Sometimes, you may have to be away from your guy due to work, studies, or other things (hopefully not his wife). That’s when you can use text messages to make him obsess over you. You can’t always get on a call but you can, definitely, sneak in a text in between meetings. In fact, a text message can be more potent than a call.
Imagine sexting while traveling and looking at your phone every now and then. The hot anticipation from every beep on your phone, hoping it’s a text from him, the butterflies in your stomach when you draft a response, the eggplant emoji followed by the tongue emoji followed by the water droplets emoji. It could go on and on. Point is, you can’t do this on a call.
75 Text Messages To Make Him Obsess Over You – Updated List 2022
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Think about all the festive greetings every brand sends you around Christmas. Why do you close those notifications without even reading them? Because they all sound so similar. Dead and robotic. Now imagine your man receiving the same generic “My bed feels so big for me” text message from you night after night. Ugh!
If you don’t want to seem like a bot texting, you’ll need to put in some effort to come up with text messages to make him obsess over you. Here are some examples of how you can make him think about you:
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1. Texts to make him think about you
If you want to get your crush to like you, text him something sweet. Engage him in a conversation before confessing your feelings or if you’re just getting into a new relationship, text him to simply remind him about you, to make your presence known. Proximity is one of the first steps to love. If you can get him to think about you, you can make him obsess over you.
1. I wish you’d stop being so hot. My coworkers keep asking me about you. It’s just so distracting
Do a little teasing. If you work in the same building, tell him your coworkers (or you) find him hot. You can replace coworkers with cousins/friends if he’s a neighbor or a friend.
2. I wondered why all those women were looking at me with lusty eyes. Then I realized, I was walking with you
A subtle compliment. If you’re still just trying to get in his pants, this could be your starting point.
3. I’d go crazy if I get that kind of attention from women everywhere I go. I wonder how you deal with it
Don’t go low on compliments for men that make them happy. Make him feel good about himself.
4. You’re going to love me, I mean, the outfit I wear tonight
This could work like a charm if both of you have plans to get together in the evening.
5. Even though we’ve been together all day, I can’t get enough of you
Express your desire to be with him to make him obsess over you. That’s how you slowly start to slide into your man’s thoughts.
6. I know it’s been tough for you today. I’d gladly take care of you tonight
You can use this to show that you care about him.
7. Did you smile when you saw my name pop up on your phone just now?
This will come in handy since you know how guys text when they like you.
8. Nobody gets me like you do
If he has given you a suggestion, say this to thank him, and then, start a conversation.
9. I have no idea what I would do without you
Another way to thank him for any suggestions he may have offered.
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10. I thank God every day that you came into my life
When using texts to make him think about you, don’t hesitate to tell him how great it has been having him in your life.
11. My only regret is that I didn’t find you sooner
This will make him feel special and treasured. To not make things awkward, reserve this till he reciprocates your feelings.
12. We should stop texting and start seeing each other. Face to face
Time this well. This could be a sign of a relationship starting.
13. Speak of the devil. I was just thinking about you
If he texts you first, you could get playful. The idea is to create a conversation using text messages to make him obsess over you.
14. I wish you wouldn’t text me while I’m at work. People have begun to think of me as a psychopath because I keep smiling at nothing all the time
Remind him how happy he makes you. Make him feel good when he’s talking to you. It’ll make him want to come back for more.
15. There goes my concentration! Now I will think about you all the time
Use a playful mock-angry tone to make him smile thinking about you.
16. Thank God, we don’t work together. I’d never get anything done. I’d just constantly be talking to you
Use this to tell him how great your conversations are with him. People love it when someone shows interest in them.
17. I got a new bed yesterday. Want to check out if it’ll hold the two of us?
And with more such sexy, dirty text messages, you’ve gone from being friends to partners between the sheets.
18. Did the song [insert song] always sound as good, or is it just that I’ve met you?
This is how the song will become your song. The song to which you will, hopefully, dance to at your wedding.
19. I can’t figure out why, but I’m super-horny today. I think it’s your fault
Don’t hide how you feel about him. Be bold. Convey your interest through text messages to make him obsess over you.
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20. You make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world
Cheesy, but works. Especially if he likes Rihanna.
