Evangelist David Wilkerson once said, “Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do.” And we agree. Men in love convey more through their actions than their words. In these subtle acts of thoughtfulness, care, and affection lie the signs of true love from a man.
When a man is in love, you may find him obsessed with you, calling and texting you every day, singing to you, and bringing you flowers. Men in love are unreasonable creatures, driven by emotions.
In this article, we’ll not just give you detailed insights into the real meaning of true love, but we’ll also unearth 20 signs of true love from your guy, with help from California-based senior psychiatrist and mindfulness-based relationship consultant Dr. Shefali Batra (MD in Psychiatry), who specializes in counseling for separation and divorce, breakup and dating, and premarital compatibility issues.
What Is True Love In Relationships?
Table of Contents
Have you ever wondered what true love is? Are you still searching for a man who will love you unconditionally? Before we get on to the signs of true love from a man, let’s find out what ‘true love’ means in relationships.
Dr. Batra says, “True love in relationships is like finding that perfect balance between chaos and harmony, where you accept each other’s quirks and idiosyncrasies with a smile, even when they drive you crazy.”
Related Reading: 10 Examples Of Unconditional Love
“You know you’ve found true love when you can have entire conversations in monosyllables and still understand each other perfectly.” She cites this example: you’re both exhausted after a long day, and the dialogue goes something like this:
- “Hungry?”
- “Yeah.”
- “Pizza?”
- “Sure.”
- “Large?”
- “Obviously.”
Sounds familiar? Well, perhaps you and your boo are in deep love already. Here are some more insights on true love:
When you find yourself laughing at inside jokes that make no sense to anyone else or embrace your partner’s weird habits as if they’re your own, you know you’ve found true love.
– Dr. Batra
- You know you’re in true love when you’ve reached a level of telepathic communication that is beyond words
- Love at first sight is mostly never true love. It takes time and effort
- It’s when you cater to your partner’s needs effortlessly
- When you’re in true love, you support each other’s dreams, no matter how unachievable they may seem
Dr. Batra explains, “When you find yourself laughing at inside jokes that make no sense to anyone else or embrace your partner’s weird habits as if they’re your own, you know you’ve found true love. It’s messy, hilarious, and utterly perfect in its imperfection. True love means celebrating the quirks, the unexpected moments, and the delightful absurdities that come with being together.”
How Do You Know When Love Is Real?
So, how do you know when love is real? Dr. Batra says, “Real love might not always be glamorous, but if you’re laughing together, supporting each other, sharing both the fun and tedious parts of life, and envisioning yourself with your partner in rocking chairs when you’re old and gray, you’re probably in it for the long haul.”
Related Reading: 11 Things To Describe True Feelings Of Love
She points out a few ways in which you can be sure that love is real:
- Trust: Real love involves trust and generosity. And this generosity extends to doing more than expected for your partner
- More “We” than “I”: When you’re in real love, you’ll end up using “we” instead of “I” more often. The “we” translates to a unit and that leads to deeper experiences and more authentic love. For instance, when you say “We are getting a dog,” in spite of the fact it’s your partner who loves dogs and is getting one, you know the love you share is real
- Doing chores together: Real love is when you do chores together. When you’re navigating mundane tasks together, it’s a sign that the love is real
- Making your partner feel comfortable: If you genuinely care about their well-being, even when you have to go the extra mile to make sure they’re fine, it’s a big indicator that the love is real. Picture this: you’re cozy in bed at 3 AM, and they need a glass of water. Real love means you get up and fetch it, even if it means leaving your warm bed in the middle of the night
20 Signs Of True Love From A Man
True love is a subjective and elusive term. When we speak of true love, it could have different connotations for different people. For some women, the signs of true love from a man could include the amount of time he spends with her, while for others, true love could mean the emotional support they receive from their boyfriends or husbands.
