How To Get A Guy To Like You: 20 Simple Techniques, No Mind Games

It is simpler than you think

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How to get a guy to like you
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Have you fallen for a guy but are not sure if he sees you just as a friend or if he also wants something more? If you’re too shy to make the first move, you need to figure out how to make him want you. But this isn’t a movie and there isn’t a magical love potion available. However, we do have a few tricks up our sleeves on how to get a guy to like you. 

What Do Men Find Attractive In Women

Before discussing how to get a man to like you, let’s talk about how to attract a man first. While preferences can be subjective and different people can find different features attractive, there are some general preferences that are more commonly seen. We’ve curated a list of the features that men find attractive in women:

1. Hourglass figure

An hourglass figure includes a wide bust, narrow waist, and wide hips. While its common conception among women that a skinny figure is attractive to men, biology says different. Men instinctively find a figure attractive that is perceived better for reproduction, which includes wide hips. 

How to attract a man
 Hourglass figure

Now there’s not much you can change about your body type and that’s okay. But if you do have wide hips, be proud to be a curvy girl and embrace those curves confidently.

2. Long and dark hair

When wondering how to attract a man, pay attention to your hair. Glamour cited a poll conducted by Pantene, that revealed that hair is an important feature for getting a guy’s attention. Here’s are the findings:

Quote: “74% of men said that they notice women because of their hair while 44% of men revealed that the first thing they notice in a woman is hair, as compared to her clothes (26%), legs (25%), or makeup (4%).”

Okay, but what type of hair? What style, what color? Let’s find out.

A 2003 study published in Human Nature found that long to medium length hair was perceived as more attractive among six different hairstyles, including: the top bun, disheveled, unkempt, short, medium-length, and long. This may be because long hair indicates health and longevity. Also, short hair is often associated with manliness and updos with being uptight. 

As for hair color, Huff Post posted the results of a poll conducted by Badoo on men’s hair color preference. This poll surveyed over two thousand British men about their hair color preference in a female. Here are the results:

Quote: “60 percent of men found dark hair to be more preferred than light, with 33.1 percent picking brown hair as the most attractive and 28.6 saying black hair is the sexiest.”

3. Red is for Valentine

Black is a sexy color, no doubt, but a study has found, red may be sexier. A 2008 study conducted by researchers at the University of Rochester found that the color red is highly seductive and a big turn-on for guys. So, if you’re looking for advice on how to get a guy interested in you, here’s one. Try to incorporate some red in your look. Here are ways to do so:

  • Wear a red dress
  • Wear red lipstick
  • Red accessories such as heels, bag, earrings, etc.
How to get a guy to notice you
Red dress looks attractive

4. Eye color and shape

They say eyes are the windows to the soul and rightly so. Beautiful eyes play a big role in attracting man. Here are some insights about eyes and their attractiveness: 

  • Almond-shaped eyes are uniquely effective for drawing the attention of a man
  • When it comes to eye color, bright and light shades are perceived as more attractive than darker shades
  • Other than shape and color, eyes with curvy slopes and dark eyelashes are more successful in catching a man’s eye.

Related Reading: Flirting With Your Eyes: 11 Moves That Almost Always Work

5. Voice

Voice, while not being a part of physical attractiveness, plays a great role when focusing on how to attract a man. Women with a high-pitched voice are perceived as more conventionally attractive while deeper voices can be seen as manly.

The tone of voice also influences how people judge your personality. A mellow and sweet voice is associated with a kind and pleasant person, while a harsh tone may be perceived as rude.

6. Makeup

This is a tricky one, because we often hear guys saying, “I like girls with a natural look.” But is it really true? An analysis done by Zoosk, as cited by Bustle, found that female profiles with makeup on received three times as many male responses as received by bare-faced women.

Related Reading: What Do Men Want In A Woman? 11 Things That May Surprise You

So when guys say they don’t like makeup, it probably means they don’t like exaggerated or unnatural makeup. So if focusing on how to attract a man, maybe opt for a nude makeup and avoid bold shades. Except for the lipstick.

Lipstick is an exception when bolder shades are seen as more attractive. Red lipstick is especially a great addition to your look if your priority is how to make him want you.

20 Simple Techniques On How To Get A Guy To Like You 

If you’re reading this, chances are that you have a crush on a man and are not sure if it’s mutual or one-sided. Maybe he doesn’t even know you exist yet, or maybe you have his number but don’t know how to make a guy like you. No matter which stage you’re at, we’ve compiled a list of techniques on how to get a man to like you.