21. You already know how I feel about you. Don’t you think you should do something about it?
When it’s apparent that both of you feel the spark, be bold and obvious in your text messages to make him obsess over you.
22. I don’t think I’ll be needing Tinder anymore because I’ve already found the guy I want to be with
This could be a cute goodnight text to make him smile. Gradually, make the conversation sexier with texts that make him obsessed with you and only you.
23. It must have been tough for you waiting for me all those years
A little playful, a little teasing. Keep him on his toes.
24. I just read that caffeine can boost a woman’s libido. Is that why you keep inviting me for coffee?
Remind him of your razor-sharp wit at every opportunity you get, even if it’s something as routine as him asking you out for coffee.
25. Thinking of you before I go to sleep always gives me the best dreams
Choose this over the plain ‘good night’. Now, he’s thinking of you too.
2. Magic texts no man can resist
If you’re past the first date, it’s time to move on to the next part of the plan. Now, you don’t play to be in the race, you play to win. Express your desire to be with him but don’t go overboard. Keep the guy interested by sending him teasing, seductive texts that he won’t be able to resist.
26. Dinner plans? I thought we could get a reservation…. for my bedroom
If you want him to go crazy, dive into the sexier territory of text messages. Send him a seductive suggestion to make him obsess over you.
27. I heard there is a bomb on your subway. Your butt
He’ll love this one if he’s a Brooklyn Nine-Nine fan.
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28. I love wearing your shirt. It smells like last night
Get him excited by telling him how great last night was.
29. I have Netflix on, but no one to chill with. Think you can help me out?
Try some light wordplay, just enough hints to get his blood pumping.
30. It’s so cold out. Wanna come over and warm me up?
Something you can text him suggesting things for couples to do at home when bored.
31. Do you believe when they say it’s sexy when girls make the first move or do I show you the evidence?
Once you know it’s time to take the relationship to the next level, you better let him know.
32. If kissing is the language of love, then we have a lot to talk about
Nothing is as good as a promise of a sweet make-out session and that’s how you use text messages to make him obsess over you.
33. I like your clothes but I think they would look better on my floor
Now, you’re making some bold moves. If you’re going in for the kill, better start cleaning the house before he gets there.
34. I’ve never made love in a car before. Road trip?
This could be a suggestion for a road trip and a vacation. Imagine the two of you, all alone. Exciting, right? Enough to make him obsess over you.
35. I was just reminded of the time when we [insert steamy changing room sex]
Use this hot sext to send your partner some love when you want to make him obsessed with you and only you.
36. I just took some sexy pics, but it might be too much nudity for Instagram. What’d you think?
Save this for when you’re out with each other and are more comfortable talking sexy
37. There’s a Mewtwo at my house. You better come catch it
This works great if he’s a Pokemon fan.
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38. I love it when my roommate’s gone because I don’t have to wear clothes
Go bold with inviting text messages to make him obsess over you.
39. I think I might go bikini shopping today. Mind if I send you pictures and get your opinion?
That’s going to keep him on his toes all day.
40. A kiss burns like 7 calories a minute, wanna work out?
And who will refuse a workout like that when there are so many health benefits of kissing.
41. I can’t wait to be by your side again. Or would you prefer me on top?
Drive him crazy with texts like these, when he’s at work.
42. I was licking a popsicle and for some reason, thought of you
One of the magic texts no man can resist. Ever…..
43. All I want is my mouth on you – everywhere
And that’s going to make him hurry up to get to you from wherever he is.
44. I’ve been a very bad girl today. I think I need to be punished
Works wonders if you’re in for that BDSM 101 class.
45. I’ll be wearing heels tonight. ONLY heels
Spice it up by sending him shots of your feet in the heels, with every shot slowly climbing up your leg.
46. Something is missing today. I think it’s you. In my bed
A nice, sexy reminder for days when he has to go back to his apartment.
47. Have you ever enacted a movie? How about we try Fifty Shades of Grey?
Or any other erotic movie that you both like.
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48. I got a new mirror for the bedside. So, we could watch ourselves
Send him a picture of the mirror reflecting your body sprawled on the bed and wait to hear the bell.
