10 Best Apps To Catch A Cheater – Free And Paid

Infidelity | | , Social Media Marketer & Writer
Updated On: December 18, 2024
apps to catch a cheater
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Have you noticed your partner acting extremely odd and distant around you? Do you suspect that they could be cheating on you? But what if you don’t have any evidence to support this suspicion? Well, apps to catch a cheater can come to your rescue and give you solid proof of your partner’s transgression so that they can’t gaslight you into believing that it’s all in your head.

Besides, if you level accusations of cheating without any concrete evidence to back it up, your partner can become more careful about covering their tracks. That can make catching them even harder. Alternatively, it’s also possible that your partner may not be cheating at all and all these ‘red flags’ you’ve been noticing are an outcome of something else. In that case, you can cause severe damage to your relationship by questioning their faithfulness to you.

The bottom line is: if you are wrestling with suspicions about infidelity on your partner’s part, you need concrete evidence to ascertain how accurate your suspicions are and figure out your next course of action. Using reliable hidden apps to catch a cheater is the easiest way of doing that.

10 Best Apps To Catch A Cheater – Free And Paid

When you play out the scenarios of confronting a cheating partner in your head, how does it pan out? While in your mind you may build scenarios where the cheating partner breaks down, accepts their mistake, and begs for forgiveness, reality may not be so straightforward. In most cases, the things cheaters say when confronted can be astonishing. They may try to escape the blame by making you sound like the person at fault for suspecting them.

Even if you’re 100% sure of their disloyalty, such statements can throw you off and fill you up with self-doubt. With the right paid or free spy apps to catch a cheater at your disposal, you can push back and stand your ground. Thanks to technology, you no longer have to play Sherlock Holmes or pay a private detective to uncover your partner’s cheating. Today, there are many great apps to catch a cheater that will give you all the information you need, so there is no wiggle room left for your unfaithful partner to maneuver their way out of the situation.

Apps to catch a cheater without their phone, apps to spy on spouse cell phone for free, apps to uncover cheating on the phone, there are different hi-tech solutions for different needs. We’ve handpicked for you 10 such apps to download to catch a cheater:

Related Reading: 20 Gaslighting Phrases In Relationships That Kill Love

1. mSpy – Paid app to catch a cheating partner

mSpy is, without a doubt, a frontrunner for the best app to catch a cheating spouse. This is among the top hidden cheating apps for iPhone, Android, and desktops that allow you to track your suspected partner’s text messages. mSpy lets you monitor your partner’s messages without them knowing, as once installed, the app secretly runs in the background and the target user doesn’t see the app settings on their device.  

With this phone monitoring app, you can track various social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and WhatsApp. For example, the Snapchat tracking feature lets you read all the sent and received messages, photographs, and other forms of multimedia, even if they have been deleted instantly. So, if your partner is resorting to Snapchat cheating to get a little action on the side, you can get all the dirt on their shenanigans in real time.

mSpy is a well-rounded application with a host of robust features that make it strong contender for the top spot among hidden cheating apps for Android and iOS. It is available in around 10 languages which include French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Turkish. Even though this is NOT one of the free apps to catch a cheater, its features make it worth spending money on. And you can claim a full refund within 14 days if you’re not satisfied. Of all the types of cheating, online cheating can sometimes be the most troublesome to catch. This app will definitely put you one step ahead of your disloyal spouse.

Related Reading: 12 Signs Your Husband Is Having Sex Outside The Marriage

How the mSpy app works to catch a cheating partner

The Android version of the app requires physical access and installation on the device meant to be tracked. It does not require the user credentials (that is your details). The iOS version does require user credentials and physical access to the device but does not require installation on the device.

You can download the mSpy app from their website, and to install the application all you need to do is create an account and purchase the package that you need. The mSpy app will then send you a link to a control panel, which will allow you to see the activities being conducted on the target device, making it one of the best spy apps to catch a cheater.

If you’re looking for free apps to see if your boyfriend is cheating or your girlfriend has been unfaithful or your spouse is betraying your trust, mSpy may not seem like the right fit for you but the results you get far outweigh the small cost for availing of the full spectrum of its services.

mSpy features

A quick round-up of how mSpy helps you catch a cheater:

  • Runs in the background in stealth mode
  • Allows tracking calls, messages, contact names, web browsing history, social media activity, photographs and other multimedia files
  • Keylogging
  • GPS Tracking
  • Timestamps each message
  • Available in 10 languages
Available oniOS, Android, Web browsers
Subscription Cost1-month Premium Pack costs $31.89
3-month Premium Pack costs $18.04
12-month Premium Pack costs $7.57

2. Auto Forward – Paid app to catch a cheating spouse

Spy apps: Auto Forward App
Auto Forward App

Auto Forward is a great app that can be used to spy and monitor your cheating partner’s cellular activity. If you suspect your partner has been cheating on the phone, this app can give you clarity on how well-founded your suspicions are. Compatible with both iOS and Android, the app helps you track online history on someone else’s phone.