Crush on a guy
Crush on a guy

How to get a guy to notice you

If it’s a classic case of love at first sight, these ones are for you. You’ve fallen heads over heels but he doesn’t even know you yet. Don’t worry, here are tips on how to get a guy to notice you:

1. Dress well 

To clarify, this does not necessarily mean you should wear trendy or revealing clothes. Stay true to your style. Wear something that makes you feel confident and accentuates your body type. Choose an outfit that enhances your shape and best features. This will draw his attention.

Related Reading: 10 Outfits For First Date – What To Wear On A First Date [Expert Advice]

2. Apply red lipstick 

If makeup isn’t usually a part of your look, then this tip isn’t for you. But if you do wear makeup, red lipstick is a simple but effective tip on how to make a guy like you. This is because red is a sexy color and is often associated with seduction. 

Stylecaster referenced a University of Manchester study in which fifty men were shown images of either red-lipped, pink-lipped, or bare-lipped women. Here’s what the study found out:

“Men spent an average of 7.3 seconds staring at the women wearing red lipstick, 6.7 at the pink-lipped ladies, and only 2.2 seconds at those who wore no lipstick.”

A classic red lipstick is good enough. But if you wanna get creative, you can match the red to your skin tone: red with bluish undertones suits cool skin tones while red with orange undertones look better on warm skin tones.

3. Wear a scent

This is my favorite advice on how to get a guy to notice you as it can work even from across the room. Not only can a unique scent draw his attention, it will make him remember you. Choose a specific scent that you like and wear it around him multiple times. This way, he’ll associate the scent with you. For the scent, you may use:

  • Essential oils
  • Perfume
  • Scented lotion

Related Reading: Science Of Scent: You Have To Smell Good To Attract Attention

4. Hold eye contact

Holding eye contact for at least 2-3 seconds gives a hint that you’re interested. Add a smile to amplify the effect. While smiling adds to your attractiveness, it can also be seen as a subtle flirting.  But don’t stare at him for too long — you don’t want to seem like a creep.

How to make a guy like you
 Use eye contact to flirt

5. Give a compliment 

Nothing makes a guy remember you more than receiving a compliment from you. Trust me, he’ll be thinking about it all day. So see if you can incorporate some compliments for men in the conversation.

It could be something about his appearance: 

  • “Nice shirt!”, 
  • “Your hair looks great today.”
  • “Cool Shoes!”

Or a compliment for his personality:

  • “You’re so funny!”
  • “You’re such a gentleman”

Related Reading: 15 Quick Compliments For A Man’s Smile To Make Him Smile More

How to get a guy to like you over text

If you’ve already got his number but are not sure how to move ahead from friendly conversations to flirty texting, don’t worry, we’ve got you. Here are some tips on how to get a guy to like you over text:

6. Ask him thoughtful questions

If you’re wondering how to make a guy like you for your personality, questions are a great tool to move the conversation beyond the generic and superfluous topics. Gradually dive deeper with thoughtful and bonding questions. Asking questions will also make him think that you want to know more about him. Plus, it will give you space to share about yourself as well. This will create a bond between you two.

Try to keep the questions open-ended that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. You could ask questions like:

  • How do you usually unwind in the evening?
  • What’s your favorite spot in the city?
  • What’s your favorite childhood memory?

Related Reading: 20 Questions To Build Emotional Intimacy And Bond With Your Partner On A Deeper Level

7. Share pictures

Texting can get boring after a while and the conversation can fade out. So, if you’re wondering how to get a guy to like you over text, incorporate fun pictures in your texts to keep the conversation going. The picture can be:

  • A goofy selfie
  • Showing off a new dress
  • Displaying a hobby you purse (A crocheted penguin, for example)
  • Showing your location if you’ve come out for an event, hiking, or any place worth showing

Bonus points if you have good photography skills, because then you can impress him with your cool shots.

How to get a guy to like you again
Share pictures to keep your texts interesting

8. Share memes

Memes are the new love language. And they’re easy to incorporate between light fun conversations. Memes not only make the conversation less monotonous, but also opens a whole new door for sending indirect hints. Once they become a regular thing between you two, you can use memes to flirt, be playful, and drop hints.

9. Flirty texts

Of course, this tip depends on your comfort level. If you don’t feel as bold yet, let it be. But if you’re up for it, a little teasing or banter is a fool-proof answer to how to get a guy interested in you. So, try sprinkling a few flirty texts here and there, such as calling him cute or handsome.

10. Don’t text too fast

If he takes 2 hours to text back, don’t jump up and reply the minute you see the notification. It may seem petty but matching his energy is important. Seeming too eager or desperate may push him away. However, if he’s responding quickly, you can too. Quick replies mean he’s not busy, and if you aren’t as well, why not dedicate some time to your conversation?