Related Reading: Love In The Time Of Hook-Up Culture
Well, it definitely isn’t as simple as it sounds. Even scientists have been baffled by this concept and there have been studies to unearth the meaning of true love. But what is true love in a relationship, really? Are you unsure whether your boyfriend or husband loves you for real? Dr. Batra says, “True love is often found in the little things and heartfelt gestures.” She enlists 20 telling signs that show he’s truly fallen for you:
1. He remembers the small things
One of the true love signs from a man is when he remembers the tiniest details about you. For instance, my friend Linda once told me how she knew nobody could love her more than her boyfriend. She said, “I didn’t even remember I had told him I have a salon appointment this Thursday. So, I was taken aback when he said, “So, make sure you get your nails done pretty, honey!,” at breakfast that day. I was like, OMG! Are you kidding me?”
Dr. Batra mentions a similar case she once came across. “There was one lady who once mentioned she loves penguins, and her boyfriend made sure she had a whole collection of penguin-themed socks on her birthday.”
2 He makes time for you
This is what Dr. Batra says is a big giveaway that his love is true. So, imagine the following scenarios:
- He prefers spending quality time with you, watching rom-coms with you when you’re on your period, even if that means skipping the big game that’s on this Friday
- He takes a day off from work to be with you just because you are going through a tough time at work yourself and need a day to get things back together
These are some of the clear true love signs from a man.
Related Reading: 25 Body Language Signs A Man Is In Love With You
3. He listens to you
Dr. Batra explains, “And this isn’t just the “uh-huh” kind of listening, but he actually remembers your friend’s cat’s name.”
Well, men who listen are gems. In fact, a study has proven what women have been complaining about for a long time. It stated: “…men only listen with half their brain, while women use both sides.” But if, in spite of that, you find a man who listens to you attentively, you have real love, my girl!
4. He supports your dreams
This one’s a no-brainer. A man loves you for real if he supports your dreams. Dr. Batra says, “Whether you want to start a goat farm or become a professional bubble wrap popper, if you find your man cheering you on, you know his love is real.”
Shannon, an investment banker from New York, had this dream of launching a café. Now, she and her husband were both hustlers who made a decent living in New York. But her supportive husband decided to not just financially support her dream but also encouraged her to quit her job and chase her dreams instead. She launched her dream café last year and couldn’t stop gushing with joy. “I am delighted and know for sure I’ve made the right decision when it comes to marriage,” she said.
Related Reading: What Are The 13 Biggest Turn-Ons For Guys?
5. He’s your biggest fan
Are you embarrassingly loud at your family’s karaoke night? And you still find him rooting for you? Well, Dr. Batra says he’s a keeper.
You know a man is in love when he’s your biggest fan in whatever you do. So, here are some more examples:
- You’ve started your weight-loss journey and decide to update it on a daily basis on your social media. Your boyfriend is the first one to ‘like’ the posts and comment “That’s my girl.” Well, you sure have a keeper
- You join a dance workshop and manage to complete a dance number, fumbling and with amateur steps. And he still cheers you on as if you’re the star of the show. He’s your biggest fan and loves you truly
Whether you want to start a goat farm or become a professional bubble wrap popper, if you find your man cheering you on, you know his love is real.
– Dr. Batra
6. He makes you laugh
Dr. Batra says, “You know your man loves you truly when even on your worst days, he knows how to make you laugh, even if it comes at the cost of his own smile.”
Here are some examples:
- You’ve had a rough time at a presentation at work, but he tries to make a fool of himself with some silly joke just to make you smile
- You have made a mess of a dish while trying to experiment with your cooking skills, but he says something like, “That’s my Columbus of cookery. Exploring cooking like a pro” and has the dish with a smile on his face
- You’ve had a rough day at work and he comes home and arranges a candle-lit dinner for just the two of you, just to get a smile on your face
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7. He’s protective, not possessive
Dr. Batra explains this one: “There’s a difference between “Did you get home safe?” and “Why were you talking to him?” So, make sure your man is protective but not possessive.”
Here’s how a Reddit user explains what protectiveness means for him as a man: “Humans are strange animals. And we all have a bit of caveman in us telling us to provide for our mates, our families, our tribes. And that’s the truest measure of us. It’s hard to overcome.”