With Auto Forward, you catch cheaters texting as you get access to all their private messages. Even though you may not be able to read cheating spouse text messages free, the easy-to-use interface allows you to view all your evidence on the control dashboard. You can’t put a price on that kind of ammo to confront a cheater.

What is the best way to catch a cheating spouse? If you’ve been wrestling with this question, Auto Forward should be on your radar. While it’s not one of the free spy apps to catch a cheater, it is the most affordable app to track your partner’s activities.

How Auto Forward works to catch a cheating spouse

The spy app’s software records all the data from the target user’s device and delivers it to your smartphone, tablet or desktop. This is one of the best apps to detect cheating on the phone, as it allows you to track the targeted device remotely. However, to be able to do that, you need to get your hands on the device and install the app on it.

Once that’s done, Auto Forward establishes a distant connection between the target phone and user devices, and retrieves and transfers all data from one to the other. From texts to internet browsing history, you can track your partner’s every move with this app. Including deleted information — yes, that includes deleted messages, call logs, images, or other files.

You can download the application from their website and install it in three easy steps. All you have to do is purchase the plan you want, download the application and start monitoring what your partner is up to. Of all the spy apps, Auto Forward is one of the most user-friendly and effective.

Auto Forward features

Auto Forward helps you in catching a cheating partner by:

  • Recording all the data from the target phone
  • Delivering recorded data on a device on your choice
  • Remotely tracking the targeted device
  • Allows tracking the entire phone activity, including deleted information
Available oniOS, Android
Subscription CostBasic plan, priced at $2.99/month
Pro pack, priced at $6.99/month

3.TheTruthSpy – Free app to catch a cheater

How to catch a cheating husband on 
WhatsApp: TheTruthSpy App
TheTruthSpy App

Looking for the best app to catch a cheating spouse? Keep TheTruthSpy on your list. It’s a useful spy app to track all of your partner’s suspicious activities. The app helps you keep tabs on your partner’s accounts, and check all text messages and information. You can also check out all the pictures and videos your spouse sends, receives, and posts. You will receive all the information with time and date stamps.

TheTruthSpy also lets you monitor a mobile phone in real-time and gives you all the details of the profile of people your partner is chatting with, including media files. With this app, you can spy on your spouse’s cell phone for free, track popular third-party chat apps, and receive notifications about all new texts, calls, and apps installed on their phone. The app works on both Android and iOS.

Sounds too good to be true, right? Once you try out the TheTruthSpy app, you’ll realize that all that this app promises, it delivers. So, if you came here wondering, how to find out if your spouse is cheating for free or are there any apps to catch a cheater, TheTruthSpy is the solution you have been looking for.

How TheTruthSpy works to catch a cheating boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse

TheTruthSpy is also an invisible program, making it one of the top hidden cheating apps for iPhone and Android. To get it going, you need to download and install the app on the device you want to monitor and then create an account on TheTruthSpy website with a username and password.

While it is not possible to install this app on the target device remotely, you can control the device remotely once the installation is complete. If you’re looking for a cheaters app for iPhone free or even Android for that matter, TheTruthSpy fits the bill. However, the free version has limited features.

The paid plans are definitely on the pricier side but offer the full spectrum of features that may come in handy if you’re trying to catch cheating spouse/partner red-handed. To make the most of this app without shelling out the subscription fee, you can consider availing of the 48-hour free trial too. If you’re lucky to get what you need within the trial period, you won’t need to pay.

