17 Signs He Wants To Make You His Girlfriend

Pay attention to his actions, and you’ll see how much you mean to him

Single and Dating | | , Writer
Updated On: January 17, 2025
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Dating someone, or seeing someone casually and don’t know what it’s turning into? Beginning to notice that the special guy in your life is developing feelings for you? Still not sure where it is leading to? Well, what if we told you, that no matter how guarded a man is about his feelings and intentions, if he wants to be with you, it will reflect in the way he behaves around you. We decode those changes for you in this rundown on the 17 signs he wants to make you his girlfriend—pay attention to these and all your dilemmas will dissipate. 

You read that right, a man’s true intentions can be deciphered by simply keeping an eye out for some tell-tale behavior patterns. More often than not, there are even some early signs he wants you to be his girlfriend that can help you make up your own mind about your future with a guy you may be interested in. Let’s take a look at what these signs are.

17 Signs He Wants To Make You His Girlfriend

Do you have a feeling he’s about to pop the question? No, not that question. Do you think he’s going to ask you whether you’d like to be in an exclusive relationship with him? Have you been feeling that he is becoming more emotionally invested in you? Do you sense a hint of attachment? Do you often wonder, “Does he want a relationship with me?”

While these can be encouraging signs if you feel strongly for this guy and want something more, it is also important to know what his intentions are. Looking out for the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon can help you figure that out as well as prepare yourself for this much-awaited conversation, so you’re not left fumbling for words when he does bring up taking things to the next level.

Take the example of Grace, who was falling head-over-heels for a guy she had been casually dating. After being nonchalant for the first couple of months, he too became more responsive, and emotionally connected. They were constantly texting back and forth, he’d suggest date ideas and plans every weekend, and they even slept at each other’s places a few times.

signs a guy is claiming you
His intentions will shine through in his actions

Not sure what to make of it and cautious to not get her hopes up, she turned to a friend for counsel, and asked, “Does he want me?” “Oh, Grace, these are definitely signs he sees you as girlfriend material. I’m so happy for you,” said the friend. But when Grace brought up the ‘where is this going?’ conversation on their next date, he completely froze.

“I thought we were just having fun,” was all he could mumble before cutting the date short, calling for the check, and leaving with a promise to call again. But he never did. That is why it is important to be as sure as possible of what may be going on in his head before building up your own expectations about the future. These 17 signs he wants to make you his girlfriend will help you gain that clarity:

Related Reading: 85 Get To Know Me Questions To Connect

1. He’s trying to get to know you better

One of the clear signs he wants a relationship with you is that he starts trying to get to know you better. This means that he starts asking you the right get-to-know-me questions, and makes a real effort to understand you and your life better. He becomes more curious about you and wants to understand what kind of space you may have in your life for him. Or whether he can even get to know you at a deeper level.

No guy is going to ask these questions if he’s not interested—unless he is just emotionally manipulating you. Beware of guys who try to talk about emotional things with women just to get into their pants. They get women to open up and talk just so women can feel comfortable around them. But end up pulling away when a woman starts to want more emotionally. 

So, how do you tell whether the guy in question has genuine feelings for you or is merely playing you? One clear difference is that he’d be perfectly okay taking things slow if he truly likes you. If he is consistently more and more invested in you, it is among the clear signs he wants to date you more seriously and build a relationship with you.

2. You share inside jokes

Do you guys have inside jokes? Have you already reached that point where you can guess what’s going on in the other’s mind by just looking at them? Do you burst out laughing without even having to crack those inside jokes? When you are at a table with others, does he bring up these inside jokes or anecdotes?

This suggests that you already share an intimate connection and that he is trying to harness a deeper, meaningful connection with you. You make his life a happier place, and he has no reservations about letting the world see it. Perhaps, he wants to be sure that you’re both on the same page before making a move. So, when you see the signs he wants to be your boyfriend and feel the same way about him, make sure you drop obvious hints to convey your interest in taking things forward.

signs a man wants to be with you
Sharing inside jokes is a sign of an intimate connection

3. Compliments in abundance

Does this guy constantly admire you and tell you how amazing and beautiful you are? Does he do this not just on your good days but bad ones as well? And does he make you feel like he’s your number-one fan? If he is into you, he’ll pay you compliments not just about your looks but also your talents, habits, and personality traits.

This could also be one of the early signs he wants you to be his girlfriend particularly if you notice that he has started doing this only recently. This is exactly what happened with Katie, who met Rossell during a summer internship at an advertising firm. They both felt an instant spark. Since they were going to be together for only a couple of months, they decided to keep things casual. But both ended up catching strong feelings.

“About a month into dating Rossell, I saw that he’d notice even the smallest things about me and make it a point to appreciate them. One day, I had worn a blue dress for our date and he said that it reminded him of my prom look, only now I looked even more gorgeous. The fact that he remembered what I had worn to prom night was enough to tell me that his feelings had turned deeper, just like mine,” says Katie. Sometimes the signs he will ask you to be his girlfriend can be hidden in the little gestures, which are a manifestation of his changing feelings for you. 

