Thanks to online dating platforms, social media, and personal messenger apps, dating has become a different ballgame. So has the language people use when interacting with a romantic interest. Dating abbreviations have become par for the course in modern-day romantic interactions and explorations.
If you’ve put yourself out there in the dating world, chances are that you will come across dating acronyms like GGG, NMNK, FWB, NSA, DTR, or ONS. Now, you wouldn’t want to be left scratching your head, wondering, what is GGG in dating, or what is NMNK meaning, or what is AMP meaning in dating. And then, run a quick internet search to understand what the other person is saying, before returning to the conversation.
Not only does that sound like a chore but can also take away the spontaneity out of your interactions and break the flow of conversation. If you’re not up to speed with the meaning of some of the most in-vogue relationship abbreviations, that’s exactly what you may find yourself doing. But I’m here to save you the trouble and embarrassment with this detailed lowdown on dating abbreviations, their meanings, as well as the correct way of using them.
25 Dating Abbreviations You Need To Know
Table of Contents
With dating scenes, the lingo has scaled up (or down, you choose). Like it or not, you need to be versed in these to get with the times and sustain yourself in the dating sphere. Why, you ask? Picture this: If your romantic interest or the person you’ve just started dating uses relationship abbreviations in abundance, you may find yourself struggling to make sense of what they’re trying to say. Now, what is 420? What does FWB mean? SO meaning? What is NSA meaning in dating?
This can cause a huge communication gap and may interfere with your ability to build a connection with the person you are interested in. To avoid that, it’s vital to brush up on your dating abbreviations knowledge before you dip your toes in the dating pool. To help you do just that, here is a lowdown on the 25 most commonly used dating acronyms:
1. FWB
Meaning: Friends with benefits.
Explanation: What does FWB mean? A relationship where friends engage in sexual activities without any romantic commitment or emotional involvement.
- “We’re just FWB, no strings attached.”
- “He suggested being FWB, but I’m not sure.”
- “FWB arrangements can get complicated.”
- “Are you looking for an FWB or something more?”
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2. BAE
Meaning: Before anyone else.
Explanation: BAE is a term of endearment for someone very important to you, often used for a romantic partner
- “You’re my BAE, always.”
- “Is she your BAE?”
- “I need some quality time with my BAE.”
- “He calls his girlfriend BAE.”
3. GGG
Meaning: Good, Giving, and Game (a person who is good in bed, giving of equal time and pleasure, and game for anything).
Explanation: What is GGG in dating parlance? It is used to describe a person who is a good sexual partner, generous with their time and attention, and open to new experiences.
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- “I’m looking for someone who’s GGG.”
- “He’s GGG, so our sex life is great.”
- “She mentioned being GGG on her dating profile.”
- “Are you familiar with the term GGG?”
4. DTR
Meaning: Define the relationship.
Explanation: A conversation where two people discuss their mutual understanding of their relationship status. It helps avoid ambiguity and ensures you and your partner are on the same page about what this connection means to you. It is important to have the DTR conversation at the right time. And if the person you’re with tries to dodge it, it’s a definite dating red flag.
- “We need to DTR soon.”
- “Have you guys DTR’d yet?”
- “It’s time to DTR and see where this is going.”
- “DTR talks can be awkward but necessary.”
5. ONS
Meaning: One Night Stand.
Explanation: A single sexual encounter with no expectation of further involvement. ONS dating is limited to one night’s shared fun and pleasure, there is no expectation of it leading to anything more.
Related Reading: 11 Types Of Casual Relationships That Exist
- “It was just an ONS, nothing more.”
- “ONS experiences can be fun.”
- “I’m not into ONS anymore.”
- “He suggested an ONS, but I’m looking for more.”
6. NSA
Meaning: No Strings Attached.
Explanation: NSA meaning in dating is a causal connection where two people engage in sexual activities without any commitment or future expectations of a relationship.
- “We agreed on an NSA arrangement.”
- “NSA relationships can work if both are on the same page.”
- “I’m looking for NSA, not a committed relationship.”
- “NSA can be complicated if feelings get involved.”
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7. SO
Meaning: Significant Other
Explanation: SO meaning is pretty straightforward. The term is used to refer to a romantic partner, such as a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse.
- “My SO and I are going on vacation.”
- “Do you have an SO?”
- “I met his SO at the party.”
- “Finding the right SO can be challenging.”
8. CD
Meaning: Cross-dresser.
Explanation: A CD is a person who wears clothing typically associated with the opposite gender.
- “He identifies as a CD.”
- “CD looking to connect with like-minded individuals.”
- “She’s comfortable being a CD.”
- “Would you date a CD?”
9. BHM
Meaning: Big Handsome Man
Explanation: A term used to describe a large, attractive man.
- “I’m attracted to BHM.”
- “BHM often have great personalities.”
- “He’s a BHM and very confident.”
- “Dating a BHM has been wonderful.”
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10. BBW
Meaning: Big Beautiful Woman.
