Are you noticing signs from the universe that your ex is coming back? Does it mean your former partner is manifesting you back into their life? Most of us became acquainted with the concept of ‘manifestation’ through the book/movie The Secret. It made us believe that we can attract anything we want, simply by believing that we have it already.
But who would have thought a person could use this technique to invite someone back into their life? Do we not have control over our reality? These are very complex questions, right? And so, for unique insights on whether your ex is manifesting you, we talked to manifestation coach Dhruvi Joshi, who specializes in human resource management, influencer management, and psychotherapy. Let’s look at some spiritual signs your ex is coming back because they might be manifesting you in their life too. This way, you might be in a better place to decide how you want to respond to their desire to get back together.
17 Powerful Signs From The Universe That Your Ex Is Coming Back
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How exactly do the Law of Attraction and manifestation work? Are you wondering how to manifest love using the Law of Attraction? Dhruvi explains the concept in a nutshell, “Whatever you feel, think, and speak into existence, you manifest that positive energy in your reality. In simple terms, it means putting your intention toward something that you hope will happen and then watching it take place in your reality.
“Your thoughts create your reality. We’re attracted to what we think about the most. So, if someone is using all the Laws of Attraction techniques to manifest you, then you will be compelled to think about them.”
You can also apply the Laws of Attraction when it comes to a romantic interest which translates into signs your ex is manifesting you. And even if they aren’t, perhaps the universe is just conspiring to bring you two together again. Here are some obvious signs from the universe that your ex is coming back:
1. You can’t get them out of your head
Dhruvi says, “One of the spiritual signs your ex is coming back is that you’re constantly thinking about them. Even though you’re not together, you two are still closely connected. You cannot stop thinking about them, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. You cannot get them out of your head. It’s actually because your soulmate is thinking of you.
“Hearing things is another tell-tale sign. You may hear their name in your head, or in the middle of a random conversation with friends.” This is one of the clearest signs from the universe that your ex is coming back.
Are you two twin flames? Are you wondering how to know if your twin flame is trying to cross paths with you again or if your past love life may be resurrecting itself? Dhruvi explains, “The second powerful sign is that you’re dreaming about them a lot. These dreams could be very vivid/emotional. They may even be a recollection of happy moments with them.”
A Reddit user wrote, “This past week I’ve been randomly thinking about my ex more than my current person and I’m not sure why. Keep in mind this is not an ex I want back, he treated me like top-tier shit! Earlier this week he appeared in my dreams twice telling me he misses me. Both of these dreams were sexual but in the dream I had today, he told my best friend he missed me.”
3. You get their visions
A Reddit user wrote, “I see my ex’s name everywhere, even in my dreams. Even my YouTube search history has his name (I don’t remember searching and he doesn’t even know my passwords). I even saw him driving on the opposite side of the road… and then I saw his new dating app profile. Too many synchronicities, it’s wild! Is it one of the signs my ex wants to get back together with me?”
On this, Dhruvi says, “If you get clear visions about them, it’s one of the signs from the universe that your ex is coming back and that you may even get back together. This happens with psychics a lot. You can see their face in front of your eyes.”
4. You spot their names everywhere
It’s no coincidence. Consider this one of the signs that your ex is coming back. Dhruvi explains: “You start seeing their names everywhere. You see it on billboards, Instagram videos, or even in the names of characters in movies. You may also start seeing their look-alikes at random places. A family member or old friend may suddenly pop in front of your eyes.”
Have you ever got a random whiff that reminded you of your ex? This could be one of the undeniable signs from the universe that your ex is coming back. Dhruvi says, “Out of the blue, you smell their scent. You sense that they’re around. Pay close attention to such meaningful coincidences. They signify a spiritual connection.”
6. Thinking about them before you go to sleep
Who knows, maybe your ex is just pretending not to care about you when in reality, they’re obsessed with you! And one of the spiritual signs your ex wants you back is that they do not leave your mind. Their energies for you are so strong, that you cannot help but think about them. There might be some kind of a soul connection here.
Dhruvi explains, “This could result in your ex being on your mind a lot. So, is your ex in your dreams? If you’re going to sleep and the only thing that comes to your mind is your ex, it’s another one of the spiritual signs your ex misses you and is manifesting you. Or maybe, there are still unanswered questions about your relationship weighing heavily on their mind.”
