40 Relationship Affirmations To Use For Your Love Life

Relationship Advice | | , Writer
Updated On: September 18, 2024
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Affirming something is a way of attracting positive vibes from the universe. Law of Attraction states that everything we say or do has consequences. We are here to tell you that you can use that to your advantage. To start you off, we’re bringing to you 40 relationship affirmations to nourish your love life.

Love affirmations must be about people and things you genuinely care for and want to repair your relationship with. If you want that dream life to work out for you, start with the work of daily affirmations today. Remember this: Affirming something that doesn’t move you would only result in mindless chanting of words. Those are not positive affirmations. For love affirmations to work, people must work toward what they are affirming. So if you and your partner use powerful love affirmations but don’t actively indulge in loving gestures and activities, it wouldn’t be useful at all.

Remember, affirmations are reminders that work with actions. Healthy and satisfying relationships are not built on the foundations of lousy attitudes and insincere promises. If a relationship needs some mending or you’re looking for a healthier one, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to find out how some simple daily relationship affirmations can bring about much-needed positivity in your love life.

40 Relationship Affirmations To Use For Your Love Life

Let’s start with understanding what an ‘affirmation’ means. These statements help us stay motivated by channelizing our emotions in the right direction. Affirmations could be general or completely personal, based on one’s requirements. Until you master your personal relationship affirmations, let us help you with the ones you can stick by regardless of the situation.

It is essential to remind yourself of the beautiful things in your life. Spending quality time in front of the mirror to affirm or remind yourself of it only boosts your morale and helps you attract the love you deserve. Practicing affirmations for relationship anxiety or stress can help cut the negative thoughts and bring about more positive energy in your lives.

Powerful relationship affirmations remind you of the unconditional love you deserve in your life whilst reminding you of the changes you must make for the ones you love. Whether you’re looking to maintain a positive and healthy relationship or you’re working toward cutting those toxic people out, relationship affirmations always come in handy. 

Remember: You can only love others when you learn to love yourself. And only unconditional love must be reserved for the self!

1. Love Affirmations to attract a soulmate

Are you tired of being the only one who’s single in your group? Have all your friends found “the one” while you’re still scrolling through Instagram on your phone? Don’t give up, we are certain that the love of your life is on the way. It’s time to call upon some powerful love affirmations.

If you want to speed things up by sending out some positive vibes into the universe, here is a list of relationship affirmations to attract your soulmate. And word to the wise: Stop with your age-old affirmations. Let’s have a look at some new relationship affirmations to better our cause:

1. I deserve unconditional love
2. Love is going to find me
3. I am worthy of love
4. I am going to meet my soulmate soon
5. I am surrounded by people who love me 

2. Affirmations for love and marriage 

It is always a good idea to remind yourself and feel grateful for all the wonderful people in your life who love you. And when it comes to that special someone, relationship affirmations become even more valuable. If you’re looking for affirmations for love and marriage, read on to find out how you can maintain that positivity in your relationship forever:

6. I deserve the love given to me by my spouse
7. My partner and I are so grateful for each other
8. My life feels blissful with my partner
9. My partner and I have a healthy and strong relationship
10. My partner and I understand each other and have complete mutual understanding

Related Reading: Is Marriage Worth It – What You Gain Vs What You Lose

3. Relationship affirmations for a specific someone

Are you looking for relationship affirmations for a specific someone? Well, we couldn’t be happier! After all, life would be so bland if not for the presence of significant others in our lives and the cute gestures we make to let them know they’re loved and cherished. In a world where hustle is unavoidable, reminding ourselves and our loved ones of our blessings is necessary.

Let’s look at some love affirmations to affirm your special relationship with a specific someone:

11. My partner and I are extremely happy together
12. My partner and I are a perfect match for each other
13. I love being in my partner’s company
14. My partner and I share a divine connection
15. I feel appreciated and cherished in my relationship with my partner 

4. Affirmations to heal a relationship 

Only our closest ones have the power to hurt us the most. While that stands unquestioned, it is also equally vital for every relationship to heal past traumas and move ahead toward a healthier future. If you’ve come here looking for love affirmations to heal a relationship that’s been in troubled waters for a while, this one’s for you.

It’s time to look at some relationship healing affirmations:

16. We are forgiving toward each other
17. My partner and I love each other through good and bad times
18. Our connection is cosmic and pure
19. Our love is stronger than our problems and we have the power to overcome them
20. Life is better when my partner and I are together

healthy relationship affirmations
Affirmations heal all lasting relationships!

5. Daily relationship affirmations

Why wait for the bus to hit you to get insurance? Daily relationship affirmations allow you to not fret, and help maintain your calm even in turbulence. These affirmations are important reminders to appreciate yourself and your loved one. This would avoid any friction and enable you to look at things from your partner’s perspective as well:

21. The universe has much more love in store for me
22. I am not alone
23. I feel so grateful for the people who shower me with love
24. I am ready to let the universe work out its ways
25. I am going to receive the love I deserve

6. Positive affirmations for intimacy

Affection can come in many forms and how one chooses to show it may vary too. If you and your partner love spending intimate moments together, use affirmations to ensure that these moments never fade away.

