Complimenting & Complicating Your Life

The Hidden Meanings Behind Compliment

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Updated On: June 6, 2024
Complimenting & Complicating Your Life
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In most of these cases, this last ‘honeymoon` compliment indicates the things to come. Here are some examples:

He says: “You look good in a Saree!”
He means:  The jeans that you are wearing now are bursting at their seams

He says: “You have been working even on our honeymoon. Why don`t you sit and let me pack?”
He means: Your packing style is so bad that we will need two extra bags.

Related Reading:  Compliments For A Man’s Smile To Make Him Smile More

A Lesson From Dale Carnegie

Anyway, the gist is that selecting a woman as your wife is the biggest compliment you can give her. Ten years back, my father gifted me a book by Dale Carnegie titled ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People`. It is a self-help book that`s been on the New York Best Sellers list for a whopping ten years and has sold 15 million copies so far. Ok, now it would be 15 million and one with my purchase and the numbers keep growing.

In the book, Dale Carnegie wants his readers to compliment people no matter what. Ever since then, I began the practice 10 years ago and have mastered the art. In the last ten years, I have complimented every person I have met at least once daily. So much so that I have run out of ideas.

Relationship Advice

The Selfless Compliment

Over the years I have also learned never to give a compliment expecting a receipt for it. Especially because I consider myself a dull and boring-looking person, it only makes the life of the compliment receiver tough. I do not want to makes him lie and eventually be responsible for the person going to hell.

Related reading: 5 things women do that confuse men!

Yesterday, with nothing else to say, I looked at my colleague Himanshu Mishra and said, “Nice shoulders!”.  At that time, he gave me a stare and during lunch accosted me in the washroom. After a mild struggle, I managed to free myself and save my virginity. Complimenting girls was easy earlier. I would start with the headband and work my way to the bindis, earrings, and bangles, then to the anklets and then their high-heels.

With time, I wanted to improve on the quality of my compliments and thereby ended up asking them to marry me.  All this because somebody said that the best compliment you can give a lady is asking her to marry you. Isn’t it?

Out of the hundreds of girls I have asked out, eight have agreed. What do I do now? I am in a fix. Please help!

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