We read fictional stories about people who are destined to be together. We watch films of couples growing old together and yearn for that perfect romance. It makes us wonder what happens when you meet your soulmate. Do all kinds of bells start ringing when you first seem them? Well, maybe not but there will be some sort of an intuitive indication that will introduce you to your soulmate. Because when you cross paths with your soulmate, you experience an emotional and deep connection with them which is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.
It’s a magical connection written in the stars; it’ll happen when it’s meant to be. But even when soulmates meet, they still have to discover each other, go through the stages of falling in love (lust, attraction, attachment), and they have to work on sustaining the relationship. Then what happens when you meet your soulmate that is so special? To speak in the simplest form, you feel at home. You feel drawn to their charm and personality in a non-codependent way, and you grow together. It’s not pure magic. But it’s close.
How Do You Know Someone Is Your Soulmate? 5 Signs
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A soulmate connection blossoms when you have explored the whole nine yards of yourself and are ready to see a relationship as an opportunity for mutual growth and respect without any power imbalance. James, one of our readers from Springfield, sounded really concerned about not being able to find his perfect match. “What if I have already met my soulmate and didn’t recognize them?” he wondered. To be honest, the odds of that are low.
Can you feel your soulmate before you meet them? Probably not. But when you do meet them, there will be clear signs that you have found your soulmate. It feels like a gush of wind that finally makes you feel alive. They suddenly feel as close as a family member, as understanding as a best friend, and your heart races as if have finally met your lover.
The crazy thing about when you meet your soulmate for the first time is that it will make you feel like you have known them since the beginning of time. To help you on this quest, we have jotted down 5 sure-fire signs for you to know if someone is your soulmate:
1. Your intuition tells you they are your soulmate
Researchers now believe that intuition is more than just a floating feeling for most people. It helps us make faster decisions in a better way and be confident about the choices we make. So, when that strong gut feeling keeps telling you that this person could be your ‘special someone,’ you might want to trust it.
2. There is a telepathic connection
What does it feel like to meet your soulmate? You might feel like there is an effortless connection between the two of you, something that you have never felt with anyone else before in your life. You will feel vulnerable with them, but not in a way that you feel unsafe. They know every part of you, and you just love it.
The overwhelming, profound bonding you experience when you meet your soulmate for the first time is another sign you have found ‘the one.’ Since it is an attachment between two souls, you don’t have to be with them physically to feel their presence. You will observe undeniable signs of telepathic connection with your partner everywhere.
3. They are your comfort zone
They are called your soul’s mate for a reason. When you have finally found them, you will notice the following:
- Simply talking to them can brighten up an otherwise bad day
- The comfort level you have with them, the sense of security, and the inner calmness you experience around them are very new and make you feel happy
- You will notice fewer disagreements and more common ground with this person
- No matter what difficult experiences life puts you through, this person has the magic feather to soothe you
- Everything seems to fall right into place and life becomes easier
4. You find an equal partnership
The best part about stumbling upon your soulmate is that it feels very different from your other relationships. Here, there is no relationship power struggle, no insecurity, just a sacred bond between two equal partners. Yes, there will be fights, but in most cases, it will be a fight FOR the relationship instead of two partners being pitted against each other.
Related Reading: Power Struggle In Relationships – The Right Way To Deal With It
5. You are each other’s biggest cheerleaders
They say when you meet your soulmate or finally have your first encounter with them, one of the biggest things you will feel is that they are always in your corner. Your soul connection is someone who will always push you forward to become the best version of yourself and will want the same things for you which you want for yourself.
The fact that nearly 73% of Americans believe in soulmates (according to the Marist Poll) shows that the majority of us still long for a partnership that has its foundation rooted in a deep connection. That’s exactly what a soulmate connection offers you. As romantic soulmates, you will always find your life partner by your side through thick and thin.