For some, intimacy builds with words while some feel the need to connect physically. Some only need a few kind gestures and others crave intimacy in bed. Whatever your choice, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re wrong to want it.

Let’s look at some positive affirmations for intimacy where you remind yourself that it is okay to want a little more from your partner:

26. I embrace my sexual desires
27. I deserve to have the sexual compatibility and pleasure that I desire
28. I am an adult capable of taking my own sexual decisions
29. I should not feel guilty of any sexual activity that my partner and I consent to
30. My sexual life is personal and not open to judgment or speculation

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7. Long-distance relationship affirmations

One of the toughest phases of a lasting relationship is when you and your partner can only connect virtually. Not being in each other’s physical company can lead to more misunderstandings and futile arguments. Attract love from miles away by using the right relationship affirmations. Positive statements and thoughts are the key!

Did you just start a long-distance relationship with your partner? Love affirmations must guide your way. Guarantee your relationship against future shocks by adopting these simple daily powerful affirmations:

31. My partner and I are in a stable and loving relationship
32. Our love would continue to flourish even with the physical distance between us
33. My partner and I are aware and conscious of everything that happens in our lives even if we’re living apart
34. Distance can never damage true love
35. We are intimate with each other even without physical intimacy

Related Reading: 15 Benefits Of Long-Distance Relationships

8. Healthy relationship affirmations 

Healthy relationships do not drain your mental health and leave you feeling sapped at the end of each day. You feel nourished, cared for, and respected in the relationship. In order to make sure your relationship gets to this point or remains this way, it’s good to utilize these healthy relationship affirmations:

36. The universe has awarded me with nurturing love that I deserve
37. My partner and I respect each other’s decisions and wishes
38. All our decisions are based on mutual consent and love
39. My partner helps me be the best version of myself every day
40. My partner and I motivate each other to successfully complete everything we undertake

Am I in a healthy relationship quiz

William Purkey, an award-winning professor at the North Carolina University, and Betty Siegel, president of Kennesaw State University, pointed out that people desire most to be affirmed with their present worth and also be reminded of their potential. This enables us to maintain a more positive outlook in life. When our approach and outlook are positive, our relationships get stronger and we become much more giving.

Sharing her example, a friend of mine, Rhea, tells us that before she started practicing daily powerful affirmations, the stress and negativity around her directly affected her relationships. She explains how her relationship saw pointless arguments as a result of numerous misunderstandings. If your partner’s behavior has you tossing and turning at night, use these effective and positive love affirmations for him/her to realize what they could have forgotten.

“When I started using relationship affirmations daily, I was reminded of the tremendous love that my partner and I share, and our relationship eventually healed,” says Rhea. Love affirmations could truly bring about a positive behavioral change!

These new relationship affirmations are enough to bring the much needed happiness into your love lives. We hope that these 40 relationship affirmations to use for your love life gave you a little more insight into the world of positive statements. All of us need some assurance to get through our bad days and we shouldn’t be embarrassed about it. We hope you attract love in all the ways you seek!

This article was updated in January 2023.


1. Do affirmations work for relationships?

The answer to this question cannot be a simple yes or a no. Rather, it is both. There are different circumstances where affirmations work or refuse to work by bringing about no change in a person’s life. According to us, one of the primary reasons this might happen is because you put too much effort into affirming the wrong thing. Affirmations must be personal and connected to what you think is important in your life.  Affirmations work wonderfully in situations where you and your loved one work toward a loving relationship.

2. What are positive affirmations in a relationship?

Positive love affirmations in a relationship usually refer to words of reassurance and determination either to oneself or to one another. These statements exhibit positivity and affirm the positive emotions in a relationship. Going through a rough patch whilst being single or in a relationship, affirmations go a long way in improving our mental health. They also help us improve relationships by seeing things clearly and removing toxicity from our lives.

3. Can affirmations make someone love you?

Love affirmations work wonders when it comes to attracting the right people into your life. Manifesting or affirming what or who you believe in might not always be a guaranteed approach. However, it heals and purifies the connection between two people. Hopefully, if the connection is ready to be manifested, the affirmations would help you to form a positive bond with your special someone. Whether it really does make someone fall in love with you or not is an answer you would know once you embark on this journey of affirmations.

4. How long does an affirmation take to work?

Affirmations only work with sincere dedication and faith in its existence. If either or both are lacking, the results are not so obvious. If you do religiously engage in affirming something you want to see a change in, keep at it for a minimum of thirty days. In such a span, you must begin to notice small changes in your circumstances. 

However, if it does take you a little longer, there is no need to lose hope or panic. Set aside a couple of minutes every day to practice your love affirmations.

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