How To Make Up After A Fight

Relationship Advice | |
Updated On: February 9, 2023
how to make up after a fight
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Reconnecting after a fight can be a heavenly experience. Trust us. A fight can bring two people really close. The kisses and cuddles and the apologies that come after a fight have a lot of power to cement a relationship. That’s why it’s important to put some real thought into how to make up after a fight. How you make up after a fight with your boyfriend or girlfriend says a lot about the way you want your relationship to unfold. 

Some couples become more distant after a fight. Others sulk for days and some even walk away to find relief from the screaming and the bickering. While each person’s response to an unpleasant showdown with their SO may vary, the fact remains that fights are inevitable in any relationship. But how you make up after a fight truly determines the direction your relationship takes after a conflict. In this article, we discuss creative ways to make up after a fight with your partner.

How To Make Up After A Fight In A Relationship

Let’s face it, a relationship involves two people who have grown up with different values and mindsets, so clashes are unavoidable. This is not to say that you would be fighting every single day over the most trivial things, but sometimes, there is a possibility of arguments escalating into a big conflict. That’s when reconnecting after the big fight becomes supremely important and how you do it really counts.

How to make up after a fight? What do couples do after a fight? How to make your girl happy after a fight? How to make up after a fight with your boyfriend? If you think throwing an apology in the air and expecting your partner to melt is the right way to make up after a fight in a relationship, you are wrong my friend. Reconnecting after a fight needs effort and, maybe, you should read on to learn how best to handle this situation. To figure out how to get back to normal after a fight, follow these steps:

Related Reading: 5 Tips For Great Makeup Sex After A Nasty Fight

1.  Ways to make up after a fight – Make-up sex

It tops the list, hands down. If you two had a nasty fight the night before, give yourselves the time to calm down and follow up with some steamy make-up sex. What’s crazy about it is that the sex could even be better than the hot and heavy quickie you two shared in the kitchen the other morning. The anger and tension really brings out your raw and vulnerable side, which can lead to a great time in bed.

Make-up sex is one of the most romantic ways to make up after a fight. Moreover, getting intimate with your partner after a fight will help you move past the disagreements. It will bring you two closer and strengthen your relationship. Who knew that the answer to how to make up after a fight would be to indulge in a nice round of sex?

Rosy, a reader from Beaufort, told Bonobology that she had her first big fight with her husband on the night of her wedding and while they were in the middle of an argument, he just shut her up by kissing her hard. You can guess what might have followed such a passionate kiss. After 10 years of marriage, she says she still remembers how they made up but has forgotten what they were arguing about. Believe us, yet? Try it if you do. It will make your partner love you more after a fight.

2. Laugh together

If the clash is about you two wanting different things, then negotiating with your partner is the most effective way to resolve the tension. If he wants to see a cricket test match on a Sunday while you want to watch a movie, meet your partner halfway. That way, you can avoid a trivial disagreement turning into a heated relationship argument. Once you have diffused the tension, try to lighten up the situation with some humor.

What do couples do after a fight, you ask? One of the creative ways to make up after a fight is to, maybe, laugh together. Most fights happen over petty issues. If you can use the power of humor to laugh at yourselves and realize how silly you have been, then it can really help you reconnect after a fight.

If you’re asking yourself “Oh man, how do I make up with my boyfriend after a fight?” or “How do you make your girl happy after a fight?”, it could be as easy as cracking a lame joke or even sending them a funny meme if you are looking for ways to make up after a fight over text. Making the situation lighter is a great way to remind yourself that you’re just being petulant and you should probably move on from the argument.

Infographic on how to make up after a fight
Here are a few ways to make up after a fight

3. Say the three magical words and it’s not “I love you”

I am sorry” goes a long way in settling disputes in a relationship. You might not be comfortable saying this often, however, saying you’re sorry and meaning it is not just brave but also the best way to deplete the negativity after a tussle. Since neither of you can be right in all scenarios, owning up to your mistakes is the first and most effective step to building a healthy relationship. You could also get your partner one of those cute sorry gifts to make up after a fight.

Understand that being apologetic and aware of your actions is actually considered sexy now. Especially if you want to make up after a fight in a long-distance relationship, saying sorry is the best thing you can do. In LDRs, your words do all the work for you and you have to be honest and real with your partner for them to be able to trust and love you. If you are looking for ways to make up after a fight, you know what you have to do.

Related Reading: The First Fight In A Relationship – What To Expect

4. Text each other

Ruby recounts how one text from her partner was all it took to resolve one of the ugliest fights they’ve had in their relationship. She remembers that the two got into a heated argument at the breakfast table. Then, as the two proceeded to work, the fight continued over text. Suddenly, when Ruby was frantically typing a message to give her boyfriend a piece of her mind, she got a text from him that said, “I love you. Leave it. It’s not worth it.”

She felt a sudden surge of emotion and fell madly in love with him for prioritizing their love over a petty fight. Ruby erased whatever she had typed so far and instead wrote, “Want to take you out to lunch today.” You can see why it’s a great idea to make up after a fight over text. It’s one of the most romantic ways to make your girl happy after a fight or make your boyfriend fall in love with you all the more.