8. He compromises
Compromises show how deep your bond is. While we’re not saying you or your partner should compromise to an extent where you lose yourselves or your identity, a certain level of compromise needs to be achieved if you need the relationship to work.
Dr. Batra says, “Pizza toppings, movie choices, you name it. If he’s willing to meet you halfway even in the little things in life, you know you have a man who loves you.”
Related Reading: 21 Signs That A Man Is Pursuing You
9. He shows affection
At times, love should be expressed through affection, and we’re not just talking about physical affection here. Dr. Batra explains, “PDA may not be his thing, but if he always finds ways to show he cares, like slipping a love note in your lunch box, you know it’s one of the signs of true love from a guy.”
Here are some more ways that a man can show he cares:
- Gifting you a book by your favorite author
- Bringing you a care package with your favorite chocolate when you’re on your period
- Cooking noodles for you just because you love Chinese cuisine
10. He’s honest
Often, love isn’t just about appeasing the other person. True love lies in being honest with your partner. Dr. Batra says, “Even if it means telling you your new haircut is, well, interesting, honesty matters a lot in true relationships.”
Here are a few such examples:
- You ask him how you’re looking in a red dress, and he tells you that you look better in black
- You ask him what your negative traits are, and he doesn’t shy away from saying that you seem a bit self-obsessed with all the selfies you keep posting on Instagram
Related Reading: When Your Partner Loves You More Than You Love Them
11. He respects your space
Dr. Batra says, “If he knows you need your “me time” and doesn’t take it personally, you know the love is real.” In fact, when a man loves a woman, he wouldn’t have a problem nurturing space in the relationship. For example:
- You couldn’t receive his call when you were at the salon. He doesn’t throw a fit when you call him back an hour later
- You’re out with your friends and tell him you’ll be late. Instead of getting angry, he tells you when he can pick you up
- You’re venturing on a solo trip to Bali, and instead of getting insecure, he helps you pack your suitcase
12. He includes you in his future
Does he often talk about the future with you? Does he ask you about your future plans too? Dr. Batra says, “When a man loves a woman, she’s not just in his present, she’s a part of his 5-year plan.” And we agree.
Here are a few instances:
- He tells you he wishes to travel to certain countries with you in the next couple of years and asks your opinion on it
- He lets you know he wishes to launch a burger brand in the next 2 years and asks you about your career plans too
- He asks you questions such as if you like kids and tells you he has plans of having a kid within a couple of years of marriage
Related Reading: 23 Clear Signs He Sees You Long-Term And Is Truly Committed
13. He values your opinion
Dr. Batra says, “One of the signs of true love from a guy is when he seeks your advice, whether it’s about his new shoes or his career decisions.”
And here’s how:
- He asks you whether he should move cities to pursue a new job
- He asks you whether he should invest in a start-up in a year from now
- He asks you if he should buy a car or invest his savings in a trust fund
14. He’s there in tough times
What is true love in a relationship? Dr. Batra explains, “Well, how he treats you is how he feels about you. Sick days, bad days, cramp days, you-name-it days, and he’s your rock. That’s when you know he’s falling in love with you.”
But this is a little tricky and you may have to stick with the person for a while to find out if he’s actually willing to be with you in tough times.
Related Reading: 13 Sure-Shot Signs A Casual Relationship Is Getting Serious
15. He’s proud of you
Dr. Batra says, “You know a man is falling in love with you when he starts showing he’s proud of you, and not just when you achieve something big. Even your small wins are celebrated. For example, he will feel your first DIY project of making a pen holder warrants a cupcake.”
Here’s how a Reddit user narrates how her dad still shows her mom he’s proud of her: “My dad’s office is filled with my mom’s pictures.” She adds, “He’s “that” guy at work and everybody loves it. After 25 years of marriage, he still brings my mom flowers and takes her out on spontaneous dates.”
