Sex and Passion

Some admit it, some won’t, but all are aware that sex and passion are as integral to a relationship, as emotional bonding. A relationship is healthy if there is both sexual and emotional compatibility.

Going on dates, holidays, binge-watching Netflix or spending quality time with the children have a very positive effect on the sense of well being of a person, but what kind of action one is having between the sheets also goes a long way to create a bonding between two individuals.

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How to spice up your sex life

The word “SEX” always sends jitters to your veins. The quest for completion is a roller-coaster ride. So, why make it a monotonous one? Try and un-complicate it to make it pleasurable with some music, unplanned halts, dance and spices. It’s not a mere three-letter word for your indulgence or to make babies, it’s a […]

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Tantric sex for beginners

Tantric sex for beginners

This ancient practice, rooted in Eastern traditions, holds the potential to transform our understanding of sex, love, and ourselves. Far beyond mere physical pleasure, Tantra invites us to embark on a journey of deeper connection, intimacy, and spiritual awakening through the exploration of sexual energy. Some studies suggest that mindfulness-based interventions can enhance sexual satisfaction,

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