While in love, it is easy to ignore the red flags; but when common mistakes are repeated over some time, we are left to wonder if we are not built to love. These are called relationship flaws. These flaws can be spurred by zodiac flaws. Relationship problems as per your zodiac signs can determine how you will survive in the long run.
While determining the flaws that people under specific zodiac signs seem to possess, let us make it clear, it does not apply to everyone. Many are known to show these flaws while choosing partners or while in a relationship they end of realising these flaws. According to zodiac signs, it is possible to determine the weaknesses that will plague a relationship. The personality flaws as per zodiac signs are visible.
Related Reading: Most Attractive Zodiac Sign, Ranked As Per Astrology
Do Zodiac Signs Affect Relationships?
Table of Contents
Yes zodiac flaws affect relationships. The zodiac signs display some specific relationship flaws like some signs are too impulsive, some are too dominating and some too ambitious. This affects interpersonal relationships and we will take up each sign and show you how the zodiac flaws take a toll on relationships.
That is why compatibility in zodiac signs should be looked into before two people get together. Some signs match the temperament of some signs and some signs do not go together at all. In that case the zodiac flaws will always start showing up.
Biggest Relationship Problems As Per Your Zodiac Sign
Your personality trait according to your zodiac sign could lead to the biggest relationship problems that you could be facing. This might sound weird but it is true.
For instance a Capricorn’s ambition or pessimism could affect a relationship and if a Sagittarian’s wanderlust is not understood by their partner then it would inevitably lead to complications in a relationship later on in a marriage. What could be your biggest relationship problems according to your zodiac flaws? We tell you.
1. Aries
People belonging to this zodiac sign tend to move way too fast. They fall in love too fast and tend to decide everything on the very first date.
They are drawn towards confidence and decisive people, only to realise later that the decisiveness which they were swooning over is actually stubbornness. Since they are governed by their own emotions, which go from zero to infinity at the drop of a hat, they do not pause to understand the needs of their partner or the fact that they are drifters.
There are personality flaws as per your zodiac signs and for Aries this is one. They realise the flaws way into the relationship when they are emotionally into it and end up breaking their own heart. That’s why relationships and zodiac signs are inter-connected.
Read more: 5 Zodiac Signs That Are Known To Make The Best Partners
2. Taurus
Taureans are attracted to the exterior than the interior this is their major zodiac flaws. They get involved in fiery hot passion without digging deep into the emotional aspects of the relationship.
When the passion fizzles out, Taureans realise that the fiery passion was only the tip of the iceberg- their partner might not be as stable or responsible, traits that are requisites for a long-term commitment. When they find these flaws in the relationship, they don’t know how to deal with it.
3. Gemini
A big-hearted Gemini can often create misunderstanding by offering too much love to everyone that can end up making their partner insecure. Gemini craves mental stimulation more than physical. They want someone to discuss things with and have a mental rapport with.
They would want to be with someone who they don’t have to parent or take much care of. And when they find the other person not that intellectually stimulating they start getting bored quickly and often lose interest in the relationship. This is a major zodiac flaw with Gemini when they are in a relationship.
4. Cancer
People born under this sign like and love being taken care of. Cancerians often are attracted to someone who will love and cherish them round the clock. Emotional love means more to them than physical. But if they are not careful, they might end up with someone who is controlling and emotionally abusive.
For the sake of safety and love, they might even settle for someone controlling, which might ruin the relationship in the long run. This is a major flaw in the way a Cancer perceives a relationship.
Related Reading: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Are Good At Investigating And Unravelling Mysteries
5. Leo
Leos are known to be dramatic. They are adventurous, love to try fun stuff and are attracted to people who share their sense of adventure and free-spirited will.
However, the fun people Leos end up with might not be responsible adults. In the end, though they are fun, Leos have to be responsible for the ones they are with. And since they are capable of taking the lead and managing things, they end up with partners who are lazy and want everything done by them. This is how relationships and zodiac signs come together.
6. Virgo
Obsessing over little imperfections can be one of the major downfalls for Virgo. They often tend to be workaholic and want things done in a certain way.
They tend to go for people who look good on paper and are the serious kind. Virgo people are serious themselves and want someone who can share their sense of seriousness.
They tend to settle for a person who might be a fellow workaholic. They have no such “Opposites attract” thing going on which might be fatal in long-term relationships.
7. Libra
They love being in love and having a partner and this is their one of their major zodiac flaws. They hate being single and any form of attachment/partnership is loved by them, even if the partner is abusive, controlling or manipulative.
Libra people love being loved and tend to set themselves on a quest for their soulmate. In the process, they sometimes end up falling for anyone who meets their criteria, which could lead to heartbreak in the long run. Your sun sign and your relationship is connected because your zodiac flaw determines who you will fall for.
8. Scorpio
Scorpions, being the sexual beings that they are, often start a relationship solely based on fulfilling sexual needs. The matter of the heart comes way later in their relationship if it comes to that at all. But if it comes Scorpio men do also make the best husbands.
But getting their heart involved in the relationship is a big deal for them. Scorpions need to open their heart to be vulnerable and feel the beauty of a relationship. But it’s their zodiac flaws that they usually do not do that and their relationship suffers.
Related Reading: What Are Your Most Valuable Zodiac Sign Traits?
9. Sagittarius
Ah, the adventurous loner, Sagittarius peeps are. But what’s the biggest flaw of a Sagittarius? They love being independent and seek distance from their partner, to assert their independence.
The distance that their partners are willing to give often becomes too much for a relationship to thrive on. They are drawn towards people who are fun but way into the relationship they realise that their partner is an immature child who needs to be taken care of.
Sagittarians need to know that closeness in a relationship does not mean being dependent on their partner.
10. Capricorn
Capricorn is the grown-up zodiac sign. They love dating and being in grown-up, mature relationships. They tend to look for stability – emotional, physical and financial – in their partners.
Their love for stability often gets in the way of fulfilling their needs and being romantic once in a while in the relationship. Capricorns often treat relationships like a business deal which can ruin the relationship in the long run.
They want everything to work like clockwork. They love routine and control and they often want their relationships to look like that too.
11. Aquarius
Aquarians love quirky, weird people who stand out in the crowd. Their affinity towards quirks is so massive that it turns them on as fast as it turns them off.
If the partner stops being interesting, Aquarius tend to be uninterested. But often, the interesting personalities of their partner makes them put up with abusive behaviour, which is downright wrong. This the biggest relationship flaw for an Aquarius that stems from their zodiac flaw.
12. Pisces
Pisceans are hopeless romantics. They often tend to fall for storybook romance, and their hopes crash and burn if their romance is not up to the mark. Pisceans need to get a reality check once in a while, keeping the fairy tale romance alive.
If there are relationships, flaws are inevitable. But if you know the weaknesses of the zodiac signs, you will see how you can deal with it better.
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