While opinions are polarised on whether it is healthy to be friends with your ex or not, there’s no denying that maintaining any sort of relationship with a former partner can be tricky. If your ex wants to stay friends after the end of a relationship, you need to analyze the pros and cons of the situation carefully. And if after careful contemplation, you come to the conclusion that a platonic relationship with a former partner isn’t for you, you need to figure out how to tell your ex you don’t want to be friends in a manner that gets the message across loud and clear.
The correct approach to turning down an ex who wants to be friends depends on myriad factors such as the reason for the breakup, your feelings for your ex, your ex’s feelings for you, your respective relationship status, and how ugly or amicable the breakup was. Let’s factor in all of these aspects to help you figure out how to tell your ex to leave you alone.
Why Does Your Ex Want To Be Friends?
Table of Contents
Before we figure out how to tell your ex you don’t want to be friends, it is absolutely imperative that you ask yourself, “Why does my ex want to be friends so badly?” What are the reasons behind their insistence to continue a friendship with you? Why do they want to stay friends with you after the relationship is over? Their intentions behind wanting to be friends matter. An idea about this will help you decide whether it is wise to be friends with your ex or not. Here are a few possible reasons:
- For old time’s sake: One reason could be that your ex might want to bring back the friendship that they shared with you before you two became involved in a romantic relationship. They probably want to become friends with you for old time’s sake
- They still care and want to keep the peace: Even if you both decided to break up, your ex might still want to be there for you through good and bad times, at least as a friend. It’s also possible that they don’t want to keep any bitter feelings. They’re not interested in rekindling the relationship but they don’t want to harbor any hard feelings either
- Hoping for a second chance: In case you made the decision to part ways with your ex, then probably they might try to remain friends with you in order to get another chance with you. It’s also possible that they regret breaking up with you, which is why they’re reaching out hoping you would give them a second chance
- Still in love: Your ex might still be in love with you and, therefore, does not want to break the connection that they shared with you. It’s possible that they still want to be a part of your life because they have not been able to get over you or the relationship they once shared with you
- To get back at you: There might be hidden motives behind the proposal of friendship after breakup. For instance, if your ex has the potential to be vindictive, they might try to ruin your future relationships. They might do this because they want to ‘get back at you’ for breaking their heart. You know your ex best, if you think they have a tendency to do something like this, it’s best to turn them down
Breakups are always hard to deal with. They can have damaging effects on your overall well-being. Ask yourself if you want them back in your life after all the toxic and unpleasant events that happened in the past when you were in a relationship with them.
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Why Being Friends With Your Ex Is Not A Good Idea?
When someone has been such an integral part of your life, it’s only natural that cutting them off completely is bound to hurt. That’s why so many couples try to remain friends even after the relationship fizzles out. It’s a last-ditch effort to retain the familiarity of an old connection in whatever way or form possible.
However, flogging a dead horse is never a good idea and being friends with your ex is just that. Still not convinced? Consider these 5 solid reasons why being friends with your ex is not a good idea before delving deeper into how to tell your ex you don’t want to be friends:
1. It can spoil your memories of the relationship
You and your ex have shared some memorable moments with each other in the past, both good and bad. So it might be better to let those moments remain untouched by not being friends with your ex. You need ample time to get over your ex before you can even think about starting a friendship with them. It is a long arduous process that is not worth the effort in most cases.
2. Moving on becomes harder
Yes, they were important in your life and it’s hard to let go. But you need to move on after a breakup accept that you cannot always have it all. You cannot move forward in life with one foot stuck in the past. Even if you’re completely over any romantic feelings for your ex, your attachment to them can make moving on that much harder.
How can you get them out of your mind and life when you meet and talk to each other regularly, even if your interactions are completely platonic? Who knows, letting them back into your life may bring you to a juncture where you’re left lamenting, “My ex wants to be friends but I want more.” This is why you should know how to reject an ex who wants to be friends with you.
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3. It can impact your future relationships
Your future relationships are likely to suffer because of your friendship with your ex. More often than not, one party gets jealous when the other starts dating or meeting someone new. It’s not easy to stand by and watch when a former partner gives the special place that was once yours to someone else. That’s when things get complicated. Also, not all partners are secure enough to be okay with their spouse being friends with an ex.
4. Unresolved issues
You and your ex might have unresolved issues that led to the breakup, which will eventually rear their ugly head and ruin your friendship. When that happens, the same cycle of bickering, fights and emotional drama will be set into motion. Friendships between exes usually bring a lot more pain and resentment. Why complicate life more than it already is? That’s why you should know how to turn down an ex who wants to be friends.