There are times you can resolve things over text that you might not be able to do in your face-to-face interactions. Saying the right things when texting after a fight can placate the atmosphere. Sending a sweet emoji or GIF is a bonus that will get you brownie points. So, use the power of messaging to reconnect after a fight.

5. How to make up after a fight? Let them cool off

There are times when no make-up sex, negotiation, laughter, or apology makes sense if one of you is stuck-up on the issue all the time. In such a situation, giving your partner some time to cool off is the best way to go if you want to fix a relationship the right way. Give them time to process their thoughts and clear their head before they come with a peace offering.

Sometimes to make up after a fight in a relationship, you just have to let the other person be for a while. Giving space in a relationship after a fight will help your partner cool down. It might sound counterproductive and you may want to just run to them and talk things out. But sometimes, time apart can do the healing for you. Consider giving them and yourself some alone time to put things into perspective. You two will come back much more level-headed, we promise.

6. Give your partner space to get back to normal after a fight

Some people get angry and then cool off in a matter of minutes, while others may not lose their cool easily but when they do, they could take a really long time to calm down. This is the time they need their own space. Give it to them. Don’t keep harassing them with knocks on the door and continuous peace offerings. If they are at work or not at home, don’t keep texting and asking if they are okay.

How to make up after a fight is sometimes about just leaving them be. Giving space in a relationship after a fight can work wonders, trust us. You have to understand that your partner needs their own space to come back to their old self. Pestering them to smile and kiss you at this point would be the wrong thing to do. Just let them be. They will come around when they are ready.

7. A cuppa does wonders

This is definitely one of the cute things to do for your boyfriend after a fight. To be honest, it is one of the most romantic ways to make up after a fight. It’s a hot brew, but it really helps you cool off and think rationally. You can make it at home or a better idea is to hit the nearest or your favorite coffee shop.

Either make him one or run out and get him his favorite order from Starbucks. Add some chocolate chip cookies to the mix and halfway through the cup, you might actually forget what the argument was about. How to make up with my boyfriend after a fight, you ask? Extend an olive branch over a cup of coffee. You could also get them a cute coffee mug – it’s one of the most thoughtful gifts to make up after a fight.

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8. Get to the bottom of the issue

Getting to the root cause of the problem is one of the most important tips on how to make up after a fight. Sometimes what looks like a silly issue on the surface could have deeper ramifications. If a partner has issues with you watching TV all evening, then maybe they want attention from you. If they complain about paying the bills every time you shop, then maybe it’s your exorbitant purchases that are stressing them out. They are not on an anti-shopping campaign, but maybe, if you picked up less expensive stuff, they would have been happier.

She could always be nagging you for doing the chores but, in reality, she just wants to feel appreciated for what she is doing for the family all day. So, instead of arguing and screaming and fighting over these issues, maybe you could look deeper and resolve the conflict. Thinking deeply and coming up with a solution is a good way of reconnecting after a fight. It’ll also make her love you more after a fight or make him appreciate you more for your thoughtfulness.

Related Reading: Top 9 Tips To Build Trust In Relationships

9. Don’t be afraid to return to the topic

How to get back to normal after a fight? Some couples are so fixated with the idea of restoring normalcy in their relationship that they’re afraid to return to the topic that caused the argument in the first place. They apologize, brush the issue under the carpet and try to move on without realizing that an unresolved issue is like an unhealed wound in a relationship.

It is bound to raise its ugly head like a monster a few months later. All your previous effort of figuring out how to make up after a fight also goes in vain because the issue just creeps up when you least expect it and you keep having the same fight over and over again. A good way of reconnecting after a fight is to go back to the topic that triggered the fight. Avoiding it won’t take you anywhere.

Talk about it. You might not be able to resolve the conflict immediately, but starting a dialogue calmly is a good first step. Rather than being one of the creative ways to make up after a fight, we know this is a boring and long one that you might want to avoid. But you should do it for the sake of your relationship.

10. Acknowledge if you are wrong to make up after a fight

This really helps a couple to reconnect after a big fight. To make up after a fight with their partner, people often apologize but they are not always willing to acknowledge that they were wrong and use that incident to try to be better in the future. Try to delve deep within yourself and find out where you are going wrong. What was your role in starting the fight and continuing the word match?

If you have the capability to realize where you went wrong, then there is no harm in acknowledging that. In short, don’t focus on the fights and arguments more than the love that the two of you share. Anger is momentary, love is forever. This can be especially helpful if you’re in a long-distance relationship.

While there are ways to make your girl happy or you can find cute things to do for your boyfriend after a fight like surprising your man in person with flowers or ordering him his favorite meal and getting it delivered to his house, nothing is as sweet as a heartfelt apology with a promise to be better in the future.

Key Pointers

  • Accept your mistake and tell your partner that you are sorry – it’s one of the best tips on how to make up after a fight
  • Giving space in a relationship after a fight can work wonders
  • Give your partner time to calm down and then return to the topic you had a fight about
  • Make-up sex is also one of the most romantic ways to make up after a fight

From a heartfelt apology to laughter and an honest conversation about your issues, there are so many ways to make up after a fight. Choose the most appropriate one, depending on your relationship dynamics as well as the severity of the issue at hand, and you’d be able to get over the tension and unpleasantness. Are there any special tricks on how to make up after a fight that you use with your SO? Tell us in the comments section below.

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