7. Angel numbers could be signs from the universe that your ex is coming back
Pay attention to your surroundings, and you’ll know if your ex still loves you and if they’re trying to get back together with you. “You may also come across angel numbers that are related to them. For example, if their birthdate is 21st, you may come across ‘2121’ at random places. This is a clear sign that something big will happen between you and them.” says Dhruvi.
A Reddit user shared a similar experience, “I feel like I’m in the same boat. I’ve been seeing lots of angel numbers, especially 222. On top of that, I’ve been getting a lot of posts on my explore page relating to tarot (which is something my ex is into). For the past week, I’ve heard our songs and have even dreamt of her.”
8. You have a sudden urge to contact them
Dhruvi says, “If you have a strong desire to call, meet, or text them, it is one of the spiritual signs your ex is thinking about you. Perhaps, they are manifesting you back as well.” In such cases, you’ll almost feel compelled to make those phone calls and you won’t be able to stop yourself, even though you may have broken up with them long ago. You may feel unhappy with your current dating life and single status and just yearn to talk to them again and feel close to them.
Wanting to talk to them might indicate that they are trying to manifest you
9. You feel like they’re watching you
A Reddit user wrote: “My horoscope readings say someone from my past is stalking my social media, wanting to come back. I’ve noticed the fake pages and his family watching my page out of the blue. I know these are not my thoughts missing him, I feel like I’m going crazy! Is it him manifesting me or am I just being delusional?”
Dhruvi explains how this is one of the spiritual signs your ex is coming back: “Despite the no-contact rule if you feel that your ex is always watching you, it’s among the clear signs from the universe that your ex is coming back.” If an ex is suddenly viewing all your social media stories, or you notice an unfamiliar account (or one belonging to their friend or someone from their family) keeping track of your every move on social media, it could be a strong sign your ex wants you back in their life. Your emotional connection with them is not yet over.
Are you experiencing extremely intense mood swings? Consider this one of the primary spiritual signs your ex is thinking about you and possibly still loves you. Despite the breakup, they perhaps cannot stop thinking about you and may want you back in their life. Dhruvi talks about how vibrational energies travel at a subconscious level: “You may notice a sudden uptick in mood swings. If you’re happy, you may suddenly start feeling low and vice versa.”
11. Hiccups/eye twitches
Some psychics say that if your eye suddenly starts twitching, it’s one of the signs he thinks about you. Similarly, hiccups could be a result of eating/drinking too fast. But they could also be an indicator that someone is missing you and wants to spend time with you. This is one of the spiritual signs your ex is thinking about you. They may be looking at old photos of you and reminiscing the good times.
12. The universe is hinting to you with spiritual signs your ex misses you
Yes, the universe speaks to you in unexpected ways and shows you all the signs that your ex is coming back, if you simply try to communicate. So, start listening…Manifestation coach Kenneth Wong says, “Ask the Universe for a sign. Pick a symbol or number of your choice. Say this prayer, “Universe, show me a sign of [your sign] in 24 hours if someone is manifesting me.” If you see your sign within 24 hours, you will know that your gut feeling was right. If you do not see it, you will know that you are not being manifested at the moment.”
If your mutual friends mention your ex without any apparent reason, it is one of the signs from the universe that your ex is coming back. Maybe, they don’t usually talk about your ex. So, what could be the reason behind their sudden interest? It is possible that they still feel that you should be together with them even though it has been a few months since the breakup. Their words might make you rethink the breakup.
14. You are filled with regret
Just a few days after the breakup, you may have felt a sense of relief. But, suddenly, you are flooded with the realization that this was perhaps a good relationship with a solid foundation. You cannot stop thinking about how the two of you are connected to each other and don’t want to be in a new relationship with anybody else. Even these feelings could point to spiritual signs your ex is coming back. You might have made the call of leaving them but your heart does not want to let go.
15. You feel you are destined to be with them
Maybe you’re convinced that the two of you might be twin flames. Intuition might have a lot to do with your feelings about this person, and it could be trying to tell you something important. One of the spiritual signs your ex wants you back and that you might want them too is the feeling in your gut that you two are destined to be together.