5. On-again-off-again dynamics
When you and your ex are still a part of each other’s life after breaking up, the likelihood of any residual feelings trapping you in a cycle of an on-again-off-again relationship is high. You may end up sleeping together to process those feelings. Or worse, find yourself at a point where you’re thinking, “My ex wants to be friends but I want more. How do I win him/her back?” Either way, this is bound to leave you both confused and complicate your equation further. Not to mention, the chances of breaking free from this toxic loop and turning over a new leaf in life will become near impossible for you both.
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How To Tell Your Ex You Don’t Want To Be Friends—15 Ways
Being friends with your ex can be tricky, especially if you are trying to move on or have already moved on with someone else. Rekindling a friendship after a romantic alliance has died down essentially requires a lot of maturity from both sides. It would mean that they are in your life in some respect, and it may be hard to manage the relationship dynamics as such.
If you’re caught in the “my ex wants to be friends but I don’t” situation, then stick to this decision and take inspiration from these clever ways to turn him down expediently. You can turn them down politely and with minimum to zero conflict. Here’s how you should tell your ex you don’t want to be friends with them after a breakup:
1. Have a conclusive conversation with your ex
For your mental peace and happiness, it is essential that you have a straightforward conversation with your ex and let them know that there is no logic in being friends. If your ex wants to hang out as friends and you don’t think it’s a good idea, you need to come out and say it, rather than trying to beat about the bush..
The more straightforward and clear you are, the better it’ll be for the both of you. It may seem blunt when you say it but don’t ever feel guilty about turning down your ex. You will be doing them a favor as well. Talking to an ex is not exactly the wisest thing to do.
2. Block your ex on all social media accounts
Is blocking an ex a good idea? Most definitely, yes! Especially if your ex wants to hang out as friends and you don’t. If you’ve told them so and they still keep messaging you on your social media, block them right away. That way they will not be able to contact you in any way whatsoever and will not be able to keep tabs on your life. They are bound to get the message that you want to block them from your life as well. Besides, you won’t have to waste your energy trying to figure out how to tell your ex you don’t want to be friends.
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3. Sever all kinds of communication links with them
If you’re asking yourself, “My ex wants to be friends but I don’t. What should I do?”, one of the simplest solutions is to snap all communication in order to make sure that they don’t get their hopes up. Do not answer their calls, do not reply to their text messages and so on. If possible, block their number as well. It is one of the best ways to say that you do not want to be friends with them anymore. Be firm in turning down your ex.
4. Avoid visiting places where your ex might show up
Even if you block and follow the no contact rule, they might hang around the places you frequent just to run into you and get a chance to talk to you. The chances of that happening are more at the places that you both visited often. So, the best move on your part would be to avoid going to those places altogether, at least until your ex gets over the idea of wanting to be friends. This is another effective tip on how to respond when your ex wants to be friends.
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5. Keep yourself busy
Instead of sitting at home and wondering, “Why does my ex want to be friends so badly?” or “Why is it that my ex keeps trying to be friends with me?”, keep yourself busy and push these thoughts away. Work on your personal and professional life in order to heal yourself and become a better person. The busier you get, the easier it will be for you to ignore your ex.
6. Consider moving to a new place
Yes, this is an extreme measure but may be necessary if your ex has stalker-like tendencies and that leaves you worried about your safety. Or if your ex lives in the same apartment building, locality, or area as you and keeps hassling you with frequent run-ins, then moving out would be a good way to let them know that you are not interested in letting them back into your life. This can also prove effective if you’ve been struggling to figure out how to tell your ex to leave you alone when they won’t take no for an answer.
7. Meet mutual friends only in their absence
Over the years, you tend to make a lot of mutual friends. You can’t let go of these friends just because you broke up. So it’s best that you meet and hang out with them only in the absence of your ex. Tell your mutual friends that you want to avoid meeting your ex and you are not interested in plans that include them, and take a break from being friends with your ex’s friends. This is one of the best ways to handle the situation without creating any unnecessary drama if you’re wondering how to respond when ex wants to meet up.
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8. Break connections with their family
It is possible that during your relationship, you developed a special bond with your ex’s family . But since you both have parted ways, there is no need for you to keep in touch with his family. Break connections with their parents or siblings so that they can get a clear idea that you do not want to be a part of their life any more. You are clear that you don’t want to be friends with your ex. If you are still thinking of how to reject an ex who wants to be friends, then this is an important step in the process.
9. Take a short trip somewhere
If possible, you should take a short trip somewhere to avoid them completely. Go visit a friend or relative. Or take a solo trip. The trip will give you time to get over your ex. Since your ex will not be able to get in touch with you, they might stop pushing you to be friends. That, my friend, is the answer to how to reject your ex like a boss.
