50 Things To Do As A Single Woman For An Evolved Personality

Single Life | | , Relationship Writer
Updated On: January 29, 2024
things to do as a single woman
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I have an interesting circle of six girlfriends. We have some commonalities, which could explain why we get along so well. The first is that we, strangely enough, are all single. The second is that we are in what some would call a more advanced age, a.k.a. 40 and above. And finally, we know how to have fun and engage in plenty of fun activities. So, owing to my personal and collective experience, I’m here to share 50 fun things to do as a single woman.

50 Fun Things To Do As A Single Woman To Drive Personal Growth

Table of Contents

Do you know why being single is better than being in a relationship? You have the opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery without the tethers of being in a relationship. It’s time to selfishly grow and explore your interests, travel to new places, and meet new people. From crazy things to do alone at home to taking up quiet hobbies for singles, our ideas ahead are plentiful, providing an opportunity to learn and experience new things.

Productive hobbies for single females

Your hobbies don’t have to add ‘productive’ value to your life as a single woman; they can just be fun. There are fun things you can fall in love with if single. But if you’re looking for an activity that, while fun, teaches you something new, then read on.

For instance, I could not cook to save my life. So, I decided it was time to finally learn how to put together a decent, or should I say semi-decent, dish. Realistically, I was bright enough to know that I would not be joining the Top Chef crew. But at least I could invite guys over and give them the semblance of a meal. Now here is a list of things YOU can do:

Related Reading: 40 Cute Things To Do With Your Girlfriend At Home

1. What to do as a single woman: Learn a new language

Learning a new language is a fun and fantastic way to challenge your mind. There’s the added benefit of making you more marketable in the job arena. I took on French because I love how romantic the language sounds. True, I haven’t yet achieved expert-level fluency, but there is no giving up for me. I can honestly say it has been a transformative experience. And, who know, one day I may date a foreigner, hopefully a sexy French guy, thus an added benefit.

2. Take a cooking class

You might be a pretty decent cook. But a cooking class is a fun way to learn so much more. The six of us chipped in and got a chef to teach us some international cuisines. The sessions were all about great food, good wine, and plenty of stories.

Related Reading: Being 40 And Single, What You Need To Know

3. Start a blog

Express your creativity and share your thoughts with the world through a blog. You can do it for fun or for empowering others. It might even be a journey toward a new career or at least an exciting way to make some cash online.

4. Explore entrepreneurship

It may be time to embark on a new career path. Or discover your passion by exploring more hobbies for singles. It could even be an opportunity to start a new business. One of my friends is so good at making crochet items. She has managed to sell quite a few of her creations.

5. Learn financial literacy

As a single woman, you must handle your finances alone. Learning financial literacy can secure your future. It helps to know the difference between financial independence and financial freedom

6. Take up gardening

Nature has a way of bringing a sense of calm and awareness. So, put on your gloves and indulge in some gardening. Studies attribute positive benefits to gardening, such as increased exercise, improved diet, reduced stress, and building social connections.

Related Reading: 9 Ways To Be Independent In A Romantic Relationship

7. Volunteer your time

“I want to be single for a while, but I am afraid of empty, lonely hours,” I told my friends once. One of them suggested that I should fill that time by giving back to the community. And so I did.

I even met new people by volunteering my time to a worthy cause. My friends and I participate in community clean-ups at least once a month. It feels great to know we are making a difference, no matter how small.

8. Take up a new sport or exercise program

The creaking bones and weight gain were enough reasons for all of us in my group to enroll in a gym. Now, we are in better shape and have a fantastic outlet when feeling stressed.

Activities for single women to find themselves

fun things to do as a single woman
Spending time on your own can be fun and fulfilling

I want to be single for a while because I tend to lose myself in relationships. For a long time, I would give my all to my partner while sacrificing things that were important to me.

The truth is I didn’t think I would survive without being in a relationship. It took strength to realize that I could be alone and thrive. So, I sat down with my girlfriends to brainstorm ideas for activities for single women to keep away the loneliness.

9. Reflect on life

A Quora user takes time for self-reflection as a single woman. She says, “Now’s the time to ask questions like what you want out of life, motivations, and reasons for being.”

10, Mind-body connection

Strengthen your physical and mental well-being with activities that build the mind-body connection. These include yoga, tai chi, meditation, and more.

Related Reading: 20 Fun Things To Do After A Breakup!

11. Take time for self-care

Be comfortable with some alone time. Commune with nature, go for a movie, or meditate. Worry about YOU, and let go of everything else. You can even indulge in some self-care and well-being gifts for yourself.

 12. Undertake culinary adventures

Involve your friends when wondering what to do as a single woman. My friends and I ensure we eat food from a different culture every month. From the spicy Indian curries to the West African tasty yams and okra soup, we have sampled many delights.

13. Looking for solo outdoor activities? Go on a solo trip

A solo trip should always make it to the independent woman bucket list. Solo travel for women can be a way to assert freedom. It’s also a great way to de-stress and explore new places at your own pace. It can empower you and make you feel like a new person.