Related Reading: 10 Signs You Have An Emotional Connection With Someone

4. He opens up about himself

Guys are usually very discreet about their emotions and experiences. So if a guy starts opening up and talking to you about his vulnerabilities, then you are definitely in for the long haul. If he’s beginning to initiate a relationship with you, he won’t be afraid to talk about himself. This means that he trusts you and wants to take things to another level, emotionally. 

Guys show their vulnerable side usually when they want you to support them or take care of them emotionally. So, if he’s told you all about that gut-wrenching first breakup he had or how he cried himself to sleep because he thought his parents loved his older sibling more than him, it’s one of the unmistakable signs a guy wants you to be his girlfriend. He’s letting you into the deepest, darkest chamber of his secrets because he finds comfort in you.

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5. He is protective of you

Guys are adorable when they start acting all protective. Well, not in a territorial, overprotective boyfriend kind of a way but more in an “I’ve got your back” way. This is not just one of the signs a guy wants you to be his girlfriend but that on some level he has already made up his mind that you’re the one for him.

If a guy is into you and wants more, his protective streak will inevitably begin to emerge. Be it something as simple as holding your hand when crossing a busy street or calling/texting to check if you’ve reached home safely after a night out with your girlfriends, he will always do whatever he can to make sure you are safe.

signs he really likes you
Protectiveness stems from his feelings for you

6. He wants to impress you

When a man is in love with you, he will go out of his way to impress you and show you that he cares. He wants you to view him in a positive light, as he is trying to set a foundation for a relationship with you.

This is also one of the promising signs he will ask you to be his girlfriend soon. Before he asks you, he wants to make sure that you see what a stand-up guy he is and what a wonderful partner he’d make. Hence, he makes no mistakes in trying to impress you. Pay attention to how he goes out of his way to do things for you. It’s a dead giveaway that he’s completely smitten with you and wants more.

Related Reading: 21 Signs That A Man Is Pursuing You

7. He is interested in your love life

Perhaps, the clearest of the 17 signs he wants to make you his girlfriend is his interest in your love life. If a guy likes you enough to plan a future with you, he is going to start asking questions about whether you like someone else or if you’re ready for a committed relationship.

He may also enquire about your past relationships to understand where he can fit into your present and future. He is trying to understand whether you have any emotional baggage and how all of that can be countered and taken care of if he wants to step into your life.

8. He plans ahead with you in mind

Does he want to date me exclusively? Are we headed toward a relationship? If questions like these are keeping you up at night, paying attention to how he talks about the future might clear things up. If he’s making plans involving you weeks or even months in advance, it clearly means that you’re special to him and that he wants you in his life long-term. 

signs he wants a relationship
He envisions a life with you

Maybe he casually mentions a concert happening next month and suggests you go together or talks about how he’d love to take you on his favorite hiking trail when spring rolls around. These plans are one of the subtle signs a guy is claiming you because in his mind there is no doubt that you will be together for the long haul. 

9. You’re his go-to person

When something exciting happens, like him nailing a presentation at work, or when he’s had a tough day because his boss didn’t appreciate all the hard work he put into the project, you’re the first person he wants to share it with. He might text, “Guess what just happened!” or call you when he needs to vent. Being his emotional first responder means you’re becoming a priority in his life.

Carol, 29, a veterinarian in a small town in Ohio, shares that’s how she knew her now-finance wanted to take things to the next level. “Karl and I had been seeing each other for a few months now and I was killing myself overthinking about how to know if a guy likes you enough to make a relationship exclusive. Even though we were not seeing other people, we hadn’t had a conversation about making the relationship official and the ambiguity was killing me. 

“Then, I began to notice that Karl would text or call to share every significant development with me, and at the end of the day, he’d share the goings-on of his day in great detail. That showed me how much I mattered to him. Curiously, we never did have that conversation. He just popped the big question a year after we started dating and I said yes. We’re getting married in the fall.”

10. He’s eager to meet your friends and family

One of the undeniable signs he wants a relationship is that he’s genuinely interested in knowing the people you care about because he wants to be part of your world. He might say, “I’d love to meet your best friend you keep talking about,” or even offer to tag along to your cousin’s birthday party. 

When he does meet them, he goes out of his way to be nice to everyone and tries to build a rapport with them. He cares about you enough to want to be liked and accepted by the people who matter the most to you. If that doesn’t say he wants to make you his girlfriend, we don’t know what does! He’s gearing up to confess his feelings for you.

11. He pays attention to the little things

Does he want me, you wonder? You may find the answer in the little things he does for you or remember about you. Does he remember your favorite coffee order? Or the way you like your fries extra crispy? Maybe he remembers what your favorite book as a child was and gets you a first-edition copy for your birthday. 