TheTruthSpy features

Here is why TheTruthSpy is one of the best free spy apps to catch a cheater:

  • Keep tabs on your partner’s accounts, and check all private messages and information
  • View pictures and videos your partner sends, receives, and posts
  • Timestamps all files
  • Real-time monitoring of the device
  • Invisible program that is hard to detect
Available oniOS, Android
Free/PaidHas a free version with limited features
Subscription CostStandard version, priced at $21.99 per month
Premium version, priced at $25.99 per month
Gold version, priced at $30.99 per month

4. MobiPast – Paid app to catch a cheating husband or wife

Apps to catch a cheater without their phone: MobiPast App
MobiPast App

Originally meant for parents to monitor their child’s cellular activities, the MobiPast is increasingly being used as one of the top apps to catch a cheater, thanks to its tracking and monitoring functionalities. The app can be used to monitor various social media apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, Skype, and Snapchat, helping you to find out if he’s cheating online or if she’s betraying your trust by sexting while in a relationship.

How MobiPast works to catch a cheating husband or wife

MobiPast makes tracking the target phone extremely easy. As with most other hidden apps to catch a cheater, this one too needs to be installed on the target device. Once you manage to get past that hurdle, you can easily track your partner’s whereabouts and activities with the tap of an icon.

Once you install this app on your partner’s phone, you can access their data and their activity remotely. Essentially working as an app to catch a cheater without their phone, this will allow you to get a good view of what your partner is up to, so you can make sure if they’re cheating on you or not.

Much like all the best cheating apps, this app will stay hidden on the targeted mobile devices and run in stealth mode, making it impossible for your spouse to figure out this app is on their phone. And even despite that, if you’re looking for apps to catch a cheater, free of any suspicion of snooping, you could use MobiPast since it’s marketed as a parental control app.

Related Reading: Why It Is Important To Save Evidence Against Your Spouse Who’s Cheating On You

MobiPast features

With MobiPast’s features, you will stop looking for ways to catch a cheater free:

  • Marketed as parental control app, can be used without arousing suspicion
  • Monitor various social media apps
  • Track all incoming and outgoing messages as well as multimedia such as video and audio files
  • GPS tracking
  • Keylogger
  • Geofencing
Available oniOS, Android
Subscription Cost1-month Basic pack costs $19.11 per month
1-month Premium pack costs $45 per month
3-month Basic pack costs $25.48 per month
12-month Basic pack costs $10.69 per month

5. SpyBubble – Paid app to find out if your partner is cheating

best spy apps to catch a cheater: SpyBubble App
SpyBubble App

If you’re looking for apps to download to catch a cheater without getting detected, SpyBubble should be right up your alley. While this may not be the most obvious choice if you’re wondering how to find out if your spouse is cheating for free or how to catch a cheater on iPhone for free (or Android), it’s worth considering given its efficient results. This is the most versatile among the hidden apps to catch a cheater because it allows you to virtually gain total control of the mobile devices it infiltrates.

How SpyBubble works to catch cheaters

Like most of the other apps to catch a cheating spouse, SpyBubble too gives you access to your partner’s online activities such as text, call logs, social media activities, browsing history and so on. The differentiating factor here is that they’ll not be aware of the app being on the phone unless they are a tech geek who really knows their way around computers and smart devices. Unfortunately, SpyBubble is also not a free app to catch a cheater.

SpyBubble can also be used to listen to the surroundings of the target phone by turning the phone into a live audio transmitter. For someone who is doubtful of their partner, this is an extremely helpful feature. However, this functionality is only available with the Pro plan.

SpyBubble features

Burst the bubble of your partner’s lies with these SpyBubble features:

  • Complete access to your partner’s online activities
  • Track their text, call logs, social media activities, and browsing history
  • Works in stealth mode
  • Turns the phone into a live audio transmitter, allowing you to listen to what’s going on in your partner’s surroundings
Available oniOS, Android
Subscription CostStandard version, priced at $49.95
Pro version, priced at $84.90

6. Spyier – Paid app to catch a cheating partner

Another great app to catch a cheating partner is Spyier. Compatible with Android and iOS devices, the app can be set up easily on the target device. Thereafter, you can discreetly monitor the activities of your partner using a web browser on your phone or PC. This app can be used effectively to read cheating spouse text messages free.

How Spyier works to catch a cheating partner

With Spyier, you can not only check your partner’s messages but you can also access deleted messages. In addition to this, Spyier is one of the apps to catch a cheater that lets you view received, sent, and downloaded multimedia files on the target device. You can also get access to their call logs and monitor their contacts. It also shows you details of the incoming and outgoing calls, along with the duration of each call with a timestamp.

best spy apps to catch a cheater: Spyier App
Spyier App

The app also lets you see your partner’s web browser history so you can keep track of the websites visited by your partner as well as dating apps or other networking sites they might have been using for their transgressions. The GPS feature also gives you details of their movement through a 3D map. The versatility of the app makes it a great contender as the best app to catch a cheating spouse.