14. Get a fresh perspective on life

A dreary routine can suck the joy of living out of anyone. So, step out of your routine and comfort zone and try new things to get a fresh perspective on life. It could be:

  • Taking up new skills
  • Going on a solo road trip
  • Reading books or watching documentaries on specific human rights like LGBTQ that you previously didn’t take an interest in
  • Attending awareness workshops to maybe address your privilege or inherent biases

Related Reading: 5 Reasons Why Women Should Pleasure Themselves Often

15. Learn a musical instrument

A new hobby, like learning a musical instrument, can increase cognitive strength and reduce cognitive decline in older people, according to Penn Medicine. Besides that, your inner artist may be waiting to pop out.

16. Write letters to yourself

Writing letters to myself allowed me to address regrets, successes, relationships, and more. It was such a fantastic outlet for what I had been bottling up.

Is being single easier today?

17. Brainstorm ideas

Take some time to brainstorm ideas on how to make your life (or home or your street) better. You may uncover hidden talents or even innovative solutions for everyday challenges.

18. Let go of that unhealthy habit

You have been promising to let go of an unhealthy habit. Mine was this insatiable need for sweet things. I cut back on them, and it feels great. What’s yours? Many bad habits can ruin a relationship too, not just your health. So maybe it’s time to look into self-care.

19. Start a project

Get something to do that will take up a lot of your time. Log onto YouTube and teach yourself how to knit/crochet for family members or friends, or for any group you want to donate to. It can also be furniture-building DIY projects around the house.

Related Reading: 7 Things A Girl Should Do With Her Bestie Before Getting Married

20. Discover and explore your inner artist

It’s time to let loose your inner artist. There may be something you have an interest in or are good at. Bring out your creative side with a new hobby such as painting, writing, or photography.

Things to do as a single woman on weekends

Need more items on your single girls to-do list? The trick is to find anything that will make you happy, even if it means jumping up and down on your bed like you did when you were a child or finding ways to date yourself. Let me share some of the things I personally love to do.

21. Play loud music and dance along

Playing loud music and dancing along: Two of my favorite crazy things to do alone at home. The pure joy of this mindless activity will make you so happy and makes it to my list of fun things to do after a breakup.

22. Clean up

It may sound tedious, but cleaning up can be therapeutic. Walking into a clean space is so relaxing and calming.

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23. Declutter

When I get rid of junk or extra stuff, I immediately feel good and refreshed. Clutter has a way of bringing me down. So start with your overflowing wardrobe and work your way through the entire house.

Multiple studies say that our environment can positively or negatively impact our ability to complete tasks as well as our overall mental health. By removing or controlling clutter, we can directly reduce our stress and increase confidence in ourselves.

24. People-watching

This may sound strange, but people-watching is an excellent way to relax. It’s also so much fun as you get to concoct wild stories in your head about them.

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25. Catch up with old friends

If I don’t want to be alone indoors, I spend quality time with the people I care about. Meeting old friends is refreshing and there are plenty of activities to engage in with the girl gang during a party or night out. We can go out for a nice dinner, catch up on a favorite show, or spend hours, if not the entire day, chatting.

26. Things to do when newly single: Bring your sexy back

Okay, so you are now single, it doesn’t mean you stop looking your best. Put on those sexy outfits you have pushed to the back of your closet and go out.

more on being single

27. Make new friends

Newly single and no friends? Then getting out of your comfort zone and making new friends are the best things to do for this new life chapter. in fact, it is an excellent way for coping with breakups. Here’s how you create or broaden your friend circle:

  • Join a club, or create one
  • Take a class to meet new people with similar interests
  • Join online forums and groups, or create the one you want to see online
  • Sign up for friendship apps

28. Try a new hobby, with a twist

Have you always found your friend’s hobby intriguing? Well, now is the time to get together with them and see what new skills you can learn. Once you are done with this, or don’t find it up to your taste, cast your intrigued eyes upon another friend.

Related Reading: 40 Things To Talk About With Your Crush

29. Spend time in nature

Solo outdoor activities are plentiful. Go for a hike, picnic in the park, or just relax by the beach. Go ahead and buy yourself a useful gift if you are the outdoorsy type like a wine travel bag to make the time in nature better.

30. Treat yourself to spa days

The list of things to do as a single woman over 50 must include days for self-love and pampering. What better way to do this than with a spa day? You could do it solo, bring along your favorite people, or create a spa at home!

Related Reading: 7 Things A Girl Should Do With Her Bestie Before Getting Married

Things to do if you’re a single woman looking for love

You have had enough of the single life and are ready to dive back into the dating pool. As exciting as it is, you are afraid that things may have changed in the dating field. After all, it’s been a rather long time. Whether you want to impress a guy and make him fall for you or find a woman who makes you swoon, here’s how you go about it:

31. Put yourself out there

Putting yourself out there is important if you are a single woman looking for love. Here’s what you can do:

  • Go to social events like live music performances or other outdoor activities. You can also find love by joining online dating sites
  • Be bold and make the first move. Don’t wait to be approached. If you see someone you’re interested in, ask them out
  • Tell them exactly what your expectations are: Sex, short-term commitment, or a serious relationship

32. Be authentic and use affirmations

Don’t present yourself as someone else on a date. Be authentic, as the right person will love you for who you are. And don’t forget your daily affirmations which tie your inner strength and worth to who you are, and not your relationship status.