Perhaps, he notices that you love crime thrillers and recommends a show you might like. Or sends you memes that made him think of you. These small acts of attentiveness show how invested he is in you and how well he’s come to know you. We’d count it among the signs he really likes you enough to make you his girlfriend.

Related Reading: How Do You Give Someone Attention In A Relationship?

12. He finds ways to spend more time with you

One of the telltale signs he wants a relationship with you is that he is always looking for ways to spend some quality time with you. You don’t have to vie for his time and attention, or bicker over why he’s always too busy or preoccupied to hang out with you. No, on the contrary, he’s the one making plans or looking for ways to be around you— whether it’s suggesting a mid-week dinner date or tagging along to your errands just to hang out. 

He might even shift his schedule to align with yours, like waking up early for a morning jog because he knows it’s your thing or switching up his gym timings from evenings to morning so that he can have that time with you. All of this means that this guy really values your presence in his life and is an encouraging sign that he wants you in his life.

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13. He talks about “us”

One of the surefire signs a guy is claiming you is that he starts talking about “us” more than “I” and “you”, signaling that, in his mind, you’re already a committed couple. If he’s using words like “we” or “us”, it’s an indication that he’s envisioning a shared future with you. These don’t even have to be serious long-term plans. Something as simple as “We should get a new table for this place” or “We should stop ordering in so often”, can indicate that he now thinks of you as an integral part of his life. Subtle, but very telling!

14. He shows up consistently

Reliability is one of the clearest signs he’s serious about you and wants to take the relationship to the next level. If he’s always there when he says he will be, whether it’s for a planned date or to help you fix that leaky faucet, there is no denying that he’s all in and wants you to count on him. 

Joan, a history student from Long Beach, was having trouble figuring out how this guy she was smitten with felt about her. They had grown up together and she had a massive crush on him. “Mike keeps sending me all sorts of mixed signals. He’s so protective of me and clearly cares about me but won’t take things forward. What does all of this mean anyway?” she wondered.

It was only when he ditched a Knicks game with his best buddies—something he’d been looking forward to for weeks—to be by her side when her dog had to be put down that Joan saw Mike’s feelings for her clearly. Like Joan, if you too aren’t sure about how a guy feels for you, pay attention to his actions more than his words. The signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon may be hidden in how he consistently shows up for you. 

15. He makes you a part of his world

When a guy wants you to be his girlfriend, he’d want to show you off to the world. So, he’ll go above and beyond to make you a part of his world. From inviting you to meet his friends and asking you to be his plus-one for his cousin’s wedding and planning drinks and dinner so you can meet his siblings, he’ll reel you into his world, bit by bit. This is his way of showing that he sees you as part of his life, not just someone passing through.

16. He wants to know you inside out

If you’ve been wondering how to know if a guy likes you enough to want to make you his girlfriend, pay attention to whether he makes an effort to deepen your bond. For that, he will move past surface-level conversation and genuinely try to understand your fears, dreams, hopes, and aspirations. And if he remembers your goals and encourages you to pursue them, you’ve got yourself a keeper.

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17. He respects your boundaries

A guy who truly values you and wants you in his life for the right reasons will be patient with you, respect your pace, and never push you into anything you’re uncomfortable with. Whether it’s waiting for you to be ready to define the relationship or understanding when you need space, if he respects your boundaries and is ready to take the relationship forward at a pace that you’re both comfortable with, it speaks volumes about his feelings.


1. There is a guy that randomly compliments me but I don’t know if he really wants me to be with him—how can I tell?

Sometimes, we tend to take politeness for flirting. So, if a guy is generally complimenting you and not meaning to turn it into something, then pay attention to his personality. Does he compliment everyone and is generally outgoing? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Then tell him. Maybe that’s just how he is – so you can process and tell yourself that instead of overthinking.

2. A guy I know has introduced me to his friends and family, but he doesn’t seem to initiate anything more in the relationship. Is he into me?

If a guy has introduced you to his friends and family, that means he likes you enough to be in his life. No one will introduce someone to people who are an integral part of their life unless they want something more out of the relationship. Maybe he’s too shy to express his feelings or is just taking his time before committing. Or maybe he just regards you as a very good friend. When in doubt, just ask!

3. There is a guy who gets very jealous if I talk to others and don’t spend time with him – does it mean he’s into me?

Probably! If a guy wants you all to himself, then it’s clear he has a thing for you. If he gets jealous, then he definitely wants you to spend your time with him and not others.

Final Thoughts

In case you’ve been spending sleepless nights worrying about how he really feels and whether there can be a future with him, start paying attention to these 17 signs he wants to make you his girlfriend. And if you see a majority of these signs in your current dynamics, don’t hesitate to talk about the future. Perhaps, he is uncertain about how you’d react and that’s what’s holding him back. By taking the initiative or even dropping hints that the feelings are mutual, you can open the gateway to a beautiful partnership.

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