The good thing about finding your natural connection is that they will have your back no matter how adverse a situation you are going through. And when you succeed, they become the happiest person on Earth. You won’t think twice before laying bare your most vulnerable and rawest side to them. In a sweet and supportive way, soulmates challenge each other to explore their highest potential and that’s your cue to identify your partner for life.
13 Incredible Things That Happen When You Meet Your Soulmate
When Olivia turned 29 this year, giving up on love seemed ideal to her. She wanted to let go of the idea that there is one special person for everyone. She had never felt an intense connection with anyone in her life and simply stopped believing that amazing things could happen to her.
Until Mr. Right walked in and changed her perspective toward love and the way of the world. The two started off as best friends and before you know it, they developed a deep connection together, on a soul level. “Now I know what it feels like to fall in love with someone and for things to flow naturally. There is no point waiting around or forcing love. It will come to you,” she told us. To know there is someone who would choose you over anyone or anything else and keep choosing you for the rest of your life is bliss.
But there is no predetermined timeline to meet your soulmate. You can meet them in your 50s and start a fresh chapter. Or it could be your high school sweetheart whom you eventually marry and spend your life with. No matter what age, incredible things will happen when you meet your soulmate, but you have no control over when it might happen. Things you never imagined can happen in a relationship and your personal life – but what are these things? We tell you with this detailed lowdown on what happens when you meet your soulmate:
1. When soulmates meet, you are on top of the world
To experience freedom in a relationship and to be on the top of someone’s priority list – that sentence has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? The day you finally come across your soulmate, you realize it’s more gratifying than you could have ever imagined.
When your soulmate touches you (and we are not talking only about physical touch or physical attraction here), there will be a dopamine rush through your body. Your brain releases oxytocin, or the cuddle hormone as it is called, which gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling. An all-consuming feeling of love gets a grasp over your senses and you fall head over heels for them.
2. With them, things fall right into place
Matthew, a young banker from Newark, tells us his soulmate story, “I have always wondered what will happen when you meet your soulmate. Will they come like a storm and change your life and make you happy? Then I met Sasha, who came into my life, not like a raging storm but a soothing cool breeze. I knew it was not about chaos; meeting your soulmate is about peace and harmony. It’s like the perfectly fitting pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. She is my life partner today, and has completely changed the way I see things. I excelled at my job, became closer to my family, and it seemed everything was happening around me just when it was supposed to be.”
I am sure Matthew’s experience will resonate with you if you have come in touch with the person who could potentially be your soulmate. The journey of life runs through a bumpy road. While it’s never meant to be an adventure with no obstacles, the companionship of your soulmate could make it a lot easier.
Related Reading: 10 Signs From The Universe That Love Is Coming Your Way
3. Aren’t you smiling a little too much?
As we promised, incredible things happen when you meet your soulmate and come across this undeniable connection. You are living with a thousand butterflies in your stomach. No wonder the very thought of this person’s existence makes you all giddy and content. You wish you could breach the distance and be in their arms every second of every day.
They say when you meet your soulmate, it is almost like you feel addicted to them. Well, this is definitely one of those rare addictions that are truly beneficial for your mental health. You are in an everlasting good mood, with that wide grin plastered on your face. So much so that your friends might tease you seeing you so wildly happy. Plus, it’s scientifically proven that the more you smile, the less you stress. So, knowingly or unknowingly, your soulmate makes this world a merrier place for you.
4. You discover a new zeal for life
You know what happens when you meet your soulmate? You have a newfound zest for life which, in turn, makes you a better human being. I mean, have you ever felt so alive before? Every morning, you wake up with a bag full of motivation as if you can take the world and paint it red. All your goals and dreams seem clearer and easily achievable, all because of the presence of your other half.
Since you have this intense desire to do something remarkable and make your soulmate think highly of you, it gives you a a higher level of energy. You feel more confident. And now that you are assured that a loving person has got your back, no task feels daunting anymore. You can shoot for the moon and it won’t scare you for a moment.