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10. Let them know that you have someone new in your life
Wondering how to politely tell an ex to stop contacting you? Well, tell them that you’ve met someone and are turning over a new leaf in your life and would appreciate some space and distance from your ex. Irrespective of whether or not you’re actually dating someone new, this trick can work wonders in getting your ex to back off, especially if they want to be friends in the hope of rekindling the relationship.
11. Avoid being alone with them
Here’s how to reject your ex like a boss—by steering clear of any situation where you end up being alone with them. If you’re going somewhere you think you may run into your ex, ask a friend to accompany you. Not being able to get you alone for a heart-to-heart will make it harder for your ex to broach the topic of being friends. This can also work in your favor if you’re wondering, “I told my ex I don’t want to be friends but they won’t take no for an answer. What should I do?” Well, simply don’t give them a chance to bring it up.
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12. Avoid revisiting old memories and habits
At all costs, avoid revisiting old memories and habits that were a part of the relationship. For instance, doing something that you both did together on a weekend or visiting a particular restaurant on a particular day of the week. If your ex notices that you are doing these things, then they might think you still want something to do with them or even hoping that you may get back together.
They may start making overtures like calling you or asking to meet for coffee. Then you’ll be left wondering how to respond when ex wants to meet up or what to say when your ex wants to talk. Your best bet is to avoid sending out any signals that your ex may misconstrue as an invitation for them to waltz back into your life.
13. Return any souvenirs or belongings of your ex
This is one of the best tips on how to say no to your ex. If you have souvenirs from your relationship that remind you of your ex, or even some of their belongings, pack and return them. This simple gesture is enough to make it clear that you are not interested in having to do anything with them. This is a simple way of sorting your dilemma of, “I don’t want to be friends with my ex, how do I convey this without creating any drama?”
14. Do not get involved in their matters
It is understandable that you may not stop caring about your ex or get over the bond that you shared with them immediately after the breakup. You might even feel tempted to get involved in their matters and help them sort out their life problems like you always did. But you have to avoid this at all costs and focus on emotionally letting go of your former partner to make it clear you do not want them in your life, be it as a friend or something more.
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15. Stay strong
Yes, moving on after a breakup is one of the hardest things to do. You miss your ex, you miss being in love. In these times when you’re emotionally fragile, it can be easy to lose sight of why you parted ways and let your ex back into your life, even if it is as a friend. That’s why it’s important to muster all the strength you can to get through this time. It might take a while but, with a little bit of effort and determination, you will be able to emerge stronger than before.
1. How do you politely decline an ex?
To politely turn down an ex you need to have a direct and clear conversation telling them that while the part of your life you shared with them will always be special to you, you see no sense in continuing being friends. This way you can convey your intent to not be friends without hurting them.
2. Is blocking an ex a good idea?
If you have tried telling your ex that you don’t want to be friends or stay in touch but they’re just not getting it, it’s a good idea to block your ex. In addition to this, blocking an ex can also be helpful if you think you’re susceptible to drunk calling/texting or stalking them on social media.
3. How do you tell an ex you don’t want to meet up?
There is no need to beat around the bush if your ex wants to meet up and you’re not interested. Just tell them so, politely but firmly. You don’t have to explain, justify or defend your decision to not want to meet them. Just tell them that you appreciate that they reached out to you but you’ve moved on in life.
4. Why would an ex want to be friends?
An ex may want to be friends for the sake of old times or because they still care about you and haven’t been able to get over you. If you have the potential to be vindictive, this could also be a ploy to get back at you.
Key Pointers
- Being friends with an ex is tricky. If after careful contemplation, you decide that being friends with an ex is not for you, don’t hesitate to turn them down
- The correct approach to turning down an ex who wants to be friends depends on myriad factors such as the reason for the breakup, your feelings for your ex, your ex’s feelings for you, your respective relationship status
- Your ex may want to be friends for several reasons, ranging from genuine care and affection for you to secret hopes of a reconciliation or even as a means of getting back at you
- Understanding their motives is important in determining how to tell your ex you can’t be friends
- From having a direct conversation about it to cutting off contact and blocking them everywhere, or sending out the message that you’re not interested through subtle actions like avoiding meeting them are some ways you can turn down an ex who wants to be friends with you
Final Thoughts
Dealing with an ex is never easy. Past memories can come back to haunt you and throw you in a cycle of hurt and pain all over again. But you need to make sure that it doesn’t happen, which is why it is imperative that you keep your ex out of your life. We hope these ways can help you drive away your ex, who wants to be friends with you desperately, and give you the opportunity to explore your love life once again peacefully.
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