Not many things match the ecstasy of good, naughty sexting. Sex chats or phone sex can spice up your sex life with unprecedented pleasure and excitement. Once you get it, you would want more. Keep at it and see your partner run wild with the power of your words, and we tell you how to have a sex chat and keep having it.
Sex chat or sexting has caught up miraculously. It can induce whole other levels of pleasure and connect you mentally with your partner. Physical distance has got nothing on you then. Sure, for the first time, sex chat, like actual sex might not go so well. But unlike actual sex, sex chats do not bar you from letting your imagination and fantasies come alive. It’s a great way to bring that zing into your sex life through a sex chat with a man.
How To Have A Sex Chat With Your Man For The First Time
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You can’t start sexting just like that. There has to be a preamble and an introduction before you can embark on sex chats with the man you desire. You need to achieve a certain closeness and communication to start off on a sex chat adventure. So how do you do that? Just follow our tips and thank us later. While we talk about the dos and don’ts of sex chatting just follow our advice and do your thing.
1. Get comfortable
Do a little dance. Sex chat for the first time can be nerve-racking (anything for the first time can leave you nervous). Loosen yourself up with a glass of wine. Take a shower. Drink a tall glass of water. Put on some mellow music. Anything that helps you be comfortable will do. You need to be really relaxed before you get into a sex chat with a man.

2. Get private
You don’t want anyone walking in when you have your sexiest voice on and telling naughty stuff to your man. The crucial part of sex chat, whether you do it on call or messages, is to have an uninterrupted flow. Someone barging in while you are getting hot and heavy on the phone is a mood killer. You lose track of the conversation and it can often be hard to get going again.
Lock the door or find a place where you can talk without feeling the need to keep an eye out for people walking in.
3. Slowly detonate your sex bomb
Start slow. If your man asks “So what are you up to,” think something sexy. You might be sitting there in your favourite nightdress but as far as he is concerned you are wearing your black fishnets. Be the Provocateur. Answer with something like “Trying out my fishnets.” The bomb is in place. His imagination is running wild already. He knows you are oozing sex appeal. Let his imagination fly now.
Related reading: Becoming a sexting pro! Follow these 10 tips
4. Compliments go a long way
Don’t be shy with words of encouragement. Do you like when he lowers his voice and grunts? Let him know, “I like it when you do that.” If you are enjoying it, he enjoys it too. Tell him things you would like him to respond to. Compliment him on his body parts and tell him what you would like to do to those when you get him in person and hear his voice going hoarse. This is better than sexting a man at times. Voice chat can do wonders.
5. Don’t be shy with your words
You are good with words. Don’t always be on the receiving end. If you are using messages for sex chat, let your wit out. The crasser it gets, the better effect it has on both of you. It might be a little weird at first, but dirty talking on the phone has a sort of deadly sexiness to it. Settle into the dirty lingo gradually. Since sex chats let your imagination run wild, don’t hold back. Let your darkest, steamiest fantasies lose.
Related Reading: 30 Sexy, Dirty Text Messages For Your Boyfriend
6. Keep your cool
You have your freak on and he has his freakiest self out. You are proceeding to places where porn fantasies are coming to life. And he says something wild that freaks you out. Remember he does not want to try everything he says over the phone. When chats like this make you want to go, “You want to do what?” try something like, “Oh you would love that, wouldn’t you?” Try to be comfortable with the fact that it’s just virtual sexting.
However, if things get a little too uncomfortable for you (I have heard about rape fantasies), let your man know that it’s not cool.

7. Take the lead
Ask him to describe what would he do. Lead him with your words. Add fantasies of your own in his conversation. The Princess Leia fantasy of his is fantastic; turn it steamier by introducing two more women in it. All men like a threesome and there is no such thing as too many women. Tell your man what you are imagining. Something like you going down on the women while pleasuring him as well. But lead him to keep the focus on you mainly.
What You Should Not Do On Sex Chats
- Send your nude photos or videos. That’s an absolutely strict no-no. This is not to say your man will misuse it but anything on the net leaves a trail and hackers are always on the prowl.
- Talk about your sex chat experience to other people. Treat a sex chat as a private affair as sex itself and don’t blabber about it.
- Do not force anyone into it. Do it only if two people are comfortable with it. Otherwise never coerce anyone to indulge in sex chats.
-  Delete your sex chat texts after it’s done. If your phone gets lost tomorrow you wouldn’t want anyone to access your chats ever.
- Ensure you are getting into sex chats through text, video, or voice calls only if you are sure of the relationship. If the relationship is nascent and the man is insisting on sex chats treat it as a red flag.Â
Sex chats are harmless fun. Leaves you wanting more and when you two get down to it, you both know what you are into. Just take the precautions and you are safe.
I read my wife’s sexts with my childhood friend and made love to her the same way…
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