5. Communication becomes a cakewalk when you identify your true soulmate
Ah, here comes another trademark sign that you are in close proximity to your soulmate – the spontaneous flow of communication. When you meet your soulmate for the first time, they already come across as a familiar face, as if you have known them forever. It’s like an eternal bond and you just know that you two are meant to be together.
Since they are your perfect match, there is hardly any chance of serious communication issues in your relationship given how seamlessly you can cultivate emotional intimacy in a soulmate relationship. Remember, we talked about a telepathic connection between soulmates? That was not just a romantic anecdote. You can read each other’s minds and talk with your eyes without uttering a single word. Far-fetched as it may sound right now, wait for the right person to show up and you will see it for yourself.
6. The stubborn relationship insecurities vanish slowly
Let me tell you about another healing effect of such a connection in case you are wondering what will happen when you meet your soulmate. The relationship insecurities that you have been fostering all these years will finally begin to crumble in front of the power of love. You will be able to open up about your darkest secrets and innermost emotions and not feel judged. The urge to snoop around to see whether your partner is cheating on you will dissipate, as this new person will aid your personal development.
Meeting your soulmate could be a cure to that crippling fear of abandonment. My friend, Sam, has been a spitting image of Chandler Bing for as long as I’ve known him. He was petrified of commitment, would see love as a way to play games, and sneer at the thought of romantic soulmates. Two years into dating Mo and he is looking for the perfect ring for him. Because that’s what soulmates do, they offer you a safe space and a home you have always been looking for.
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7. Your skin nearly melts when your soulmate touches you
What happens when you meet your soulmate? No, your skin will not actually melt. But you will feel touched by them in a way you have never felt before, making you feel like you have finally met your true love. Didn’t we relate to it when Ellie Goulding once said “Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I’ve got to find”? That’s the kind of passion you experience when your soulmate touches you. Yes, they will set your heart on fire, and at the same time, the closeness will fill you with a relaxing, calm sensation. It may or may not be because of the sexual chemistry.
Your libido notwithstanding, the lovemaking is going to be unforgettable because there is every sign of a spiritual connection between you two. The chemistry will be all the more intense. And the heavenly pleasure you experience won’t be limited to sexual desires or physical satisfaction.
8. You two are good at solving problems
What happens when you meet your soulmate is that with a constant support system by your side, you become extremely proficient in dealing with conflicts (both internal and external). Whether it’s a professional hazard or a financial matter, you get over the stumbling blocks with a lot more ease and finesse. You both are able to deal with conflicts logically and are able to work things out smartly. If you ever fall short on your own, you can always turn to your partner for support.
Many of our readers asked a valid question, “Do romantic soulmates ever fight?” This Reddit user’s answer makes perfect sense, “We disagree and have had arguments where we get mad but we don’t yell or storm off or stop talking to each other when this happens. We talk about it like rational adults and nobody leaves until we solve the problem. He often has to push and prod to actually get me to talk, but in the end, it always works out.”
9. All your other relationships improve
As we talk about the consequences of meeting your soulmate, let’s spend a few minutes on the wholesome impact this person has on your relationships, and your overall personal development. Their way of showing affection and love plants a seed of empathy in you, making you much more considerate toward other people’s emotions. As a matter of fact, a soulmate’s influence can help you fix many broken bonds with most people.
I can vouch for that since I am now capable of nurturing a healthier relationship with my parents, thanks to the love of my life. Earlier, I used to place my parents on a pedestal and expected them to be flawless at all times. Naturally, I misunderstood them, and other family members, on many occasions. It was my soulmate and true love who made me realize that even our parents are regular human beings like us with their own unresolved issues, which lead them to act irrationally at times. So, tell me, do you have a similar story to share?
10. You are ready to go the extra mile for them
It’s your love for them that encourages you to do things you never would have done otherwise. Being in a committed relationship with this person, you are ready to give your all to them. Whether that is trying new things in bed, or moving cities — you are happy to go the extra mile and give new things a shot. You explore new genres of movies and music that they like, you go on adventures that scared you before. Did you ever think you would be able to sit through that tiring documentary on architecture? Yet you did because you wanted to spend time with your soulmate.