Explanation: A term used to describe a large, attractive woman.
- “She’s a BBW and proud of it.”
- “BBW deserve love and respect.”
- “I prefer dating BBW.”
- “BBW often have a lot of admirers.”
11. NMNK
Meaning: No Money, No Kids.
Explanation: So, you’ve got the NMNK meaning, but what does it imply? Well, the term indicates a preference for a lifestyle without children or financial obligations.
- “I prefer NMNK lifestyle.”
- “We agreed on NMNK.”
- “NMNK relationships focus on personal growth.”
- “NMNK suits our current situation.”
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12. AMP
Meaning: Age, Money, and Power.
Explanation: AMP meaning in dating is a statement of preferences. Describes the factors someone may prioritize in a partner or relationship.
- “He’s interested in AMP in his partner.”
- “AMP factors into their dating choices.”
- “She prioritizes AMP when dating.”
- “AMP can influence relationship dynamics.”
13. 420
Meaning: Refers to cannabis culture.
Explanation: What is 420 in dating? It is used to indicate that someone uses or is open to the use of marijuana.
- “Are you 420 friendly?”
- “We had a 420 date.”
- “He’s into 420.”
- “420 is part of our lifestyle.”
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14. BDSM
Meaning: Bondage and Domination, Sadism and Masochism.
Explanation: A range of consensual sexual practices involving physical restraint, power exchange, and sometimes pain.
- “She’s into BDSM.”
- “BDSM requires trust.”
- “We explored BDSM together.”
- “BDSM is part of our relationship.”
Meaning: Let’s meet in real life.
Explanation: A phrase used when online daters decide to meet face-to-face.
- “Enough chatting, LMIRL.”
- “He suggested LMIRL after weeks of texting.”
- “I’m ready, LMIRL.”
- “LMIRL plans can be exciting.”
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16. BM&Y
Meaning: Between me and you.
Explanation: Used to indicate that information should be kept private.
- “This is BM&Y.”
- “Keep this BM&Y.”
- “Our secret is BM&Y.”
- “BM&Y conversations are private.”
17. HAK
Meaning: Hugs and kisses.
Explanation: A friendly sign-off used to express affection.
- “Goodnight, HAK.”
- “Sending HAK to you.”
- “HAK after our date.”
- “HAK means a lot.”
18. KFY
Meaning: Kiss for you.
Explanation: A cute way to send a virtual kiss.
- “KFY before bed.”
- “I sent a KFY.”
- “KFY on your cheek.”
- “KFY through text.”
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19. WYCM
Meaning: Will you call me?
Explanation: A polite request for a phone call.
- “Busy later, WYCM?”
- “Miss you, WYCM?”
- “WYCM after work?”
- “Haven’t heard from you, WYCM?”
20. WYWH
Meaning: Wish you were here.
Explanation: Used to express that you miss someone and wish they were with you.
- “Great time, WYWH.”
- “Lonely without you, WYWH.”
21. VBD
Meaning: Very Bad Date.
Explanation: Used to describe a date that went poorly.
- “Last night was a VBD.”
- “Avoiding VBD experiences.”
- “Told my friend about the VBD.”
- “How to recover from a VBD?”
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22. TS/STR
Meaning: Transexual or straight.
Explanation: Used to inquire about someone’s gender identity or sexual orientation.
- “Are you TS/STR?”
- “TS/STR is important to know.”
- “Discuss TS/STR early.”
- “Respect TS/STR preferences.”
23. PAW
Meaning: Parents are watching.
Explanation: A warning that parents are nearby, so the conversation shouldn’t veer into explicit territory.
- “Can’t talk now, PAW.”
- “PAW, text later.”
- “Shhh, PAW.”
- “PAW, be careful.”
24. LTR
Meaning: Long-Term Relationship.
Explanation: Used to describe a serious, committed relationship.
- “I’m looking for an LTR.”
- “She’s ready for an LTR.”
- “LTRs require a lot of commitment.”
- “Are you interested in an LTR?”
Related Reading: 10 Signs You’re In A Committed Relationship
25. DDF
Meaning: Drug and Disease Free.
Explanation: Indicates that a person does not use drugs and is free from sexually transmitted diseases.
- “I’m DDF, how about you?”
- “Looking for a DDF partner.”
- “DDF status is important to me.”
- “Are you DDF?”
Final Thoughts
Now that you’re all caught up on these essential dating abbreviations, you’re ready to navigate the modern dating landscape with confidence and ease. Whether you’re chatting on dating apps, texting a potential partner, or deepening a romantic relationship, knowing these terms will help you communicate more effectively and understand the nuances of the dating game. Keep this guide handy, and you’ll impress your SO with your up-to-date dating lingo. Happy dating, and may your journey to finding love be filled with fun and excitement!
Ready to dive deeper into the world of dating? Explore more articles on online dating profiles, the latest dating trends, and tips for building lasting romantic relationships on Bonobology. Your perfect match could be just a click away!
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