Related Reading: 23 Tips On How To Respond When He Finally Texts You Back

How to get a guy to like you back

Are you already at the stage where you’re hanging out together, but feel like your feelings are one-sided? Check out these tips on how to get a man to like you back:

11. Act confident

Confidence makes you attractive. Your outfit and makeup are all secondary things. Here are some ways to display confidence:

  • Stand up tall
  • Don’t slouch
  • Make eye contact
  • Smile

If you have low self-esteem, work on building your confidence through positive self-talk by reminding yourself of your strengths and achievements.

how to make a guy like you
Make eye contact to look confident

12. Display your passions

What are you passionate about? Maybe you’re a hard-core fan of a particular band, or hyper fixated on a hobby. Share these passions with him. You can either: 

  • Weave these in the conversation 
  • Reflect them through items such as t-shirts and hats
  • Post about them online

Being passionate about something makes you an interesting person. Plus, it makes you stand out and easy to remember. For example, if you tell him about a band you love, he’ll remember you every time the band is mentioned.

Related Reading: The Talking Stage: How To Navigate It Like A Pro

13. Don’t make yourself too available 

When figuring out how to make a guy like you, remember to not seem too desperate. You don’t want the efforts to be one-sided. This applies to a couple of scenarios:

  • Checking your phone constantly and immediately replying even when you’re busy
  • Changing your plans constantly to hang out with him
  • Always choosing places or activities he likes, not taking your choice into consideration

If you want him to realize your worth and like you back, make him put efforts for you as well. Tell him sometimes that you have other weekend plans. The chase is an important factor in how to make him want you.

14. Make him laugh

No matter if it’s a guy or a girl, having a sense of humor is always an attractive trait. So if you want to make him like you back, make him laugh. Sometimes, a bit of playful flirting or a witty banter is all it takes to make a guy fall for you.

how to get a man to like you
Make him laugh

15. Put efforts in getting to know him

How to get a guy to like you back? Make him feel valued. Put in efforts to get to know more about him. This shows him that you’re invested in him and not only for his looks but for his personality. Here are some methods for how to get a man to like you:

  • Ask questions about his personal life such as his family and childhood
  • Ask questions about details of his work or hobbies.
  • Ask thought-provoking questions about his opinions about different subjects such as world affairs

Related Reading: 51 Bonding Questions For Couples To Strengthen A Relationship

How to get a guy to like you again

Did you have a guy like you but lose interest over time? As a relationship moves forward, sometimes the romance can fade and things can get monotonous over time. But don’t worry, here are some tips on how to get a guy to like you again: 

16. Make him feel needed

James Bauer, a relationship counselor,  has mentioned hero instinct in his book, His Secret Obsession. He says that men have a biological need to feel needed in a relationship. So that’s how you make a guy like you again, by making him feel needed. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Ask him to help with physical work. Something as little as opening a jar or changing the oil in your car. 
  • Ask for his opinions and make sure to show that you value them
  • Celebrate his achievements 

Related Reading: Hero Instinct In Men: 15 Ways To Trigger It, With Examples

17. Ensure physical proximity

If you sense that he is losing interest in you, check if you guys are spending too much time apart from each other. Physical proximity is important in keeping a relationship going. Dr. Jennifer Croyle, a licensed psychologist, mentions in her book Social Psychology, that proximity is an important factor in ideal relationships

To increase proximity, you guys can take on a project together, like painting your room or building furniture. Alternatively, you can go on a vacation or attend an event together to spend time with each other and remind him of your fun side.

how to get a guy interested in you
Take up a project together

18. Take a break

If you’re already in close proximity, maybe a little too much, then that may be the issue. Without some alone time, partners can start to feel suffocated in a relationship and even get bored of each other. If this seems to resonate with you, consider spending some time apart to give him, and yourself, some space.

Distance can be a good tip on how to get a guy to like you again. As they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. If love exists in the relationship, and has dulled down a bit, then he’s bound to miss you when you’re away.

Related Reading: 5 Reasons Why Taking a Break in A Relationship is Healthy

19. Don’t play games

Do you often play mind games where you make him feel jealous, pretend to ignore him, or test the ‘relationship tests’ on him that are popular on social media? As popular as these tricks may be, they are not the answer to how to make him want you more. 

These gimmicks don’t work long-term and are definitely not signs of a healthy relationship. In fact, they may frustrate your man and push him away further. 

20. Don’t be clingy

Guys don’t want a clingy girlfriend. Clinginess may seem cute initially but it taxes the other person and makes them feel suffocated. So avoid these behaviors to keep him interested:

  • Pushing him for public displays of affection if he feels uncomfortable with it
  • Constantly texting or calling him when he’s busy
  • Expecting him to spend all his free time with you

Making The Next Move: 9 Simple Tips To Keep Him Interested

You liked a guy, he liked you back and now you’re together. Yay! Congrats on your happily ever after. But remember, getting together doesn’t mean you stop putting in efforts to impress each other. For the relationship to work, you should be falling in love everyday and so should he. 

