Have you decided to move beyond hugs and kisses, the first and the second base? Is sex on your mind all the time now with the person you are head over heels in love with? You are ready to feel one in the closest way possible? If your answer is a big confident ‘yes’ then you are set to take the plunge finally. Remember having sex for the first time has huge implications both on the mind and the body. Sex changes you, both emotionally and physically. Psychologically you may feel either a sense of elation or even a subtle loss or you may not feel any major difference in emotions. But your body will definitely change in many small ways after you lose your virginity.
Losing your virginity for women is normally something they always remember. Most of us have a certain idea of how our first time should be. Whether it happens as planned or not, it will still be etched in your memory forever. We get many queries from women who are anxious before taking such a step and write to us for tips. It is normal to have doubts and myths especially in a country like India where sex talk is a huge taboo. Girls write to us with questions on the after-effects of losing virginity, they write about how to make it perfect and most importantly on the whole contraceptive issue. The stereotypical perception that the first time is painful can now be put aside. Interestingly, a study following 6,000 young adults by the Journal of Sex Research found that more women today are enjoying their first shot at sexual intercourse than ever before.
Physical Changes In The Body After Losing Your Virginity
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As we mentioned before having sex for the first time changes the body in many tiny ways. These changes will not be detectable to your family or friends but will leave you with sweet nibbling pain. We asked our readers to share their first night experience, we have changed their names to protect their privacy and you may learn a bit from this too. But coming to changes in their bodies, women responded with varying differences, we have covered some of them below. When it comes to sex, no one size fits all. A lot of women do not feel any after effects of losing their virginity but for some, the changes are quite pronounced. Now that you have become sexually active there are sensations you may experience, here are some of them.
1. Be ready to see your breasts turn firmer and even bigger
Men love boobs during sex, don’t they? Post sexual intercourse your breast size might shoot up to 25 % or more depending upon the arousal levels. You might have to buy a slightly bigger bra than what you normally wear. The increase in breast size is because of the hormonal changes that take place in the body after you lose your virginity. So what many spend lakhs to get, bigger firmer boobs, you have got naturally. Enjoy your new shape, a gift of having lost your virginity! Here is a story that came to us were a boy rejected a girl because she had small breasts! Terrible, yet these things do happen.

But if bigger breasts aren’t something that you would want, don’t worry they won’t stay that size forever. The size of the breasts varies based on your arousal levels. On the whole, though, they might appear slightly bigger and firmer than before. This can be one of the most noticeable physical changes in the body after losing virginity.
2. Nipples become oversensitive
Your nipples are your biggest asset and they are also one of the erogenous zones of the female body. After a sexual encounter, nipples tend to get tingly and sore which increases the sensitivity. This so happens because sex triggers more blood flow to the breasts, areola, and nipple. A slight touch, an erotic dream and you would see them respond by tightening.
So those goosebumps and the hardness every time you feel aroused is here to stay.
3. Your vaginal region becomes flexible
The vaginal walls as well clitoris are normally tight when you are a virgin. After sexual intercourse, the vaginal walls expand and the clitoris enlarges too. Repeated sex makes the walls even more elastic, they stretch to make the act more enjoyable and less painful. Penetration then becomes completely pleasurable. Once you lose your virginity the clitoris begins to respond well to sexual advances. Men, if you are reading this you can do many things to make your women wet before you actually go in for the final act.
If your first sexual encounter has been a slightly heated one, you may find it a little tough to walk owing to the slight pain in the vaginal area. Some men like to go down a woman for the first time itself, which may leave your vaginal area with a little tension afterward. Some men know about the vagina better and take things slowly in order to make sex as pleasurable for women as it is for them.
4. On losing your virginity, you may bleed
Though not all women will bleed, the ones whose hymen is intact could experience some light bleeding. Because of sports and other rigorous exercises that girls take up these days, the hymen does rupture even without any sexual activity and so it is important not to panic whether you bleed or not. We had a story from a man who was worried that his bride did not bleed and whether she was a virgin.
Back to our main point now, even if your hymen is intact it is possible that it does not tear completely away in the first act only. It may take a few sessions for it to wear the hymen down. Commonly referred to as tearing of the hymen, it is a virginity test in some cultures across the world.
