Emotional Stress

There is no denying the fact that an extramarital affair can make one feel like a teenager in love again as the heart races when you see The One and then there is an emotional and physical connection that is established outside the existing relationship. But as the days go by cheating is bound to create emotional stress.

The stress could be felt by the person who comes to know about the affair or it could be felt by the person who has to deal with the guilt of cheating constantly and live a life of lies.

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emotional distance in a relationship

Emotional Distance: Meaning, Causes, Signs, And Ways To Fix

Do you sense a significant gap between you and your partner even when you’re physically close? Does your partner appear disinterested in spending quality time? Are they avoiding intimacy? Are most of your conversations centered around practical matters — careers, schedules, household chores? Does it feel like you’ve exhausted topics to discuss? If the answer […]

Emotional Distance: Meaning, Causes, Signs, And Ways To Fix Read More »

My boyfriend is grieving and pushing me away

My Boyfriend Is Grieving And Pushing Me Away: Tips To Cope And Comfort Your Man

When someone we care about is going through a difficult time, our instinct is to be there for them, to comfort and support them. However, sometimes, the grieving individual may not want you around. My friend texted me recently, “My boyfriend is grieving and pushing me away. I know he’s been going through hell after

My Boyfriend Is Grieving And Pushing Me Away: Tips To Cope And Comfort Your Man Read More »

am i overthinking or is he losing interest

Am I Overthinking Or Is He Losing Interest? 18 Signs To Help You Identify

“Am I overthinking or is he losing interest?” “Is he being distant or am I overthinking the situation?” If these questions are weighing on your mind, chances are you’re still not confident that the guy you’re with is into you or not. One of the incredible challenges of navigating the complex dance of human relationships

Am I Overthinking Or Is He Losing Interest? 18 Signs To Help You Identify Read More »

backhanded compliment examples

23 Backhanded Compliment Examples in Everyday Life That Are Actually Insults

Fake compliments that are disguised as insults can stress you out mentally and physically, and make you feel less than. Therefore, it is important to know what backhanded compliments are so that you don’t accidentally say things like that to someone. We have also put in some response examples so you know how to politely handle a situation in which someone gives you a backhanded compliment.

23 Backhanded Compliment Examples in Everyday Life That Are Actually Insults Read More »
