21 Signs You Have An Unexplainable Connection With Someone

When you just click with someone

Unexplainable connection with someone
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Do you ever find yourself feeling a pull toward a person but don’t know why? Or did you feel an instant connection with someone the moment you met them as if you were pieces of puzzles waiting to be united? These signs can mean that you have an unexplainable connection with someone.

To understand more about how to recognize an instant connection and how to deal with one, we talked to a California-based psychiatrist and Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, Dr. Shefali Batra (MD in psychiatry), who specializes in counseling for separation and divorce, breakup and dating, and premarital compatibility issues. 

What Does It Mean To Have An Unexplainable Connection With Someone?

You know that feeling when you meet someone, and it’s like you’ve known them forever? You’re finishing their sentences, laughing at the same things, and, for some reason, you can just be around them without feeling weird. These are signs that you are connecting with someone. It’s like finding the Wi-Fi in a new place without even trying — it just clicks. You start wondering: “Is this in my head, or are we both using the same secret network?”

An unexplainable connection comes with a sense of familiarity and belonging. You feel a natural calm around them, conversations flow easily, and there is no need for pretending or impressing each other. Also, the pull you feel toward them is not only sexual, there is something incorporeal at play here. 

Do you believe in spiritual connections?

When You Feel A Connection With Someone, Do They Feel It Too?

Now, here’s where things get tricky. When you feel an unexplainable magnetic pull of a person, do they feel it too? It’s not like you can walk up and say, “Hey, are we vibing on some deep, cosmic level?” Instead, you can start looking for these signs: 

  • Are they mirroring your body language? That’s a good one. If you’re folding your arms and they do the same, they might be subconsciously syncing with you. 
  • Are they laughing at your jokes? Not the polite laugh, but the real, snorty kind. 
  • Do they maintain eye contact just a little longer than usual? 

A Reddit user shared their experience of getting a crush on a coworker. This is how they knew that said coworker reciprocated their feelings. “He sustains eye contact and really pays attention when we talk. I also catch him staring at me like he has something to say.”

If these resonate with you, then yes, you might both be locked into one of the types of soul connections. But don’t start over analyzing everything just to look for the signs. “Did they just reply with one word?” (The dreaded “k” text). “Did they pause too long before answering my question?” Relax. Dr Batra says, “If the connection is there, it’s not going anywhere. You’ll both feel it, even if no one’s talking about it openly. Sure, it may take time for them to catch up to what you already know, but when they do, it’ll be unmistakable. Until then, enjoy the mystery—after all, isn’t that half the fun?”

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21 Signs You Have Unexplainable Connection With Someone

You meet this person, and suddenly, you’re living in a rom-com where everything feels…weirdly right. Not sure what it means? One of the types of soul connections may be at work here. But how do you know if it’s real or you’re just imagining it? Here are 21 signs you’ve got that an unexplainable connection is going on.

1. You finish each other’s sentences

Dr. Batra says, “When you have a connection with someone, you often experience “Did you just read my mind?” moments that make you question if you’ve become telepathic in love.” Maybe you finish each other’s sentences, or start singing a song that was playing on a loop in the other person’s mind.

2. You feel a sense of belonging

Dr. Batra explains it like this, “It’s that inexplicable feeling of coming home, feeling like you’ve known them for 10 years, even though you just met two weeks ago.” When they have a calming effect on you, like you are two pieces of puzzle always meant to be together, it may be a sign of a divine connection.

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⁠3. You communicate without words 

Dr. Batra says, “You know you have a real connection with someone, when you can communicate through verbal cues — a single glance, a raised eyebrow, or a smirk.” These subtle cues are enough to let you know what the other person is feeling or thinking.

⁠4. You feel a pull towards them

And it’s not just intense physical attraction. You feel an invisible, unexplainable magnetic pull of a person, drawing you to them without even trying. Even in a room full of people, you find yourself moving toward them, without even consciously trying.

⁠5. You catch yourself smiling for no reason when thinking about them

Do you find yourself grinning like a fool In the middle of a boring Zoom meeting because that one person popped up in your mind? That may be a sign you have a real connection with them.
Dr Batra shares, “When you have an unexplainable connection with someone, thinking about them brings you inexplicable joy. You may be doing the most mundane task when a memory or a shared joke pops up in your head and you can’t help but smile.”