You also plan cute surprises and buy their favorite PlayStation just to see a smile on their face. If you think about it, it’s actually a two-way road. Taking a genuine interest in their interests and passions broadens your knowledge and perception too. As long as this effort is mutual between the two of you, you would not get worn of ‘giving.’ That’s what happens when you meet your soulmate.
Related Reading: 12 Clear Signs You Are Infatuated And Not In Love
11. What happens when you meet your soulmate? Your outlook toward love and life changes
Even new friends who are not romantically involved will bring a lot of changes in each other’s lives. So, naturally, when you are romantically involved with someone, they heavily influence your life and your perceptions. With all these feel-good hormones flooding your brain, your entire outlook toward life changes. You become this positive, life-affirming person who finds a silver lining in any distress.
You will be amazed to see the energy and confidence you have acquired because of this effortless connection which has entered your life. You may find that everyday mundane incidents intrigue you now. Your growth and productivity levels will soar. With unconditional love and meaningful gestures of appreciation and gratitude from your soulmate, you will feel more motivated than ever to take good care of yourself and everyone around you. There is no doubt that this person brings out the best in you.
12. There are no secrets between the two of you
Remember those deepest secrets of yours that you thought you could never tell anyone? With this natural connection that you have stumbled upon in your life, you do not need to think twice before revealing something to them. They are your soulmate and your best friend. They could never judge you.
What happens when you meet your soulmate is that there is no place for secrecy or half-truths in your relationship. From day one, your partnership is built on a strong foundation of honesty. A soulmate connection creates such a compassionate, tender, and safe space that the thought of lying to each other never crosses your mind.
Trust issues have no place in a deep soul connection. Ms. Smith, a college professor, married her soulmate 30 springs back. She shares her pearls of wisdom with our readers, “If s/he is truly your soulmate, you wouldn’t have to ask them to prove their loyalty in a committed relationship. Their words and actions will speak for themselves, giving you enough reasons to have faith in your partner’s intentions.”
13. You witness magic in real life!
What happens when you meet your soulmate? Plain magic. Believe it or not, incredible things will happen when you meet your soulmate. Your relationship will flow like a mountain brook. Yes, you will face rough patches like any other romantic couple. But the way you handle the hardship and move past it would be exceptional. Love, affection, respect, support, friendship – you don’t expect to find it all in one person. But with this human, you feel connected on a spiritual level.
If you ever feel the above things in a deep sense with someone, chances are that you have finally met your soulmate. And once you have, there is no looking back.
Key Pointers
- When you find your soulmate, you will be elated at all times and feel like the most important person in the world in your romantic relationship
- Everything in your life will take place seamlessly
- You would find a new zest for life and become a more positive and empathetic person because of your other half
- When you meet your soulmate, you will have an honest, mature relationship based on mutual understanding
- The physical attraction with your soulmate would be intense and you would feel it in a deep sense. You never have to worry about your sexual compatibility with them
Now that you are well-versed in what happens when you meet your soulmate and feel this effortless connection, let’s introduce a realistic aspect to the concept of romantic soulmates. An article published by The Gottman Institute suggests that fate may play a role in connecting you with that special someone, but ultimately, it’s YOU who creates the compatibility to sustain a long-term healthy relationship.
When you meet them, your heart will race. But what comes after and how you work things out between the two of you, is the second phase. And that depends entirely on you and the effort you are willing to put in to make this strong connection last.
This article was updated in June 2023.
There is no age for this. Your soulmate is someone you could have known since you were a child. Or perhaps it is someone you run into after your second divorce.
While one never knows when they will meet their soulmate, the good thing is that you will meet them in your lifetime. And your intuitive sense will be strong enough to not let them go. So stay alert, be honest with yourself, and do not fret. Your soulmate is going to find you.
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