To use it, all you have to do is download it on the target device and operate the control panel from any web browser. However, Spyier too isn’t among the free spy apps to catch a cheater by a mile. Guess, it’s not the easiest thing to catch a cheater free and more often than not, you’re going to have to loosen the purse strings a little to see any concrete results.

Spyier features

These Spyier features make it the best solution to catch cheating spouse:

  • Lets you see your partner’s web browser history
  • Check your partner’s messages, including deleted ones
  • View received, sent, and downloaded multimedia files
  • Get details of the incoming and outgoing calls with timestamp
  • Track online activity
  • GPS monitoring with a 3D map
Available oniOS, Android
Subscription CostFor the Android version,
The basic plan, priced at $39.99/month
The premium plan, priced at $69.99/month
The family plan, priced at $89.99/month
For the iOS version,
Family Plan, priced at $99.99/month
The premium plan, priced at $79.99/month
Business pack, priced at $699.99/month

7. Spyine – Paid app to catch a cheating spouse

cheaters app for android: Spyine App
Spyine App

If you have been wondering how to find out if your spouse is cheating for free or looking for a way to read cheating spouse text messages free, guess it’s not going to break your way. But if you’re willing to invest a little in your endeavors to catch your cheating partner red-handed, Spyine can be of great assistance.

Like all the other spying apps, Spyine too monitors the targeted device stealthily. It is available on both Android and iOS. The best thing about the Spyine app is that it sends your regular updates of the monitoring activity, accessible in your online dashboard. The installation process is also extremely swift.

The Android version of the app involves a software download whereas the iOS version is completely web-based, which makes it even quicker to install and run. It’s a shame that Spyine isn’t one of the free spy apps to catch a cheater. In fact, unlike some of the moderately priced apps that can almost fit the bill to see free apps to see if your boyfriend is cheating or your girlfriend/partner is betraying your trust, Spyine rests on the steeper end of the spectrum.

How Spyine works to catch a cheating spouse

It helps you monitor your partner’s social media accounts like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. You can also track call logs, monitor their incoming and outgoing calls, as well as access details like call duration, most frequently dialed contacts, and favorites. All of this information is available with timestamps. This is undoubtedly one of the reliable hidden cheating apps for Android as well as iOS.

Related Reading: 10 Cheating Guilt Signs You Need To Watch Out For

Spyine features

Here’s how Spyine helps you catch your cheating partner red-handed:

  • Monitor your partner’s social media accounts
  • Track call logs, monitor incoming and outgoing calls
  • Access details like call duration, most frequently dialed contacts, and favorites
  • Timestamped information
  • Get regular updates on your online dashboard
Available oniOS, Android
Subscription CostFor the Android version
Basic pack, priced at $49.99/month
Premium pack, priced at $69.99/month
Family pack (up to 3 devices), priced at $99.99/month
For the iOS version
Family pack (up to 5 devices), priced at $99.99/month
Premium pack, priced at $79.99/month
Business pack (up to 25 devices), priced at $699.99/month

8. Minspy – Paid app to catch cheaters in relationships

Minspy app to catch a cheater
Minspy App

Minspy is another great option to spy on your cheating partner. The app works via a web browser, which means you can monitor the target device without being in its proximity. The monitoring data can be accessed from any internet-enabled device — be it your laptop, smartphone or tablet — even when you’re on the move.

How Minspy works to catch a cheating girlfriend or boyfriend

The app works on most Android and iOS devices. Like most other apps to catch a cheater, Minspy too works in stealth mode, which means that the suspect will never find out that he/she is being spied on. It gives you access to the target device’s call logs, incoming and outgoing messages, shared and received multimedia messages and lets you monitor social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram, allowing you to find out if he’s cheating with an app.

The Geofencing feature helps you mark a watch zone on a virtual map and receive alerts for any activity outside the Watch Zone. If you’re looking for a cheaters app for iPhone free or free Android spyware apps, Minspy won’t make that cut. You’ll have to pay a subscription to avail of its full range of features.