Real connection
You smile when you think about them

6. You know exactly what makes them laugh

When there’s a connection between two people, they know exactly what will send the other into hysterics whether it’s an inside joke, a meme, or a weird quirk. It’s because you have an intuitive understanding of each other’s sense of humor.

I have a couple in my friend circle, Stephen and Natalia, both of whom are marine biologists. Whenever we hang out, they always make these puns related to fishes, octopuses and whatnot. The other friends don’t always get them but Stephen and Natalia always crack up laughing in unison. It is so adorable how they understand each other.

7. You get deja vu when you’re with them 

When you have a spiritual connection with someone, being with them feels familiar and every conversation feels like a repeat of something that already happened. Spooky, right? Like you’ve met them in a past life.

8. You’re comfortable with silence around them

Dr. Batra says, “No awkward small talk is needed when you’ve a connection with someone. Just pure, unfiltered quietness that somehow speaks volumes.” So think. Is your mind racing to find conversation starters to fill the silence or are you just as comfortable sitting with the person doing nothing? If yes, you have a spiritual connection with them.

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⁠9. You can be 100% yourself

Whether you’re showing your goofy side, your deep philosophical thoughts, or your vulnerable moments, you don’t feel the need to hide any part of who you are. They accept and cherish every bit of you, and you feel safe expressing your true self.

10. They understand your weird quirks 

Were you worried that your obsession with color-coordinating everything will put them off but instead they just ended up asking genuine questions about your organization process to understand better? When you have an unexplainable connection with someone, they not only but celebrate your quirks that make you ‘you’.

⁠11. You have similar dreams or life goals

Explaining another sign of connection between two people, Dr. Batra says, “When you talk about the future, you find that your visions align. Whether it’s your career aspirations, travel goals, or dreams of how you want to live, there’s a sense that you’re both on the same page.” It feels like you’re compatible not just in the present, but in the future as well.

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⁠12. Your conversations are effortless

You can go from discussing the meaning of true love to listing your favorite books to them to suddenly discussing what dragons sound like. Point is, your conversation is versatile. You can be silly, flirty or serious with that person without consciously thinking what to say next. And the conversation could go on forever, and the only thing stopping you is the fact that humans need sleep.

⁠13. They’re your go-to person for everything

When you have a strong connection with someone, they are the first person on your mind whenever you want to share something —  a good news, an angry rant, a picture of a cute puppy or a silly meme.

⁠14. They know your moods without asking

Another sign of a deeper connection is that they have a sixth sense when it comes to your emotions. Dr. Batra explains, ”Whether you’re upset, anxious, or overjoyed, they can sense it from your tone of voice, your body language, or even just the way you text, often reaching out to comfort you before you even express the need for it.”

While I have never felt such a connection as a grown up, I experienced it once in school. Even though I was good at faking a smile, I had a classmate who could always tell when I had fought with my parents or performed badly on a test. I used to think then that he could read minds, but I realize now that it was a connection.

Divine connection
They know when you’re feeling down

⁠15. You can laugh off misunderstandings easily

Misunderstandings are a part of any relationship, but with this person, you know when a miscommunication isn’t intentional. You end up laughing at the confusion and resolving it easily rather than having a big fight

⁠16. You don’t feel the need to impress them

This doesn’t mean you don’t put in effort for them. Of course you do. However, you don’t feel the need to do something that you are not comfortable with, only to impress them. For example, if those pencil heels hurt your feet, you won’t wear them when going out with this person because you know they are just happy to be with you.

⁠17. You lose track of time when you’re together

Do you ever start chatting with them and before you know it, it’s past midnight? It’s almost as if time stops when you’re together, and each moment is stretched into something memorable.
Dr. Batra says, “Time seems to warp when you’re with them. You may start talking or hanging out, and before you know it, hours have passed. That is the sign of a deep connection.” 

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⁠18. You’re protective of them

Not in a toxic way, but like, “No one messes with my person” energy. When you have an unexplainable connection with someone, you care deeply about their well-being and happiness. It’s not a sign of possessiveness or control — it’s about wanting to show support and make sure they’re safe and happy. 