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33. Don’t rush into anything

Even if your status is that of ‘newly single and no friends to hang out with,’ it doesn’t mean you rush into the first relationship that comes your way. Take your time to get to know someone before you commit.

34. Go on a blind date

My friends set me up on a blind date, and it was a whole lot of fun. It didn’t work out, but it definitely opened up my eyes to the possibilities out there. Dating when you hit middle age didn’t seem so tricky anymore.

35. Keep making other plans too

This means you’re not supposed to forget about your friends and family, or the events and places that you like to visit. Dating needs to be a part of your life, not your entire life.

36. Have fun!

Dating is meant to be an enjoyable experience. So if it’s on your list of things to do when newly single, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Instead, just see where it goes organically. On these dates, do the things you like to do, wear what you want to wear, and chuck the dating rules.

Things to do as a single woman over 50

At 50 and above, you have much worldly experience and varied sources of joy. But that doesn’t mean you can’t discover new experiences or even start dating at 50 if you wish to try again. And you shouldn’t deny yourself the chance at extra happiness. Here are some things to do as a single woman over 50 that will transform your life.

37. Take a road trip

You know one of the awesome advantages of being single? You can just take off when you want without owing anyone an explanation. So, service your car, renew your licenses, fill up the tank, and just take off on a road trip. Visit those new places that have been on your list. Explore the cultures, meet new people, and have tons of crazy fun.

Related Reading: Single Vs Dating – How Life Changes

38. Get a makeover

A makeover is the perfect confidence booster for a single woman over 50. Try a new hairstyle and experiment with makeup. The more dramatic the makeover, the better.

39. Time for a wardrobe refresh

Activities for single women
Have fun, whether alone or with friends

Revamp your look with a whole new wardrobe. You want to create a good impression while feeling fantastic.

40. Challenge yourself

Step out of your comfort zone by trying new things like skydiving or bungee jumping, unlearning your biases, or making friends with the downstairs kids that you previously couldn’t stand.

41. Do things that make you feel good

At 50 and above, it should be all about you. So, think about the things that make you feel good. Go to a concert, read a good book, get a massage, book a full spa day, go to a live music concert, or spend a day at the beach. Or, get selfish and get yourself a useful gift for women over 50.

42. Catch up on your favorite show

Relax with some reruns of your favorite show and enjoy some mindless entertainment. Alone time can be so relaxing and a wonderful way to show yourself some love. Remember, taking care of yourself is critical at this stage in life.

43. Curl up with a good book

Crazy hours mean you don’t get to read as much. So, put aside some time to get lost in a fictional world for a while. Or learn some dating tips from some of the best relationship books that will fill your heart.

44. Adopt an animal

You may not have kids or you may be an empty nester. Then adopting an animal friend may be the perfect way to avoid too much alone time, provided you are ready for this huge responsibility and don’t take it lightly.

Related Reading: Men Over 50 – 11 Lesser Known Things Women Should Know

45. Hibernate

You don’t always have to be out there or dating. Enjoy your alone time without the pressure to do anything other than relax.

46. Explore dating sites

Even if you are not looking to get into a committed relationship, allow yourself the joy of casual dating. You can find plenty of like-minded individuals on mature dating apps and sites.

47. Let go of the past

To be happy at 50 and single, let go of the past hurt and betrayal. If someone hurt you or betrayed you, forgive them and move on. Or begin healing from the hurt even if you can’t forgive.

48. Work toward actualizing a dream

The independent woman bucket list must include actualizing a dream. It could be something as simple as finally learning to ride a bike. Or more adventurous, like a solo trip to an exotic location. Or career-related, like launching your own business.

49. Learn your generational history

How much do you know about your ancestry? Use genealogy websites like ancestry.com to learn more about your origins.

50. Draw up a new list of life goals

The single girls to-do list would not be complete without this. Refresh your list of life goals, ticking off what you have achieved, haven’t achieved, and want to achieve. There’s lots to look forward to in the future.

There you have it. 50 activities for single women, whether at home, outdoors, or out and about. The only thing you need to do is be willing to embrace or at least try out new experiences. The world is your oyster, awaiting you to shine like the pearl you are.


1. How can a single woman stay happy?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as what makes one person happy may not work for another. However, some things can boost your spirits, such as:
– Spend time with loved ones
– Do things that you genuinely enjoy and that empower you
– Take care of your physical and mental health
– Practice gratitude
– Set goals for yourself

2. How do I stop feeling lonely when single?

It’s normal to feel lonely sometimes, especially if you’re used to being in a relationship. However, there are things you can do to combat loneliness:
– Have deep, personal, and meaningful conversations with friends and family
– Join social groups or clubs that align with your values
– Volunteer your time to a community need
– Adopt a pet, if you’re willing to take care of them forever
– Take a class or workshop to keep your mind busy 

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