Of all the spiritual signs your ex is coming back, this is the most pivotal one. So, read closely. Pink is the color for unconditional love, and spotting a pink feather around yourself means that love is right around the corner. It signifies that your guardian angels are pushing you toward your real love. It’s also one of the symbols of love.
17. You suddenly find one of their belongings
So, your relationship status has been single for 14 months now and you haven’t thought about your ex. You’re moved on and are happy. But, suddenly, you find one of their old belongings, like a watch or a T-shirt, or something you didn’t expect to suddenly find so long after the breakup.
Consider it a good sign from the universe that your paths are still aligned. Not only is this one of the spiritual signs your ex is thinking about you, but it also signifies that you two are about to meet or cross paths again soon.
Now that you’re familiar with the signs from the universe your ex is coming back, sit back and introspect how you feel about the prospect of getting back together with your ex, and consider what your final thoughts are on this situation. Do you still find them attractive? Do you still have feelings for your ex? Did you part ways on account of circumstances beyond your control? Have you been hoping to get back together with your ex? If so, these signs your ex is manifesting you are an encouraging development.
But what if the opposite is true? Was your relationship a never-ending rough patch? Were you with someone who was non-committal from the start? Did it instill a deep sense of self-doubt in you, so much so, that you still talk negatively about those experiences? If the answer is ‘yes’, then it’s time to explore other romantic prospects instead of getting back with your ex.
How to make your ex stop manifesting you
Finally, after knowing the spiritual signs your ex misses you, it is also important to understand how to stop someone from manifesting you. Dhruvi provides some tips that can prove helpful, to undo and remove the spiritual signs your ex wants you back.
She says, “Raise your vibration and build a healthy relationship with yourself. The most important thing is to stay in touch with your higher being and clear your past blockages. Keep a positive mindset and use that same energy in channeling high vibrational energies to what you want in life. You can also manifest your crush in simple ways.
“Always remember one thing, that another person can only manifest you if you want them to. This is your reality too. Just assume that nobody can manifest you. If you will inherently believe that only people who are good for you can attract you and be attracted to your life, that will become your reality.”
Key Pointers
If you regret breaking up with your ex or if your relationship ended due to circumstances beyond your, your ex manifesting you can be an encouraging sign
If you cannot get them out of your head, it is one of the spiritual signs your ex misses you
Seeing their name everywhere and being able to smell their scent are indicators of a deep connection between you and your ex
Other signs you and your ex are meant to be are coming across angel numbers or going through major mood swings
But, remember you have your free will and a person can manifest you only if you want them to
When it comes to manifestation, belief is what plays a key role in driving what you want to attract. What you believe in and understand to be true is certainly what you will bring into your life. So now that you’ve understood the spiritual signs your ex misses you and is trying to get back with you again, you know how you can shape and create your own reality by applying the very same techniques. Maybe these are the signs you and your ex are meant to be for good. Good luck and have faith in the universe!
Final Thoughts
While these signs may hint at a possible reconciliation, it’s important to approach the situation with clarity and self-awareness. Ask yourself if getting back together aligns with your personal growth and well-being. Sometimes, the universe sends signals not to rekindle the past, but to provide closure or a deeper understanding of your journey. Whether your ex returns or not, trust that everything is unfolding as it should for your highest good.
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I wrote my first poem in fifth grade and haven't stopped since. As it has been famously said, 'I don’t write poetry; poetry writes me.' Writing has not been a luxury for me; it has been a necessity that keeps me sane. Pouring my emotions onto paper comes as naturally to me as breathing. A degree in Journalism from Christ was just the cherry on top. Writing long essays as part of UPSC preparation or term papers as a JNU student never felt like a burden to me; in fact, it was therapeutic to type 2,000 words in one go. Interning as a reporter with The Indian Express taught me how asking the right questions can lead to crisp and engaging pieces. Emotionally, I have keenly observed and experienced inconsistencies in relationships—both in my own life and around me while growing up. I have hopped from relationship to relationship, be it long-distance or unrequited, toxic or abusive, live-in or casual. To heal from the pain and heartache of those experiences, as well as the rough marriage of my parents, I would post long pieces on Instagram. These posts became both a venting space and the start of my journey toward self-love. Some people started relating to my writing and would tell me, 'You should get paid for this!' So, here I am. I found my medium to release overwhelming feelings and the lessons I’ve learned, getting them out of my system
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