to hearing what they have to say and you find keeping things from them difficult, your relationship is real.

3. What is a good first message for online dating?

Since it is hard to keep track of your significant other online, first you need to make sure they are genuine and not just playing with you, and will end up hurting your feelings.

Final Thoughts

Online dating can be a great way to meet new people and find love. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success and find a fulfilling relationship. Remember, patience, honesty, and a positive attitude are key.

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