16. He’s patient
Well, patience is a virtue, not just in men. Dr. Batra says, “One of the signs a man is in love with you is when he’s patient in the relationship.” Here are some examples:
- You’re taking forever to get ready. And while he’s not asking “Are you ready yet?” every now and then, he’s there, waiting for you. And when he sees you, it’s with a smile
- He waits for you to finish your work and get on a call with him, no matter how late it is. He doesn’t get angry or throw tantrums
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17. He surprises you
Surprises work wonders when it comes to relationships. Even a study has proven that humans, in general, love the idea of surprises.
Dr. Batra says, “If you keep asking yourself, “Does he love me?”, watch out for this sign. Does he surprise you often? And we’re not talking about surprises on birthdays. We’re talking about random Tuesday chocolates. Well, this is one of the clear signs a man is in love.”
18. He shares his world with you
How do you know when love is real? Well, it’s when your man shares every little thing with you. Dr. Batra explains, “His friends, his hobbies, his collection of vintage coins – it’s all open to you. That’s one of the true love signs from a man.”
Picture the following scenarios:
- He reveals his deepest insecurities and fears. He tells you he’s scared of heights and of cockroaches. For a man to own up to his fears is a new level of intimacy
- He answers all your deep questions and tells you about the worst things that have happened in his life, such as the one time he was molested by a teacher
- He tells you what his ex-girlfriends were like and why he broke up with them
Related Reading: 30 Ways To Know If A Guy Secretly Loves You, But Is Too Shy To Admit It
19. He adapts
What is true love in a relationship? These days, it’s not unusual to find couples who are from different cultural backgrounds or have different mother tongues. It’s also quite normal to have a life partner that is from a different professional background. You may also be totally opposite personalities. But one of the true love signs from a man is when he is ready to look past the differences and is willing to adapt to be with you.
Dr. Batra points out a few such instances:
- He adapts to your family traditions and festivals
- He adapts to your peculiar habits, such as having black coffee at breakfast
- He adapts to your food habits. If you’re vegan and he isn’t, he still tries to take you out to vegan restaurants just to be with you
20. He doesn’t just say “I love you” but shows it
In this day and age, dates are as easily available as pizza ordered from a food app. The word ‘love’ is thrown around casually. But one of the true love signs from a man is when he doesn’t just say he loves you but also proves it from time to time.
Dr. Batra says, “Actions that speak louder than words. And if he’s ready to cook breakfast even if he has to leave for work in 5 minutes, because you’re not feeling well, it’s definitely one of the signs of true love from boyfriend.”
Infographic On Undeniable Signs Of True Love
Now that you’ve gone through our detailed low-down on what the signs of true love from boyfriend or husband are, let’s look at a few more such signs of true love from a man. We hope this helps you get over any doubts that you may have about your relationship.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do you know a man genuinely loves you?
You can be sure a man loves you if he shows certain signs. For instance, he will remember small things about you, make you laugh, give you space, and be honest about you.
2. Does he really love me or is he playing me?
Well, a player will be intermittent as far as his attention is concerned. He will not communicate openly, will not be available when you need him, and will lie to you blatantly. So, now, you have your answer, if you’re wondering whether your partner loves you or is playing with you.
Key Pointers
- True love is when you accept each other’s flaws and quirks and are there for each other in happy and sad times
- In real love, you will work as a team and will genuinely care about each other’s well-being
- Some of the signs of true love from a man are: honesty, the will to make you laugh, respect for space, affection, and compromises
Final Thoughts
Dr. Batra explains, “Remember, true love isn’t all about fairytales and dramatic displays of affection but the little things that make you feel special. If your guy’s ticking off these signs, you’ve got yourself a keeper. And if he occasionally dresses up as a dinosaur to make you laugh just because you love them, well, that’s just a bonus.”
So, don’t hesitate to fall in love with a guy who makes it evident with his actions and words that he is indeed in love with you. We hope our detailed list of 20 signs of true love from a man has helped you answer your burning question, “Does he love me or is he just pretending to?” We also hope you find your true love soon, in case you haven’t already. Take it slow. You’ll get there someday.
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