So how do you keep a guy interested and prevent things from getting boring? While each relationship is different and has different needs, here are some general tips on how to keep him interested:

1. Appreciate his efforts

Nobody wants to be taken for granted. Appreciate the efforts he puts in to make you happy. Compliment if he dressed up really nice for a date or brought you a sweet treat. It will make him feel valued and want to continue making romantic gestures.

Related Reading: 15 Quick Compliments For A Man’s Smile To Make Him Smile More

2. Surprise him

Another tip for how to keep him interested is to pay attention to what he likes and dislikes in terms of food, fashion, hobbies, etc. And then surprise him with the stuff he likes. Here are some things you can do:

  • Bring him his favorite dessert treat
  • Buy him a shirt of his favorite color
  • Gift him a collectible/figurine associated with his favorite show/movie
  • Bring him something related to his hobbies (Such as a color palette for someone who practices 
  • art)

Feeling known is a lovely feeling, and he’ll surely appreciate you paying attention.

how to keep him interested
Surprise him to make him feel appreciated

3. Don’t stop the flirting

Just because you’re now together doesn’t mean the flirting has to stop. In fact, flirting is more important in a relationship to not fall into a dull routine. All it takes is some naughty comments and playful touches to keep a guy interested. 

4. Lose the hard-to-get game

A little chase keeps the relationship interesting but don’t play too hard-to-get. If he has to work hard all the time to get your attention, he may feel you’re not interested or may lose interest himself.

Related Reading: Mind Games In Relationships — What They Look Like And Why People Do It

5. Dress up for him

Dressing up is one of the most effective tips on how to keep him interested. It tells your man that you value him and your relationship with him. Everyone appreciates when their partner puts in efforts to keep the relationship interesting. Plus, dressing up will also make you feel sexy and confident, which may lead to some interesting activities in the bedroom.

how to get a guy interested
Dress up to keep him interested

6. Make the first move sometimes

Don’t put it upon him to initiate sexy deeds every time. Keeping intimacy alive in the relationship is not his sole duty. Every so often, you should be the one to suggest getting intimate. You don’t have to make it too obvious. Maybe drop little naughty comments throughout the day to get him fired up. Or give him a sexy, suggestive smile for a quickie.

Related Reading: How Do Guys Feel About Girls Making The First Move?

7. Resolve issues calmly

Every relationship is going to face issues sooner or later. But not every issue needs to be escalated to a heated argument. Nobody wants a partner who fights constantly over petty things. So, to keep a guy interested, try having calm conversations instead. Most issues arise from simple misunderstandings and can be resolved with open communication.

Remind yourself that you love this person and both of you are on the same team. Here’s some things to keep in mind when trying to resolve an issue

  • Start the conversation with something positive 
  • State what’s bothering you clearly, and try using “I feel” statements
  • Avoid name calling
  • Keep your tone calm 
  • Make sure to reconnect once the issue is resolved

8. Know when to let go of a fight 

So maybe things escalated a bit and ended in an argument — it’s okay, once in a while. But do not stretch out such fights. Try to let go as soon as possible. Or at least take a pause to cool down before coming back to the problem. 

A major aspect of a healthy relationship is that your partner becomes your safe space. However, if there are constant dragged out fights, your guy may start wanting to escape instead of coming closer

Relationship Advice for Women

9. Recreate the initial days

Remind him what made him fall for you to keep the spark alive in your relationship. Occasionally, recreate the things you did at the beginning of your relationship to reconnect with your spouse. This could include:

  • Recreating your first date
  • Rewatching the first movie you saw together
  • Pursuing a hobby you used to do together

Key Pointers

  • Some attractive physical traits in women include an hourglass figure, long dark hair, and light and sharp eyes
  • Confidence, eye contact, and interesting hobbies also make a woman attractive to a man
  • To make a guy fall for you or keep him interested, try to make him feel needed, value him, and compliments are always a plus
  • Remember to not change yourself completely and lose your personality only to impress a guy

Final Thoughts

While there are studies that reveal some body types, hair colors, eye shapes, etc. to be more attractive, remember that preferences are still very subjective. Also, as mentioned in the above techniques, confidence is of highest priority, anything else is secondary.

So, here’s what to do to get a guy to like you. Wear what you feel the most confident in. Sure, a little experimentation here and there is alright. But don’t change your whole style only to impress someone. 

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