We all crave to live with the love of our lives, right? But it is also considered a huge step in a relationship, and that’s why many couples keep dilly-dallying on whether or not they should take this leap. And even when you are absolutely sure about moving in together, problems do persist, don’t they? For starters, you don’t know how to ask your girlfriend to move in with you.
If you are someone who wants their girlfriend to move in with them, I might have some ideas that will definitely blow her socks off. Being romantic takes effort, but what if you aren’t? Don’t feel embarrassed, you will learn, but just to save you some time, go through the ideas iterated here and you’ll do just fine.
Live-in relationships are about moving her toothbrush into your bathroom. Here’s how to talk to your girlfriend about moving in together…
Fair warning, you might want to check up on your diabetes after this read, because this lowdown on romantic ways to ask your girlfriend to move in with you is going to be a “sweet sweet ride in the funk town!”
How To Ask Your Girlfriend To Move In With You
Table of Contents
Asking someone to move in with you can be a nerve-racking proposition because you are paranoid about whether they’re going to say yes or not. That can prove to be quite the nightmare that can give you many a sleepless night. But if this is something that’s been on your mind, there’s no harm in trying, right?
What’s the worst that could happen? Are you getting killed by her that same night? Or would she chop off your head while you are asleep? No, right? At the very worst, she could say no or ask for some time to think about it. While that may suck when you’re already preparing a mental moving-in-together checklist, it’s not the end of the world or your relationship.
If you approach this tricky topic the right way, you might well be able to convince your girlfriend to move in with you, no matter how skeptical she may be of the idea. What’s the right way, you ask?
Well, here’s how you can creatively and sweetly ask your girlfriend to move in with you:
1. “The half of my heart” kind of way
When you are asking someone to move in with you, you need to understand that as in all live-in relationships everything’s going to be equally divided, except personal space, of course.
Invite her over, but before that, clean out half of your closet, refrigerator, showcase, and anything that needs to be shared. Then once she enters, she’ll slowly notice these things.
Before she says anything, give her half of a key and say “This is the key to our house and I have the other half, so would you like to move in with me?”
Also, don’t use the original key, use a spare one. Well, who could say no when you rely on such cute ways to ask someone to move in with you. The key would be convincing enough for your girlfriend to move in with you.
2. The dinner proposal
Take her out to someplace expensive and posh. Somewhere that will give her the vibe that you are about to propose to her. Make sure you carry a box with a copy of your apartment key inside. Order expensive wine and then get down on your knees and propose.
You’ll see her getting all worked up because she is probably thinking that you are asking her to marry you. Don’t flinch, go with the act and reveal what’s inside that box, and say, “I’m proposing moving in with me. Will you?”
Then, she could just fall for your live-in relationship idea. Okay, so this can either make her mad or extremely happy, but then again love is all about these little bargains, right?
Related Reading: Survival Guide: Dos and Don’ts of Live-In Relationships
3. The popcorn proposal
Ask her to hang out at your place for a movie night. Get the best popcorn in the town and start watching a very scary movie. Put the key in a bowl and pour popcorn over it. Make sure that the key is clean, otherwise, it will be a bit too disgusting.
Let her have the bowl when it’s almost empty. She’ll definitely find the key and you can just say, “So, let’s make this movie night a permanent thing.” One downside to this proposal is that she might end up swallowing that key. Just make sure nothing like that happens.
This is one of the cute ways to ask someone to move in with you that will also go on to show your girlfriend you love her a lot. Two birds, one stone. You can thank me later!
4. Scavenger hunt for live-in relationships
If you suspect you’ll have to convince your girlfriend to move in with you and she won’t be readily open to the idea, you have to step up your game. I suggest you turn to creative proposal ideas for inspiration. Here’s one to help you get started: set a date for a house game at your place and plan out a route for a scavenger hunt with clues that will lead her to the key.
But before that, hide the key with a small gift or a sweet token that will remind her of your first date. Then, start playing the game. Eventually, she will find the last clue that will lead her to the end of the game and when she finds it, look into her eyes and say, “This scavenger hunt game should be our weekly thing, so move in with me?”
Can’t be a more perfect way for live-in relationships to take off. So see, asking your girlfriend to move in with you a wee bit creatively is not that difficult at all. Don’t make those clues very hard, because it might end up irritating both of you. So, keep it simple and doable, unless she is a huge scavenger hunt nerd.
Related Reading: 7 Golden Rules For A Live-In Relationship
5. Enlist her help
Tell your girlfriend that you need her help reorganizing stuff around your place, and invite her over, preferably to spend the weekend helping you. You could tell her that you want to redecorate the house and ask for her help choosing wall paints, curtains or a new decor theme. To heighten the effect – and if your budget allows for it – we suggest that you actually go through with some basic redecorating.
When you’re done and she looks extremely pleased with the results, take her hand in yours, look her in the eyes, and say, “You transformed this house into a cozy nest. Would you share it with me and turn it into my happy place forever?”
Asking someone to move in with you has to be heartfelt and earnest. This will just hit the right sweet spot.
6. Stock up the favorites and essentials
Put a weekend to good use and stock up all of her favorite things and the essentials she cannot go a day without. Her favorite coffee, cereal, pasta, pillow, toothbrush, hand cream, night cream, shower gel, shampoo, the exact replica of the comforter she loves so much or that grey satin sheet she’s so besotted with – go all out in showing her that she can find her comfort zone at your place too.
Surely, this romantic gesture would make her heart skip a beat. When she’s feeling all fuzzy and overcome with emotion, lean in for a hug, hold her in your embrace and ask her to move in with you. This is hands-down one of the most romantic ways to ask your girlfriend to move in with you.
Related Reading: Survival Guide: Dos and don’ts of being in a live-in relationship
7. Get her name on the door
Asking someone to move in with you and want to make sure they won’t say no? Well, we’ve got just the idea for you. Get a new nameplate for your place with her name on it. Then, show up at her place to pick her up for a ‘special dinner date’.
Just before reaching the door, blindfold her. Take off the blindfold once you’re in front of the main door, and ask her if she notices something different. It may take a few seconds but she’ll surely notice her name on the door.
When she looks at you perplexed, say, “I’m proposing moving in with me, and I hope you say yes.”
A step toward the future
This is a step towards the future and you have to be very sure about it before you decide on cohabitation. One of the most important tips for moving in with your girlfriend is that you must be prepared for the responsibilities and mundaneness that this step can bring to your relationship.
It will almost be like a marriage except that you won’t be married at that point. Only and only if you’re sure that your bond has reached that level of stability and maturity to handle this change should you go ahead with the plan of asking your girlfriend to move in with you.
If there is even a hint of lingering doubt in your mind, hold your horses and wait for the right moment. But if you feel absolutely ready to take this plunge, we strongly recommend you do it right. These creative and fun ideas will surely help in getting the nod from her.
You should ask your girlfriend to move in when you both feel ready to take this next step in your relationship. Moving in together brings with it its share of responsibilities, and only when you’re sure that your bond has reached that level of stability and maturity to handle this change should you go ahead with the plan of asking your girlfriend to move in with you.
It’s normal to struggle with the question of how soon is too soon to move in together when you’re at the cusp of such an important relationship milestone. A majority of couples move in together after being in an exclusive, committed relationship for a year, some move in as early as within 4 months of dating whereas others wait for more than two years. The right timeline is what works best for you and your partner.
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