When your partner flirts with others at a party you could end up taking a hasty decision about them. Someone once told me a story about a party she went to, with her partner. The guy kept flirting with other people in the party. At the end, when the DJ was playing Single Ladies by Beyonce and when he asked the single women to put their hands up, she threw up her hands and that’s how she broke up with her high-school boyfriend in the middle of a party.
Don’t take it that far, there are several other ways to let your partner know that it’s not okay to keep flirting with other people, especially if you guys aren’t in an open relationship. In case such a cringy situation arises at a party, here are some things you can do to deal with your partner.
Related Reading:Â 5 Obvious Flirting Signs Guys Miss And How They Can Identify Those
What You Should Do When Your Partner Flirts With Others At A Party
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If your partner flirts with others at a party the feeling could be extremely disconcerting. You could feel humiliated and hurt. The situation often really gets embarrassing for a husband when a wife is flirting at a party or when a partner’s attention is on someone else and they are making it obvious.
Flirting is said to be harmless if people are not crossing the line but it can get really annoying if your boyfriend or girlfriend goes to a party and their eyes are on someone else. Here are 10 things you could do to ensure your partner stops flirting and notices you.
1. Take control of the dance floor
Bring the moves to the dance floor and dance like there’s no tomorrow. The entire room will soon be staring at you and wanting your attention, and if I was your partner, I would be freaking out.

2. Start talking to their best friend
Joke and talk with their best friend. Laugh and look like you are having fun. Bae will soon be frustrated and wondering what you guys are up to. What happens if the friend starts flirting with you? God help your partner.
Related Reading:Why do married men flirt with single women?
3. Slither up to them and mutter something hot in their ear
Especially if making out in a public bathroom is on their bucket list, dial up the heat by nibbling their ear a little after whispering. Then walk away and don’t look back. They will be on their knees and begging soon.

4. Glare at the back of their head
Classic move. Do nothing other than glaring at them and cursing them in your head so much that they start feeling uncomfortable and give up. If your partner flirts with others at a party one hard look is good enough to tell them how you feel.
5. Drink up
Bottoms up with those shots! If your stupid partner thinks that they can pull weird stuff on you, then you can force them to be the designated driver. They deserve it.
6. Ignore them
The hardest one and yet the best way. Ignore your partner. Talk, laugh and have fun with everyone but not them. Pay them no heed at all. Even if they were flirting with others just to tease you, this will teach them a lesson.
7. Actually have fun
You are at a party and you mean to enjoy it. There is ample amount of alcohol and a dance floor. Who cares what your partner is doing? After all, no one should be able to ruin a perfectly good party.
Drink up, dance and actually enjoy the party like you meant to. You can deal with the idiot later.
8. Start a conversation
If you notice your husband is flirting with that pretty lady in the attractive LBD by the bar just go and sit next to her and start a conversation.
There can’t be a better way to stump your partner.
9. Walk out of the party with someone
If your wife is flirting with someone at a party and you are hating it, then a good thing to do is you also find company. A friend of mine actually met this lady and walked out with her from party and took her for a ride.
His wife then kept calling him asking where he was. Tit for tat, this is what you call. Isn’t it?
Related Reading:Â What To Do When A Woman Is Flirting With Your Husband At Work
10. Flirt with your partner
This is a great way to deal with a partner who flirts with others at a party. You go ahead and flirt with your partner. Stand close to your boyfriend or husband and run your fingers through his cheeks. You can fix his collar or hold him by the waist as you talk.

This is a great way to claim him, make him realise what he is doing and tell the woman he is flirting with, to back off. You kill all the birds with one shot.
People barely have time to relax these days. So when they go out of their way to be at a party, it means they mean to chill and settle into a happy buzz if only for an evening. But just in case your partner went ahead and ruined a fine evening by flirting with other people, you can follow the first few ideas on this list to gain control of the situation. But my advice? Follow number 7 and let it be.
If they are being a jerk to you, they deserve the cold shoulder. So enjoy to your fullest and let them know that you don’t need them to have fun. And just in case Single Ladies starts playing, you know what to do.
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