The first time bleeding does not hold true for many women as the hymen could have stretched before penetration too. If it does bleed, you may notice some spotting for a day or two, and is usually not a cause of concern. After a few times, you normally should not bleed after sex.
Related Reading: It’s a Wedding Night Myth that All Women Bleed the first time
5. Your periods may be delayed
While it is natural to feel a surge in hormones after sex, and that could disrupt your normal menstrual cycle by a day or two, if the delay is for more than a week then it could be a sign of conception. Make sure you keep a tab on your period cycle. If you have made a mistake and not taken the required precaution, check this piece. It is about how safe it is to take a pill after unsafe sex.
If you have had unprotected sex, and you also experience symptoms such as nausea, and headaches, get yourself tested for pregnancy. Any delay in periods can be a cause of concern, so be safe than sorry and use protection. An unplanned pregnancy can be a nightmare. We have explained abortion laws in our country, in case you want to read it.
Emotional Changes After Having Sex For The First Time
The first time is special and most likely there will be emotional expectations attached to it. You may want the man to be there more now, expect him to show more concern and be more attentive to you. It is in a way sealing of the relationship and you may want validation of the fact from your person. Besides your body is also undergoing changes and that too will affect your emotional well-being. Some common emotions you may feel are-
1. You will be more affectionate
No matter how long you have been dating or have been married, after the first time sex you will feel more drawn to your partner. Your affection for him will surge, and you will express your love more and expect him to do the same. Take all the efforts you can and plan your first night together with extreme care.
2. You will feel happy
You will be on a joyride after your first sexual act. Blame it on a good orgasm that releases the hormone that makes you happy – oxytocin. If you have had full-on engrossed sex with your partner, you will end up feeling happy, content, and cloud nine. also, every time you rethink the details of the special night you will feel a further surge of happy hormones. Enjoy this bliss. We got a story of a woman who has been married for two years and is still a virgin!

3. Confidence rules
Not just oxytocin, your body also releases dopamine that boosts self-confidence as well as encourages good social behavior. Even testosterone is released after sex that helps you to speak up for yourself in other spheres of life. You will feel cheerful and the world will seem like a happy place, even if everything is just the same.
4. Excited and nervous at the same time
Sometimes, sex makes one feel guilty too – was it right? Is he the one? Is this true love? What if he was just having fun? These questions play in most woman’s minds. And of course, there is anticipation and excitement about the next time.
5. Your skin glows like never before
Another happy reason to have sex, we tell you! As the good hormones take over the bad ones, and you feel happy, confident, and elated with joy, the skin too starts to glow and look great. Your relaxed body paves way for healthy and glowing skin.
These happy and confidence-boosting hormones will make you more cheerful and happy than you have ever been. Enjoy the blissful state of mind and look forward to being sexually active.
Related Reading: How Not to Get Pregnant Without Using a Condom
How Do Periods Get Affected After Having Sex For The First Time?
While sex can be fun and enjoyable, an unplanned pregnancy can be a real spoilsport. The biggest question that everyone asks is will my period delay or my cycle change after losing my virginity. The answer may not be the same for everyone.
- During sex, your hormones get active and can delay your periods temporarily. The delay would not be much but if the time extends a bit more then it is best to get a pregnancy test done to be certain
- Another reason for the delay is the constant stress and fear that most women have after having sex for the first time. Many fear that the protection was not in place and thus fear becoming pregnant. It is best to relax and not get worked up with the first delayed periods
- It is best to have your first intercourse with protection. This way you ensure that it’s safe and that you don’t conceive the first time itself. Insist on doing it with proper condom and lubrication to experience the joy of lust and love
Remember sex is going to be a different ride every time. Each session will help you learn more about it and how well you can ride on your man. Instead of being stubborn, let loose and enjoy the ride that climaxes to perfection. To help you we have one last tip to woo him and make it memorable for both of you.
A Girl Who Lost Her Virginity To A Married Man Shares Her Experience
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This article was really helpful, I’m 25 and I lost my virginity recently, I was really worried because my breasts changed a little and every article that I read stated that it wasn’t posible for your body to change after first time, so this helped a lot.
Is it normal to get cramps a day or so after and
it was helpful since am a virgin and am 16 it kinda scares me how i will turn out after having sex for the first time. And who to have sex with and since in Kenya its not that easy to talk to some one about it and its been on my mind for a very long time
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