⁠19. You can handle their worst days

Every person has their bad days, when they’re sad, frustrated, angry or just not feeling like themselves. But when you have a connection with someone, these days don’t make you budge or turn away. Instead, you’re willing to hold space for them, provide support, and just be there, knowing that they would do the same for you.

⁠20. They challenge you in the best way

When you have a soul connection with someone, they make you think, push your boundaries, and grow—without you even realizing it. They don’t criticize you, but encourage growth by pushing you out of your comfort zone and sharing new perspectives.

⁠21. You feel like they’ve been in your life forever

Even though you haven’t known them that long, it just feels right, like they’ve always been a part of your story. It becomes difficult to remember what life was like before you met them. Your soulful connection transcends the short time you may have been together, making you feel like they were always meant to be in your life.

This Reddit user shared their story of how they felt an unexplainable connection with someone. “I once met a girl online and we started talking. After chatting a bit we exchanged numbers and we talked on the phone until 8am. I had never felt such a connection with anyone. We met a few weeks later and spent the weekend together. I felt like I’d known her for years even though it hadn’t even been a month.”

5 Ways To Deal With An Unexplainable Deep Connection

When you develop an instant connection with someone, it can be exhilarating but also confusing. In a short period, you may start feeling you have a soulful connection with them that transcends time. However, these emotions may result in uncertainty and anxiety, making you think you are falling in love too fast. Here are five ways to help you manage and make the most of this rare connection.

1. Acknowledge it

Dr. Batra advises, “Don’t run away; face it head-on, even if it makes zero sense. You’ll constantly find them in your thoughts at 2 a.m., imagining entire conversations.” Acknowledging the connection enables you to make space for it and understand it better. So, embrace it!

2. Don’t overthink it

Instead of getting caught up in your head and overanalyzing every text, try to stay present. This overthinking can disrupt the joy and comfort you are feeling with the person and instead fill your head with anxious questions, such as “Why did they say this?” and “Are they giving me a hint?” Sometimes, you just need to go with the flow and see where the connection takes you.

3. Check for ‘mutual’ vibes

Pay attention to their actions, words, and behavior. Are they as excited to see you as you are to see them? Do they engage in deep conversations, reach out to you, or seem comfortable around you? While it’s great to feel strongly about someone, the connection will only grow if it’s mutual. If you notice the other person isn’t on the same page, you may want to reconsider your expectations.

Unrequited Love

4. Don’t force it 

Trying to fast-track this connection will only turn your brain into a rom-com disaster. So, allow things to develop naturally. A great connection doesn’t need to be hurried or forced; it will find its own path. Trying to control the pace, direction, or meaning of the relationship can lead to anxiety and potentially undermine its natural beauty. 

5. Live your life

Balance is key to every relationship. Enjoy the connection, but also focus on your personal growth, hobbies, and goals. A strong connection should improve your life, not replace it. Besides, keeping your own sense of self ensures that you bring your best self to the relationship, making it all the more fulfilling. So, remember, even if you have a divine connection with them, you still have laundry to do.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does it mean to have an unexplainable connection with someone spiritually?

When you have a spiritual connection with someone, you not only feel physically attracted to them but soul intimacy is also present. There’s a sense of belonging in your bond, like you were always meant to be together.

2. Why do I feel strongly connected to someone?

There can be several reasons for experiencing an instant connection with someone. It could be due to shared interests, emotional connection, soul intimacy, or a sense of belonging with the person.

Key Pointers

  • An unexplainable connection can be defined as feeling a deep sense of familiarity with someone upon meeting them, feeling like you’ve known them forever
  • Signs of an unexplainable connection include finishing each other’s sentences, feeling a sense of belonging, a strong, magnetic pull toward them, and effortless conversations
  • You know the connection is mutual when they laugh at your jokes, mirror your body language and there is prolonged eye contact between you
  • When you feel such a connection, acknowledge it, let it grow naturally, and don’t let it become the only focus of your life

Final Thoughts

An unexplainable connection with someone can be recognized through many small cues. Feeling comfortable with someone, smiling at the thought of them, feeling like you’ve known them forever are all signs of a deeper connection. When dealing with an unexplainable connection, allow things to grow organically instead of overthinking or forcing them. And remember that sometimes, the most meaningful bonds don’t need to be explained—only felt and cherished.

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