Minspy features

The following Minspy features make it one of the best spyware apps to catch a cheater:

  • Works in stealth mode
  • Access call logs, incoming and outgoing messages
  • Viewed incoming and outgoing multimedia files
  • Monitor social media activity
  • Geofencing
  • Remote access to the target device
Available oniOS, Android, Web browser
Subscription CostFor the Android version,
The basic plan, priced at $49.99/month
The premium plan, priced at $69.99/month
Family plan (up to 3 devices), priced at $89.99/month
For the iOS version,
The premium plan, priced at $79.99/month
The family plan, priced at $99.99/month
Business plan, priced at $699.99/month

9. Neatspy – Paid app for exposing a cheating partner

Neatspy App to catch a cheater on Android or iOS
Neatspy App

Another similar app to download to catch a cheater is Neatspy. It works a lot like Minspy and is compatible with most Android and iOS devices. Working stealthily to help you keep track of your partner’s online activities, it can provide you with enough evidence to confirm or negate your suspicions of being cheated on.

Is it your answer to catch a cheater free? Not quite. But with the ability to track texts, location and more, you can rest assured about getting concrete results quickly and may not even mind footing the subscription cost (after all you won’t be needing it for too long).

How Neatspy works to catch a cheating wife or husband

Neatspy gives you access to your partner’s contacts and helps you mark suspicious individuals. It also allows you to track text messages, even the ones they’ve deleted from their device. With the phone location tracker, you can track your targeted device’s exact coordinates and see if they’re in an unfamiliar place. Once you have all this information raked up, he won’t be able to give you any excuses about cheating.

The Geofence alert lets you set allowed zones, so if your partner ever enters into unallowed zones, your device receives alerts for the same. You can view the live location of your partner’s device too. Social media tracking features include Snapchat Spy, WhatsApp Spy, Instagram Spy, and Viber Spy. All in all, one of the best apps to catch cheaters texting.

Neatspy features

  • Access to your partner’s contacts
  • Flag suspicious contacts
  • Track text messages, including deleted ones
  • Phone location tracker shares live location updates
  • Social media tracking
Available oniOS, Android
Subscription CostFor the Android version
Basic plan, priced at $49.99/month
Premium plan, priced at $69.99/month
Family plan (up to 3 devices), priced at $89.99/month
For the iOS version
Premium plan, priced at $79.99/month
Family plan, priced at $99.99/month
Business plan, priced at $699.99/month

Related Reading: 11 Things You Didn’t Know Amount To Cheating In A Relationship

10. Appmia – Free app to know if you’re being cheated on

apps to catch a cheater: AppMia Spy App
AppMia Spy App

In this lowdown on apps to catch a cheater free, we’ve truly saved the best for the last. Appmia is another app that can be used for tracking and monitoring your partner’s mobile device activities and controlling their personal devices remotely. Want to spy on spouse cell phone for free? Wondering how to catch a cheater for free? Or more specifically, wondering how to catch a cheater on iPhone for free? The basic version of the AppMia Spy app has got you covered.

How Appmia works to catch a cheater

The app offers features like call recording, viewing chat applications, GPS, email, and web tracking. It is available on both iOS and Android and has a dedicated 24/7 customer care system to help you with your queries. Other features include keylogging, website tracking, multimedia tracking, website blocking, and incoming call blocking.

If you’re looking for free apps to catch a cheater, you’re in luck as the basic version of Appmia can be used without paying a subscription fee and offers control over the address book, music, installed apps, and calendar. The paid version offers additional features such as real-time location tracking, SMS tracking, call recording, as well as Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram, Viber, Kik, and Telegram tracking.

Appmia features

Wondering how to catch a cheater for free? Pay attention to Appmia features:

  • Offers control of contacts, installed apps and calendar
  • Tracking and monitoring your partner’s activities
  • Ability to control devices remotely
  • Paid features include real-time location tracking, message tracking, social media tracking and call recording
Available oniOS, Android
Free/PaidBoth free and paid plans
Subscription Cost$16/month

Finding ways to catch a cheater free can be an oddly exciting prospect, especially when it means that you can stop agonizing over the unknown and find tangible answers, one way or the other. However, before downloading any of these paid or free spy apps to catch a cheater, take a moment to ascertain if you’re sure about going down this route. And tread with caution. A wide majority of relationships do not survive cheating. It is a breach of trust and loyalty, and the wounds are often too deep to heal.

Not only is it absolutely crushing but also insulting when your partner chooses to get involved with another person. It’s hard to accept that your presence wasn’t enough for them and they never considered your well-being and emotions whilst looking for love outside. Even so, if you think this is the only recourse available to you, we hope, you now have a better idea of how to catch a cheater for free as well as good hidden cheating apps for iPhone and Android devices that you can put to good use to assauge your doubts.

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