49. I had a dream about you last night, you weren’t wearing any clothes
And that’s how you make him forget everything else by using text messages to make him obsess over you.
50. So, chocolate or strawberry? Personally, I like dotted more than anything else
We don’t have to use the birth control measures used by our grandparents anymore, so remember to always have safe sex. You can’t go wrong with such text messages to make him obsess over you.
3. Texts to make him miss you
When you have to be apart, you have to walk the extra mile to make things work (no pun intended). Whether your relationship is old or new, you have to add more than just seduction to your texts. You could use nostalgia or tell him why the relationship is worth the distance. Make him feel loved when he is away.
51. If I could change one thing about you, it’d be your current location… right next to me
If you are in a long-distance relationship and can’t meet him every day, then use this text to make him think about you.
52. I’m using my last 2% of battery to text you that I’m thinking about you
Make him miss you by telling him how important he is to you.
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53. I had a really vivid dream about you last night
This could start a great conversation while the two of you are apart.
54. Just thinking about all the things we could be doing if you were at my place right now
The purpose here is to make him obsessed with you and only you.
55. I just heard [insert Doja Cat song], and it describes our relationship perfectly
Or any song that you think describes your relationship perfectly as long as it’s not Rihanna’s Love the way you lie.
56. Do you want to know the first thing I will do when I see you?
This could be the very thing he needs when he’s away from you. You want him to miss you.
57. I was just thinking about when we first [insert the first date/kiss/experience]
Build nostalgia around such text messages to make him obsess over you.
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58. I woke up today and realized that nothing could replace the empty space you leave in my bed
This is one of THE text-messages-to-make-him-obsess-over-you examples. Not just very sexy but also fairly deep.
59. [Insert number of days] until I can lie beside you. Can’t wait
And, that’s how you fire up the anticipation to see each other after so long.
60. You know, it’s a good thing you’re so [insert what you love about them] because it makes this whole long-distance thing less hard. But you’re worth these nights alone in bed
This could be a great text especially when you know how much he is missing you.
61. I want you to get me something cute for my birthday. Nothing expensive. Simply put a bow on your head and come to me
A subtle reminder for him to come to you on your birthday.
62. You know what’s the best thing about the distance between us, how good it feels when I’m finally with you
Who can read this text from their partner and not feel the love?
63. I fall asleep thinking of you. I wish I could fall asleep next to you
Build the longing through such text messages to make him obsess over you
64. Congrats. You’ve leveled up. I won’t be holding back the next time I see you. Prepare yourself
You could also add some flirty texts to make him miss you.
65. I bought the sexiest underwear the other day. Maybe you should come and check them out
Don’t be surprised if he mails some lingerie for the woman who likes to spice it up.
66. What’s your favorite color? I’m looking for new lingerie
This could totally make him crazy about you and make him obsess over you.
67. I went shopping today for new lingerie, how about a fashion show?
This might prompt some photos, so be prepared.
68. I’ll be cooking dinner tonight and I want you for dessert.
Dinner dates after a long time will be, definitely, spiced up by this text.
69. Tell me what you like best about me and I’ll send you a photo of that
This can land you in some untested waters but if you play with wit and know how to tantalize your man, you can use such text messages to make him obsess over you.
70. I need a cuddle right now. Do you know anyone who might help me with that?
Very basic and very cute but does the work all the same.
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71. I was going to wait another day or two to text you but I can’t wait that long to talk to you
Use this if you two have had a fight and are not talking.
72. Put me on your ‘to-do’ list
Works great if your guy is the ‘organized’ type.
73. Can’t do any work because I’m thinking of your naked body on top of my naked body — it’s very distracting
That will be distracting for him too, so keep going to make him think of you all day.
74. Hmm, what kind of goodnight text would it take to get you in my bed right now?
This goodnight text will make his night sweeter instantly.
75. Hey, my boyfriend is away. You wanna come?
Use this one with caution. It’s suggestive of role-playing but can go wrong without the right context.
You will discover texting is a far easier and better way to express yourself, especially if your partner or you are not very communicative on calls. Texts can spice up your love life in ways a phone conversation can never. Add some spark to the relationship with some romantic and flirty text messages to make him obsess over you.
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