Now a study to know how much sex you should have!

The Science of Intimacy

Trending Topics | | , Spiritual Counselor & Writer
Updated On: November 5, 2024
Now a study to know how much sex you should have!
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Have you ever wondered about the ideal frequency of sexual activity in a relationship? A recent study sheds light on this topic, exploring the link between sexual satisfaction and relationship quality. The findings may surprise you!

How Often Should Couples Have Sex? A Study Reveals All

We can never get enough of it and it is the one activity that sets our relationships aflame.

Sex is what keeps us alive to the core regardless of all the hiccups we encounter in it as a couple. It forms an important part of our well-being even as a single person. So it’s organic to ask ourselves, is there a particular number that one should aim for every week?

A recent study from the Kinsey Institute reveals the average number of times a person has sex in a week could depend on their age. The study revealed that people between 18 and 29 have double the amount of sex as people in their 40s.

“There’s no magic number for everyone—what matters most is the satisfaction and connection between partners.”

Related Reading: How to spice up your sex life

Here’s a reliable estimate of what’s normal at your age–

-People between the ages 18 to 29 have sex 112 times a year on an average (which roughly translates to twice a week).People between the ages 30 to 39 have sex 1.6 times per week (86 times per year).

Couple in love kissing on the bed
Couple in love kissing on the bed

People between the ages 40 and 49 have sex 69 times per year.

The study explains an inevitable fact of life as we get older.

“The basic storyline that has emerged from these studies is that, as we get older, our odds of developing chronic health conditions increases and this, in turn, negatively impacts the frequency and quality of sexual activity,” writes Dr Justin Lehmiller on the Kinsey Institute’s website.

The study also reveals that marriage is a big factor in determining the frequency of sex one has.

  • 34% of all married couples have sex two to three times a week
  • 45% of all married couples have sex a few times per month
  • 13% of all married couples have sex a few times in a year

These numbers should give you a fair idea of what to aim for in your sexual life.

And it will also help you gauge the health of your sex life.

But moving beyond numbers, I feel you are as young or old as you think and sex is an important part of that equation.

Related Reading: Women and their sex fantasies

One is as sexy as one feels and the body will take command from the spirit eventually. Remember that.



1. Is there an ideal number of times couples should have sex?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. While some studies suggest that couples who have sex once a week tend to report higher happiness levels, the ideal frequency varies depending on individual needs and the relationship dynamic.

2. Does more frequent sex lead to a stronger relationship?

More frequent sex doesn’t necessarily equate to a better relationship. Emotional intimacy, communication, and mutual respect are more significant factors. For some couples, less frequent sex can be just as fulfilling if the emotional connection is strong.

3. What if my partner and I have different sex drives?

It’s normal for couples to have different sexual desires or needs. Open communication is key. Discussing expectations, compromises, and finding a balance that works for both partners can help maintain a healthy sexual relationship.

Final Thoughts

The “right amount” of sex for any relationship is less about hitting a specific number and more about ensuring that both partners feel emotionally and physically satisfied. Sexual frequency is just one aspect of intimacy; the quality of the connection and communication between partners is what ultimately makes a relationship thrive. Some couples may find happiness with frequent intimacy, while others may feel content with less frequent physical closeness. What matters is mutual understanding, respect, and finding the balance that works for both individuals. If sexual satisfaction or differing desires become a point of tension, it’s worth exploring these feelings together—or with the help of a professional.

Whether you’re looking to reignite the spark or better understand each other’s needs, book a session today for our expert guidance on fostering a fulfilling and connected partnership.”

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