PositiveSingles.com: Making Dating With Herpes A Reality

Single and Dating | | , Expert Blogger
Updated On: May 10, 2024
dating with herpes
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After the second wave of Covid, the ascendancy of lonely users and couples rushing to online dating sites and apps cannot be discounted. The PositiveSingles app has seen a humungous growth among people dating with Herpes. Thanks to the internet and evolving technology, several dating apps and sites enjoy unstinted patronage amongst people with different sexual orientations. 

Dating With Herpes

Before we delve into dating with Herpes, here are a few facts about Herpes. Herpes Simplex Virus causes Herpes. This virus has a couple of variants: HSV 1 and HSV 2. Cold sores are usually caused by HSV 1, while genital Herpes is caused by HSV 2. Both oral and penetrative sex can cause Herpes. Skin-to-skin contact can also result in the transmission of this virus. 

Symptoms usually include painful and uncomfortable sores in and around genitals, fever, body aches, flu, etc. Sometimes, urination can also be painful, and infected persons may develop an eye infection. Symptoms take more than a week to disappear. Sometimes, Herpes can be asymptomatic. 

An estimated 20% of the adult US population has Herpes. In other words, Herpes is not a rare Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) and is incredibly common. So why should dating with Herpes become rare? Well, there’s a social stigma, but several Herpes support groups on the internet have a positive story to tell. If you are a fun-loving person with candid and desirable qualities, you can catch an attractive date on PositiveSingles.com. 

Different people have different dating styles. If you use herpes dating apps, you may update your profile by mentioning your herpes condition. The world has enough positive and noble souls. You’ll find someone who will drop a message and say, “Hey, your profile is honest, and your qualities are admirable. I understand the risks involved. I am willing to date you!” 


If you don’t want to mention Herpes in your profile, there is another approach with two simple and effective rules. First, wait for the right time instead of candidly blurting out that you have Herpes. Second, disclose the news way before having sex. This should ideally happen on your third or fourth date, which is typically when sex gets thrown into the mix. 

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Handling rejection when dating with Herpes    

Understandably, people may not accept partners with Herpes and STDs. This should not be hampering your confidence. PositiveSingles.com is not just a Herpes dating site. It’s a site with herpes support groups wherein sex therapists, sexual researchers, and users pour in their success stories and inputs. Such success stories help you cope with rejection, and soon, you shall find like-minded souls worth your time on this site. 

PositiveSingles For The Herpes Virus Affected

To counter the outbreak of herpes symptoms, there are medications. To counter your stress and anxiety, there’s PositiveSingles.com. When you break the news to your newfound partner or companion on this Herpes dating site, they may say, “Herpes doesn’t bother me” or “I also have herpes episodes”. It helps you embrace your reality without stigma or shame.

More than 60,000 life-changing stories are available on this herpes dating site. To access the features of this site, the first step is registering. Create an account by providing your details. It takes a few clicks and an email address to complete the registration. Fear not, your privacy is never compromised. This dating site for virus-affected people has enabled more than 2.5 million monthly conversations, proving its popularity among its 2.4 million registered members. 

Unique Features

The popularity of this herpes dating site amongst its user base is attributed to several unique features: 

1. Largest STD Blogs

Apart from being a dating site for people with STDs, PositiveSingles is also a rich source of authentic, credible information on how to manage and live with these conditions. 

  • Want to know about STDs and Herpes? You can find relevant content on the site
  • Want to learn about pocket-friendly yet effective treatment options? There’s an excellent repository of information available on the site
  • Want to learn about frugal flirting? This is the go-to dating site  
  • Want an insight into different types and levels of counseling?

2. Online Chat Room

While flirting with a potential companion(s), the Online Chat Room feature can be convenient. However, in the modern era, we always feel a bit insecure about our privacy given that data leaks are a very real risk. 

On several herpes dating apps, the privacy of registered members is compromised, and data breaches are commonplace. This isn’t the case here. Your conversations are safe, secure, and private on PositiveSingles. Also, the site’s user interface design is user-friendly, accessible, likable, and enjoyable.

Related Reading: 5 Reasons To Research Your Online Date Before You Meet

3. Live Dating Advisor and Live Counselor

When you connect with your companion, sex might be on the table after the third or fourth date. Just picture this scenario – simultaneously, the pent-up symptoms may come out in the open. You may have an outbreak of the symptoms. If you say no to sex to your potential partner, it may kill the romance instantly. What do you do?

Such situations need to be handled with maturity and qualified counselors on this dating app are there to hold your hand through such eventualities. Relationships thrive not just through physical intimacy but also emotional connections. In such a scheme of things, dating advisors might suggest you take long walks. They may counsel you and your partner to find a new hobby and help you keep the relationship going.

Symptoms usually disappear gradually after proper medications but remember, and this is a chronic disease. Hence, it’s essential to pay attention to all the warning signs. By staying in touch with qualified counselors, you can manage Herpes and STDs effectively, without letting them hamper your dating life. 

Stories about online dating

PositiveSingles: The Best Herpes Dating App

This site has a dating app as well. The app allows you to swipe left and right. There’s simple logic. If you like a profile, you have to swipe right. If you don’t like the profile, you have to swipe left. 

If you and your would-be companion swipe right, it’s a match! Easy-peasy! 

You can download the app on both Android and iOS devices. The iOS version can be downloaded from the Apple app store and the Android version from Google Play Store. If you want to test the waters before signing up on the app, you can use the website version of this dating platform. The gold membership is worth exploring for the many added features it gives you access to. 

There’s no room for negativity in the 21st century. It’s human nature to make mistakes. What’s important is not to repeat them. What’s more important is to learn from mistakes and take guidance from support groups, counselors, and medical professionals. Herpes is controllable and manageable. Dating with Herpes is very much possible. Keep telling yourself that you are stronger than the virus. Cheers!   

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