Extramarital Affairs

Is there any difference between extramarital affairs and infidelity? There is a difference and it’s a subtle one. While extramarital affairs can only happen if marriage exists, infidelity can happen in any romantic relationship where physical intimacy is involved.

Extramarital affairs can be defined as relationships outside of marriage where an illicit romantic or sexual relationship or a romantic friendship or passionate attachment occurs.

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her ex-boyfriend came back

When her ex-boyfriend came back after eight years she almost divorced her husband

Nivedita, my childhood friend, called me in the midst of a hectic workday, sounding pretty excited. “Guess who I found?” she gushed. I wasn’t in the mood to play the guessing game. But not wanting to play spoilsport, I reeled off some names. “It’s Parth,” she said, still excited, “Do you remember him?” How could

When her ex-boyfriend came back after eight years she almost divorced her husband Read More »
